Mike C. Nelson

Mike C. Nelson


Mike C. Nelson


Love and Baseball
A chance meeting sparks love between Will and Michele, but due to poor timing and the reality of life--they strike out twice. If fate gives them another shot--will they hit or miss?
Погребальные байки
Dr Harold Kubler
Девушка проходит собеседование перед приёмом на работу в местном похоронном бюро, и её просят рассказать самые страшные истории. Результатом является сборник из четырёх самых страшных историй, когда-либо рассказанных за четыре десятилетия, начиная с 50-х и вплоть до 80-х годов.
Tex (segment horrific)
Introducing Hellarious: a once-in-a-lifetime feature collection that brings together seven of the most legendary horror comedy shorts ever made. The stories, from some of the world’s best genre filmmakers, feature a hilarious menagerie of zombie wives, amateur satanists, reverse werewolves, cannibal lunch ladies and more -- along with gust-busting gags, gross-outs and gore. Included in Hellarious: Lunch Ladies by Clarissa Jacobson and J.M. Logan, Horrific by Robert Boocheck (ABCs of Death 2), Death Metal by Chris McInroy, Born Again and ‘Til Death by Jason Tostevin and Randall Greenland, Killer Kart by James Feeney, and Bitten by Sarah K. Reimers.
Детектив из школы Бикслер Вэлли
Sheriff Mundy
Подросток Ксандер ДеВитт приезжает в Бикслер Вэлли к своему деду, чтобы найти пропавшего 3 месяца назад отца. Ксандер одиночка, но по воле случая ему приходится работать со своей новой одноклассницей Кензи.
Сокровища Округа Буллиттов
Четверо друзей решают устроить холостяцкую вечеринку в горах и найти закопанный клад, который приводит друзей к жадности.
When two universes collide and create exact duplicates of both people and inanimate objects on a single version of Earth, a hopeless romantic finds himself able to win the heart of his dream girl's double.
Seven Hells
Seven festival-winning shorts. Seven horrifying and hilarious tales of people trapped in their own special hells. The perfect Halloween movie.
A Texas goat rancher must defend his double-wide trailer from a mysterious predator.
The Hitchhiker
A parody of The Twilight Zone, satirizing the tropes of 1960s science fiction from a modern day perspective. In 1959, Nancy Adams, "twenty-something," drives cross-country to Hollywood, pursued by an unrelenting stranger.
Dust Up
Associate Producer
Dust Up is a kick ass action comedy served up by Ward Roberts and starring Amber Benson that will make you laugh, gasp and punch the person you're sitting ...
Dust Up
Dust Up is a kick ass action comedy served up by Ward Roberts and starring Amber Benson that will make you laugh, gasp and punch the person you're sitting ...
Honk If You Miss Randy Todd
Town Drunk
Ben and his girlfriend are catapulted into a bizarre, small town funeral for his uncle, Randy Todd. At the service, Ben is thrown to the wolves when he is forced to referee between Randy's two feuding families.