Hamilton Vaz Pereira

Hamilton Vaz Pereira


Hamilton Vaz Pereira


Aumenta que é Rock'n'Roll
The film tells the story of Luiz Antônio, a clumsy radio presenter who, unexpectedly, finds himself in charge of a bankrupt and falling apart radio station. Relying only on his passion for rock'n'roll and a crazy team, he created one of the most emblematic radio stations in the history of Brazilian rock, Fluminense FM. Between guitar solos and signal interference, we follow the adventures and misadventures of Luiz who, on top of that, falls in love with a married announcer.
Три призрака застряли в доме и преследуют каждого нового жильца, чтобы завершить свою миссию на Земле и перейти в следующую жизнь. Пока пара архитекторов не переезжает в это место и решает отремонтировать его. Однако они обнаруживают, что в доме находился старый концертный зал "Ферво", и сталкиваются с призраками.
Dunas do Barato
Apresentador da Gincana
The 1990s marked the success of the boy-band Chocante. Twenty years later, the group has disbanded and the members took different paths in life. The old colleagues gather for an unexpected event, the death of one of the group members.
Как украсть Кубок
Абсурдно смешная версия похищения Кубка Жюля Риме, произошедшего в Бразилии в 1983 году. В кино похитителем оказался один неудачник, который одним махом попытался решить проблемы с долгами и назойливо хотящей замуж возлюбленной. В реальности судьба национального футбольного трофея осталась до конца не выясненной.
Depois de Tudo
Ney and Marcos share an apartment, the passion for music and for the same girl until time tears them apart. A few years later they meet again reviewing their attitudes, emotions and memories.
Уроки вора
Dr. Emilio
Основанная на реальных событиях история легендарного бразильского мошенника начала XX века «Доктора Антонио». Останавливаясь в самых роскошных отелях Рио-де-Жанейро, герой-одиночка зарабатывает на жизнь, обворовывая номера респектабельных постояльцев, пока однажды не встречает красавицу Еву, знакомство с которой перевернет его судьбу.
A Farra do Circo
This documentary highlights the evolution of Brazil's Circo Voador venue from homespun artists' performance space to national cultural institution.
Memories They Told Me
A group of friends, who resisted the military dictatorship, and their children will face the conflict between the daily life of today and the past when one of them is dying.
São Jerônimo
Brazilian director Julio Bressane directs this religious biography on the life and work of Saint Jerome, the monk who first translated the Bible into Latin. Set both in the desert and in the posh confines of the Vatican, Jerome (Everaldo Pontes) agonizes over which Latin word would best fit its Hebrew counterpart. ~ Jonathan Crow, Rovi
Orfeu is a popular composer from a samba school. He lives in the favela and falls madly in love when he meets Euridice, a newcomer to the neighborhood. But the local drug boss Lucinho stands between them and will drastically change both their lives.
Mil e Uma
Alice faces a lot of trouble to make a film about artist Marcel Duchamp. She randomly chooses musician Antônio for the main part, and ends up having an affair with him. (imdb)
Talking Cinema
Man who performs monologue from "Grande Sertão Veredas"
A fragmented style, patchwork of interviews with Caetano Veloso's friends, mixed with conversations, thoughts, scenes of dance and literature excerpts.