Otávio Santos


Божественная любовь
Original Music Composer
Бразилия, 2027 год. Люди обращаются к богу через кабинки автомолитв и устраивают в честь всевышнего рейв-вечеринки. Главная героиня фильма, Жоана, консультирует супружеские пары в кризисе, а свободное время посвящает религиозной общине, практикующей крайне радикальный способ сближения супругов.
Neon Bull
Original Music Composer
Iremar works at the rodeo in North East of Brazil. From his home, the truck he uses to transport the animals, he dreams of a future in the region's booming clothing industry.
Biology 101
A College professor finds his life unraveling when a new student joins his class, a student who may or may not be the very subject of his darkest secret. His obsession could kill him and his family.