Laila Rihte
Рождение : 1912-04-21, Orimattila, Finland
Смерть : 1985-05-04
Woman outside of courthouse
Sairaanhoitaja (uncredited)
Autobiographical vanity showcase commissioned by Tabe Slioor, a self-made socialite and notorious symbol of loosening morals in early 1960s Finland. The film exploits the scandal she caused as the secret mistress of the mayor of Helsinki. Left unfinished because of her quarrels with the production company, the story relies heavily on her shamelessly narcissistic narration.
Два приятеля, работающие на бензоколонке, решили выдать себя за миллионеров из Техаса и выгодно жениться. Однако после ряда забавных приключений они потерпели крах.
Блестящий дебют Мауно в опере, где он заменяет заболевшего певца. Обладая исключительной музыкальностью и голосом редкой красоты, он делает большие успехи. Его приглашают выступить с песней "Расскажите это ей..." в Хельсинки. Другая героиня Хелена тоже мечтает о музыке, её призвание-скрипка. Но пока это её досуг, потому что тётя Хелены заставляет её учиться на медсестру. Занятия музыкой проходят у того же профессора Косонена, у которого тоже занимается Мауно. Профессор больше занят своим талантливым учеником и Хелена немного ревнует профессора. Мауно-это тот солдат, который спас ей жизнь во время войны. Лишь выступление Мауно по радио с песней "Край мой родимый" напомнит ей военное детство, Хелена узнает в певце военного солдата.
Встречаются они в Хельсинки, на концерте, Хелена аккомпанирует Мауно и находят друг друга, музыка сроднила их.
Sten Lehtoja, a married, middle-aged businessman, picks up a young hitchhiker, Elsie, while driving to his summer home. Elsie spends the night and becomes his mistress. Later during the summer, Elsie also begins an affair with Reino, the teenage son of a local storekeeper. Sten offers to divorce his wife, and Elsie, attracted by the prospect of a secure social position, agrees to marry him when the divorce becomes final. One night when the couple are in bed, Reino climbs a ladder and attempts to force his way into their room; he falls and breaks his neck, and to avoid scandal Sten hides the body. But the strain of guilt ruins the romance, and Elsie contacts the police, who arrest her lover.
Flower Vendor / Member of Touring Theatre
Finnish period comedy set to the times of WW I. Based on a play by Maria Jotuni.
A manager of a company has made an embezzlement just to make the sweet life possible with his lover. An office manager promises to take the blame if the manager promises to behave better.
Альма Скроф - жадная злая старуха. Её муж застрелился в припадке белой горячки. У него была дочь Кирсти, оставшаяся от первого брака. Госпожа Скроф воспитывала Кирсти очень строго, ребёнок был лишён всех радостей детства. И вот миллионерша Скроф погибла. Она отравилась газом при весьма подозрительных обстоятельствах. Расследование поручено комиссару Палму. Подозрение падает на нескольких персонажей, в том числе и на юную Кирсти.
While living separated, Mr. Kaski finds out that her wife has written a book about their marriage. And the book is not very flattering in tone towards Mr. Kaski and his abilities as a man.
A story of a mink coat passing from one owner to another binding their fates.
Mari (uncredited)
В финской женской школе преподаёт вредная молодая училка - по прозвищу «Крыса », которая ненавидит учениц за их любовные интрижки. Однажды, поехав с классом на экскурсию на «необитаемый » остров, училка, волею случая и благодаря мелкопакостности своих учениц, остаётся на острове на несколько дней в компании молодого художника, который решил там уединиться для работы. Через некоторое время в школе должна состояться выставка работ молодого художника, имя которого не так известно публике, как известно вредной училке. При подготовке выставочного зала, среди картин училка с ужасом замечает свой портрет неглиже... Что же будет с её репутацией??? «Крыса » в отчаянии решается на кражу...
Meeting guest (uncredited)
The story of the first elections in Finland
Two Finnish PI:s are hunted by a gang specialized to counterfeit banknotes from Malaga to Finland and Mallorca and back. The counterfeit money printing plates are desperately searched by the gang and our heroes try to hide from them by travelling to Mallorca, where some of the local hoods try to kill them and retake the missing plates.
After the death of his long-time housekeeper, a meticulous assessor has trouble finding a new one.
Pastor Samuel Bro has lost his faith in God. He is in conflict with the Church Council and is rejected from his priesthood. He moves away to a different life.
A wide-eyed doll salesman is mistaken for a bomb-wielding anarchist by the oppressive forces of the totalitarian state.
A Finnish comedy from the 1950's, and a remake of director Valentin Vaala's earlier film The Substitute Husband (1936).
The everyday life of the small village is mixed when a fire breaks out the night after the party. The cooperative manager and fire manager alerts the young judge Heiki to the extinguishing work, but due to the confusion, extinguishing the fire turns out to be more complicated than expected.
Pete and Runt travel to Lapland to hunt the snowman in the hope of a cash reward, and takeJustiina along as a bait.
Niskavuori's Aarne (Arne från Niskavuori) is a Finnish drama film from 1954. It is based on Hella Wuolijoki's play Niskavuori's Bread. In chronological order of the Niskavuori series, the film is the fourth. Aarne has married Ilona and left the house in Niskavuori, which he hosts, where his former wife Martta still lives, while the old mistress is holding the reins. Aarne and Ilona live in Helsinki, but Aarne has not been able to completely break away from Niskavuori, but keeps secretly in touch with the headmaster and gives instructions on the farm management.
Молочница Хилья нравится богатому фермеру. Студент Эйно также пытается ухаживать за ней, однако фермер этим очень недоволен.
The new steward of Siltala ends up falling in love with the beautiful widow of the house. Their romance is endangered by misunderstandings and the fact that the estate of Siltala is swimming in debt. And the new steward isn't quite what he seems to be.
Mrs. Pykälä
Pekka is given the task of renting a summer place, but real estate agent Aadolf Muikku tricks him into buying a villa.
Marja Niittylä
The S/S Vellamo heads to Alexandria with Kaarina, the daughter of the ship's owner Hallerman, on board. As Kaarina trades places with the family's housekeeper Marja, first mate Yrjö takes a liking to Marja whom he believes to be miss Hallerman. Meanwhile Kaarina, pretending to be a member of the cleaning staff, starts getting close with lower ranking officer Kalle Aaltonen.
Ulla Järvinen gets a telegram about the death of her aunt and that she has inherited a manor, but the aunt is very much alive.
Начало знаменитой финской серии фильмов о семействе Нискавуори. Действие происходит в сельском местечке Хяме в 1880-х годах. Главный герой Юхани Нискавуори должен был выбирать между женитьбой ради денег или по-любви. Он влюблён в прекрасную молочницу Мальвину, но его мать предпочитает более выгодную партию в лице богачки Ловийсы…
A romantic comedy about a writer coming back to Finland is bored with the High Society life and starts a modeling job for a young and beautiful painter Ilona. Dressed as a vagabond, he soon starts to please Ilona and her many lady friends as shows quick learning skills and soon shows great knowledge of history, art, and literature.
Anni Vidgren
Woman on Stage
Lillukka Koponen
Pirkko Tujunen
Ellen Berg
Tuulia Kompura
Raili Ilmonen
St.Petersburg, 1830. An arrogant Finnish baron is playing cards with a Russian officer. Needless to say, the Finn wins and the Russian gets extremely annoyed. The situation is not helped by the fact that the baron has been seeing a girl that the Russian officer has also set his eyes on. They decide to have a duel and after the Finn wins fair and square, he has to escape because the untrustworthy Russians are after him.
Kirsti Pohtonen
A Finnish comedy film from 1940. The third in the "Lapatossu" trilogy.
A poet finds a new muse in young woman.
Laila Koskeli
A love story between a taxi driver and a travel guide in the form of a musical.
Raili Saro
Siviä Syrjänen
Elna Kotka
February Manifesto was Yrjö Norta's and Toivo Särkkä's Finnish movie from 1939. It is a Finnish historical drama about developing independency based on book of the writer Mika Waltari. Movie Starring Tauno Palo and Regina Linnanheimo. For it's anti-soviet thematics it was banned in Finland from 1944 to 1987.
Aili Viheroja
Jaana Varavaara
Irja Laurila
Alfred Haaravirta's worries begin, when his longtime housekeeper dies. So Alfred sends a letter to his old friend Matilda and asks her to be his new housekeeper. But Matilda misunderstands the letter to be a proposal of marriage.
Hilkka Kokko / Elli Salo
Young heiress' spendthrift nephew turns her manor into a boarding house for the summer. Suddenly the heiress returns...
Elli Ojala
A documentary or rather a bulletin style movie about Finnish Air Forces in the 1930s.