Delphine Schmit


Love According to Dalva
One evening, Dalva is suddenly taken away from her father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.
11.20 a.m.
Olga, a domestic worker originally from Albania, finds herself in a house she works in downtown Athens, at the right time. Or at the wrong one?
Обыкновенная мать
Семнадцать лет назад Алин потеряла сына — он погиб в драке. Когда виновный в гибели выходит из тюрьмы, женщина встречает его и решает отомстить.
Soul Food
Delegated Producer
Yannis (15) and his mother are moving in at her boyfriend’s apartment. Yannis starts hanging out with Olga (40), a socially secluded hard rock woman who lives in the basement of his apartment building. Simultaneously, he associates with a group of teenagers, the leader of which bullies Olga whenever he sees her.
Associate Producer
Ясин и его два приятеля любой ценой хотят посмотреть фильм «Форсаж 8» в своем пригородном кинотеатре. К несчастью для них, они могут позволить себе только пойти на сеанс в киноклуб. Для Ясина то, что должно было быть уловкой, оборачивается удивительным опытом.
Наши матери
Гватемала, 2018 год. Вся страна следит за судом над офицерами, которые развязали гражданскую войну. Многочисленные жертвы делятся своими показаниями, а молодой антрополог Эрнесто занимается идентификацией пропавших без вести. Эта работа заставляет его вернуться к поискам своего отца, который был партизаном и пропал во время войны.
Tout est vrai (All Is True)
Pablo, Zoe, Thomas and Felix, in their twenties, are attacked at the foot of their tower. Three of them survive. They try as they can to mourn the fourth and start living again.
The Silence of the Dying Fish
Makis works at a fish farm. One morning, as he goes to work, he's told he’s dead… since the day before. After trying in vain to prove he's very much alive, all that remains is to accept the situation and find someone who will take care of his canaries before the funeral.
Les Révoltés
Pavel has a good job in the village factory and is sure to marry Anja, his best friend from childhood. It's written in the Book of Life. But reality doesn't follow books.