Двое закадычных друзей Фред Флинтстоун и Барни Раббл уже много лет работают на каменоломне в Бедроке. Однажды начальство каменоломни решает провести тест среди рабочих, дабы выявить способных работников, которых ждёт повышение, а остальных — просто-напросто уволить. Фред уверен, что не пройдёт этот тест и совсем потерял надежду, однако его добрый друг Барни, жаждущий отблагодарить приятеля за всю помощь, которую тот ему оказывал, незаметно поменял ответы на тест Фреда на свои. После чего Фреда повысили на работе, а Барни уволили. И чем шикарнее со временем становилась жизнь семьи Флинтстоунов, тем меньше крепла дружба Фреда и Барни.
A grown-up Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm decide to get married.
Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales find a treasure map that leads them to a wishing well, which for a penny will grant any wish (through old cartoon footage). Daffy sets up a resort around the well and various Looney Tunes characters have their dreams come true. Meanwhile, Yosemite Sam and the Tasmanian Devil hunt for the varmints who stole their treasure map!
Все начинается с того, что кролик Багз поневоле становится придворным рассказчиком у капризного сына султана Сэма — принца Абадаба. Теперь, чтобы уберечь свой хвост от гнева Сэма, Багзу придется придумать кучу небылиц с участием таких знаменитых героев мультфильмов, как Даффи Дак, Порки Пиг, Сильвестра и Твити, ведьмы Хэйзел и других любимцев Looney Tunes!
Bugs Bunny hosts an award show featuring several classic Looney Tunes shorts and characters. This movie was released in 1981 by Warner Bros. and was produced by Friz Freleng. New footage was one of the final productions done by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises (also known as Marvel Productions beginning in the 1980s) and the film was re-released in the USA on April 28, 2009 from Warner Home Video.
In this feature-length film based on the "Flintstones" TV show, secret agent Rock Slag is injured during a chase in Bedrock. Slag's chief decides to replace the injured Slag with Fred Flintstone, who just happens to look like him. The trip takes Fred to Paris and Rome, which is good for Wilma, Barney, and Betty, but can Fred foil the mysterious Green Goose's evil plan for a destructive missile without letting his wife and friends in on his secret?
Fred works as a department store Santa to pick up some extra holiday cash. He is so successful that the real Santa Claus, who is ill, asks him to take over delivering toys on Christmas Eve. Fred does, but in his rush he forgets to deliver presents to his own house. To his delight, he finds Santa has already taken care of it.
Yogi Bear and his pal Boo Boo are shipped off to the San Diego Zoo by Jellystone National Park's Ranger Smith who is tired of Yogi's "pick-a-nick" basket stealing. Yogi escapes by convincing a bear named Cornpone to switch places with him and go to sunny California and returns to the park. His girlfriend, Cindy, not realizing Yogi has escaped, goes looking for him and is kidnapped by a circus owne
Another in a series of Warner's economy cartoons featuring clips from previous Bugs Bunny-Yosemite Sam cartoons. After Sam is killed in each pursuit, he meets with the devil, who goads him into continuing to chase the bunny. Eventually, Sam balks and, donning a devil's outfit, tells the devil, "If you want him, you can get him yourself! I'm staying!"
Loopy helps Prince Charming find his beloved Cinderella.
Ravenous nephew Bon Bon takes a sheep, and Loopy has trouble returning it to its grouchy watchdog.
Loopy volunteers to be a hunter's hunting dog and at the same time protect the rabbit. By the time the hunting is well, the hunters spots a $50 wolf bounty opportunity.
Loopy meets The Big Bad Wolf of the Little Red Riding Hood story and wants him to be a good wolf.
Loopy unknowingly befriends a scientist who turns into a monster on and off without Loopy knowing that the monster is really him.
Loopy goes to a masquerade party and is mistaken for a guy named "Charlie" in a wolf costume.
Thinking he is not needed by anyone, Loopy joins a space program and participates in tests by going to the moon.
In a take-off of Cinderella, Loopy plays "fairy godmother" to a young woman who is not invited to a ball and wants to see the prince.
Loopy is a zoo wolf and keeps getting blamed for taking a mother's baby by her and the zookeeper.
Loopy assists Snow White and she moves into the house of the Seven Dwarfs who don't trust wolves.
Loopy goes off to save Hansel and Gretel from the witch's gingerbread house, despite their refusal.
Loopy tells a therapist a story of how he tried to fit in as a wolfdog pet.
Loopy tries to give wolf-kind a good reputation, but his efforts get him into multiple beat ups from a watch dog.
Animated industrial movie about the steel industry.
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam duel with trains in an Old West shootout.
Два кота и сомбреро — Хосе и Мануэль — отдыхают на улице кошек Авенида де Гатос и поют веселые кошачьи песни о том, как издеваются над Спиди Гонсалесом (анимационный герой шоу «Луни Тьюнз»). Хосе сообщает товарищу, что Спиди — самая быстрая и неуловимая мышь во всей Мексике. Они должны пустить в ход всю свою смекалку, чтобы поймать его. Коты отправляются в Гвадалахару на поиски Гонсалеса, но что могут они — неудачники из Мехикали — против отважного хвостатого героя… Тогда Мануэль предлагает коварный план по поимке Спиди. На горизонте появляется кузин Гонсалеса — самая медленная мышь во всей Мексике.
The drunken stork loses his baby ape for Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Ape on a jungle island so he knocks out Bugs Bunny and delivers him instead.
Приключения веселого кролика Багса Банни, который вдруг «заделался» рыцарем. Королевство Артура и рыцарей Круглого Стола переживает не лучшие времена, потому что Темный рыцарь похитил Поющий меч и оставил его под надежной защитой огнедышащего дракона. Придворный шут – кролик Багс – замечает, что лишь дураку придет в голову отправиться за мечом в логово дракона, поэтому король отправляет его самого на поиски ценной вещицы. Доблестный-доблестный Багс решительно направляется к замку Темного рыцаря, готовый застать противника врасплох и выполнить волю короля. И все идет хорошо, пока не просыпается дракон.
An absent-minded wolf sets out to catch Bugs for dinner but keeps forgetting what he was heading out to shoot in the first place.
Bugs and Daffy are vaudevillians competing for praise from the audience. They love Bugs no matter what; just the opposite for Daffy.
Bugs Bunny finds that gangsters Rocky and Mugsy have chosen his new abode, a condemned building, as their hideout. Bugs manipulates them into attacking each other to prove that crime doesn't pay.
Короткометражная лента о приключениях кота Сильвестра. В очередной раз кот из «Луни Тьюнз» пытается поймать желтую канарейку, такую недосягаемую и желанную. Но тут появляется застенчивый кот, который зовет себя просто Сэм, и рассказывает герою, что его тяга к поимке птицы — типичное проявление личной слабости. И у Сильвестра существует один выход — избавиться от плохой привычки навсегда. Кот вступает в клуб анонимных птицеедов, чтобы преодолеть свою наркотическую зависимость от птиц. Общество состоит из таких же кошек, которые страдают от нездоровой тяги к птицам. Их девиз: «Птицы только для птиц!».
Three hip, Little Pigs are travelling entertainers, moving from straw to wood, to brick nightclubs, playing swinging tunes for high-class, "with it" crowds, but an uncool Big Bad Wolf keeps intruding on their act with with his "corny horn" and uses it to blow their nightclubs down when they throw him out- until they are playing in their brick club and the Wolf tries a more drastic, explosive method for destroying the "House of Bricks".
Tweety Bird and Granny are at the controls of a tugboat that Sylvester tries unsuccessfully to board.
Sylvester Cat chases Tweety Bird while Tweety narrates. The chase takes them out of the city to the country, straight into a mine field, down a ski slope, and to the middle of a wooden bridge, where Sylvster stupidly saws a hole, with himself in its center.
Sylvester Cat scoffs at his son's idea that a pipe like that of "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" could lure mice into their home to catch. But when Junior tries it and Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo, comes along, Sylvester believes in the power of the pipe and that Hippety is a giant mouse. The usual hijinks ensue, with Sylvester landing at the bottom of a well.
Yosemite Sam, as head of a Roman legion, is ordered by Emperor Nero to find a victim to toss to the lions, or else he'll be the victim. Sam meets up with Bugs Bunny and decides Bugs will make a good victim, but it's Sam and Nero who end up as lion food.
Второй мультфильм о приключениях отважного мышонка, персонажа серии «Луни Тьюнз». События разворачиваются на американо-мексиканской границе, которую охраняет кот Сильвестр. Пытаясь перехитрить его, группа мышей в сомбреро пытается выкрасть сыр из сыроварни. Но все отчаянные смельчаки попадают на обед к коту. Тогда они решают позвать на помощь «Быстрого Гонсалеса». В этот самый момент Спиди Гонсалес находится на карнавале, но услышав о бедственном положении товарищей, спешит на выручку.
Bugs Bunny manages to get himself adopted by kindly Dr. Jekyll, but is surprised when his benefactor turns into the horrible Mr. Hyde after drinking a potion.
To escape a bulldog, Sylvester Cat allows himself to be adopted by a little girl. The little girl turns out to be rougher than the bulldog, though in her case it is entirely out of love.
Parody of "This is Your Life," with Elmer Fudd as the host and Bugs Bunny as the guest of honor, much to the disgust of Daffy Duck. On several occassions, Granny has to whack Daffy over the head to get him to be quiet. Meanwhile, Bugs reminisces with Elmer and Yosemite Sam about their previous encounters (reviewed via footage from past Bugs Bunny cartoons).
Two polite gophers find that their home, a tree, has been cut down and taken away. They find it in a log pile about to be taken inside a processing factory. Following it into there, they become caught in the daunting machinery.
The corporate board has Elmer committed to an asylum because he thinks he's a rabbit. At the sanitarium, Bugs agrees to trade places with Elmer.
Приключенческий мультфильм о вечном противостоянии голодного кота и его жертвы — канарейки. Птичка Твити вместе с хозяйкой, бабулей, отправляется на пляж. Старушка горит желанием примерить новый купальник и собирается провести на солнце целый день. Кот Сильвестр, который рыбачит на пирсе, замечает птичку в клетке и пытается добраться до нее. Но это не просто, поскольку во время прилива вокруг клетки Твити образовалась настоящая водная крепость. Сильвестр придумывает различные ухищрения, чтобы остаться сухим, но достичь цели.
Riff-Raff (Yosemite) Sam, riding a camel that won't whoa, chases Bugs into a French Foreign-Legion post.
A drunken stork comes to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daffy Duck with a bundle of joy, but Daffy wants no part of the delivery and takes extreme measures to keep the stork away.
Elmer Fudd buys a wooden set of drawers not knowing that two polite twin gophers (known as The Goofy Gophers) have claimed the piece of furniture as their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones hear a piano being played in their living room. They automatically assume it is their cat who is making the music, when in fact, the talented one is a mouse whom the cat has forced into being his stooge to make him famous. The cat is showered with media attention and set to play at Carnegie Hall, where he hopes nobody will notice that he is pantomiming the movements with the keys while the mouse is playing his miniature piano inside the full-scale model.
Two cockney canines chase Sylvester Cat into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, where the cat drinks Hyde formula...
When Bugs calls a cab he doesn't know it's the getaway car for a couple of bankrobbers (he does know the capital of Nevada).
Two polite twin gophers are indignant at the swiping of all their vegetables by "vandals" in trucks. They follow the trucks to a food processing plant and become caught in the machinery when they try to retrieve their property.
Bugs will not bend to the threats of the pirate Yosemite Sam.
Sylvester Cat tries to catch Tweety Bird, who is up in a tree in the middle of the city dog pound.
Bugs Bunny faces off against Farmer Fudd's robot.
Rocky the gangster kidnaps Tweety Bird for a million dollar ransom and holes up in an abandoned city building...
The title of this cartoon is a misnomer, because it is in fact Tweety Bird who is the homeless one here, and Sylvester is Granny's pet. Tweety seeks shelter from a blizzard and taps on Granny's house door. Sylvester answers and grabs the canary. He tries to hide Tweety from Granny while evading the attacks of Hector, Granny's bed-ridden bulldog, who wants revenge on Sylvester for his broken leg. Tweety keeps escaping Sylvester's clutches, with Hector's help.
Yosemite Sam hears that Granny has inherited fifty million dollars. Good guy Bugs tries to save Granny from Sam's clutches.
Elmer Fudd, on a fourth of July picnic, throws some of his firecrackers into an ant colony, and the ants declare all-out war on him.
Granny is Tweety Bird's mistress on a farm. She assigns a bulldog named Hector to take care of Tweety while she's away. Sylvester Cat disguises himself as a scarecrow to sneak up on Tweety. Tweety runs into a chicken coop and is protected by a mother hen and an aggressive rooster. Hector, seeing that Tweety is gone and fearing Granny's wrath, paints Sylvester yellow and puts him in Tweety's cage to fool Granny. Tweety returns and makes like a cat since turnabout is fair play.
A drunken stork delivers a baby mouse to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Cat. Sylvester is about to eat the little rodent when it calls him Daddy. Touched, Sylvester adopts the mouse as his son - which, distressingly, attracts every hungry cat in the neighborhood to his door!
Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird are snowbound in a mountain cabin, and though Tweety has lots of bird seed, Sylvester will starve unless he can cook the unsuspecting Tweety. Meanwhile, a starving mouse thinks Sylvester is edible.
Sylvester Cat spots Tweety Bird in a display window of an after-hours department store and sneaks inside through a mail server chute. Tweety flees Sylvester by hiding in a hat pile and a doll house, evades the shots from a rifle Sylvester uses, and escapes in a vacuum tube. Tweety sends a dynamite stick through another tube, and Sylvester swallows it, thinking it is Tweety. The dynamite blows up inside Sylvester after the cat leaves the store and walks down the street.
Sylvester Cat discovers Tweety Bird in a pet store window. Tweety is taken to be delivered by truck to a new owner - Granny. Sylvester chases the delivery truck to Granny's home, where Granny has a huge, fenced-in area for her army of bulldogs. Sylvester makes several unsuccessful attempts to pass the dogs and reach Tweety inside Granny's house.
An elderly mouse tells the bedtime story of Little Red Riding Hood to her grandson, who visualizes the tale in cat-and-mouse terms, with himself as Red and Sylvester as the Big Bad Wolf.
Yosemite Sam (as Chilikoot Sam) tries unsuccessfully to steal gold from Bugs Bunny during the Yukon gold rush.
Bugs is provoked by a pack of foxhounds and their hunters stampeding over his hole, so he gets out his Halloween costume from last year (a fox suit) and sets out to lead the dogs on a merry chase. The stupidest of the dogs, whose objective is to cut a fox's tail off, becomes his main victim; Bugs tricks him into chasing a train instead. He eventually tricks the dog pack into running off a cliff, but the stupid dog ends up with Bugs' tail.
It's Christmas Day in the home of Granny, and her pet cat Sylvester delights at chasing her new Tweety Bird and takes fright at the bulldog unwrapped from under the tree.
Sylvester Cat leaves a trailer in a National Forest Camping Ground to go bird hunting and discovers an egg in a nest. Sylvester decides to sit on the egg to hatch it, and when it hatches, out crawls Tweety Bird! Sylvester chases Tweety into a geyser and down a river in a boat toward a waterfall.
Чтобы бесплатно поесть, Вуди переодевается в девушку, чтобы обмануть билетера Уолли.
Sylvester Cat stows away aboard a seagoing passenger liner to try and catch Tweety Bird, who is guarded by his mistress, Granny. Sylvester becomes seasick and runs to the sickbay for a remedy. Tweety mixes nitro into the medicine before Sylvester drinks it. When Granny hits Sylvester with her broom, he is blown sky-high.
Little Henery the Chicken Hawk wants to trap Foghorn Leghorn for his dinner, and Barnyard Dawg says he will help Henery to catch Foghorn on one condition - that Henery find him a bone. Henery's effort to find the dog a bone involves obtaining cheese for a mouse and a fish for a cat, with Foghorn's help! Once the dog is given his bone, he uses it to knock Foghorn out so that Foghorn can be carried away by Henery on a toy train.
Tweety and Sylvester are Granny's pets in the Spinsters Arms Hotel, where pets aren't allowed.
The Gambling Bug causes gambling fever in anyone he bites. He bites a cat, who becomes eager to play gin-rummy with a bulldog for penalties. Even though he keeps losing and has to endure more and more painful penalties, the cat is compelled by the Gambling Bug's bite to continue playing.
A beany-capped, wise-cracking crow invades a corn field owned by an elderly farmer. The farmer unsuccessfully attempts to kill the crow by using a gun, an axe, and a cannon.
Tweety Bird is shoveling out his nest atop a city pole after a snowstorm and is spotted by Sylvester Cat and a one-eyed orange tabby, who fight over Tweety. Tweety runs into a cellar where he befriends a wooden dunking bird. The two cats then chase Tweety into a park and onto a sheet of ice covering a pond. Tweety cuts a circle around the cats so that they fall into the freezing water and become bedridden with cold.
Sylvester Cat finds that his people have gone on vacation and left him alone in a locked house with a large stash of canned food in a cupboard. Sylvester needs a can opener, or he'll starve. And a pesky mouse has the only can opener in the house and torments Sylvester into trying more and more desperate measures to obtain it.
In 1492, Bugs Bunny sails the ocean blue, as mascot for Christopher Columbus.
Bugs encounters marsupials and an aborigine in Australia's outback.
A circus comes to town featuring Gracie the Fighting Kangaroo and her youngster, Hippety Hopper.
A cat chases a hummingbird and repeatedly stumbles onto the property of a sleepy bulldog, who punishes the cat for each interruption of his slumber.
The Disassociated Press wants Bugs Bunny's life story. Got a pencil? "First," says Bugs, "I was born." He quickly learns he is different from the other children: he's a "rabbit in a human world." He grows up to accept repetitive chorus boy jobs in such Broadway revues as "Girl of the Golden Vest," "Wearing of the Grin" and "Rosie's Cheeks." His career hits the skids and he's living on a park bench before he's discovered by that great vaudeville star, Elmer Fudd. Their dual comedy act is a hit, which leads to film roles. Will Bugs Bunny ever have to look back?
Foundling Beaky Buzzard is adopted by a couple of polite, English sparrows, named Monte and Gwendlyn. When Monte tries to teach lame-brained Beaky to catch a chicken, Beaky's ineptitude results in Monte being repeatedly struck with a mallet and caught in a grenade explosion.
Migrating swallows are making their annual spring return to San Juan Capistrano, and a hungry cat awaits them.
Porky has an adventure in Wackyland while searching for the last Do-Do bird.
Bugs buys the homes of the three little pigs and the wolf starts blowing them down. Of course you know "this means war."
The signs indicate current bounty prices: $50 for a fox, $75 for a bear, only 2 cents for a rabbit. Bugs is insulted.
Porky Pig goes to a marsh on a hunting expedition, accompanied by his dog (who resembles the barnyard dog from the Foghorn Leghorn series), and they bring home a live Daffy Duck. They put Daffy into a freezer to keep him fresh until cooking time, but Daffy keeps jumping out of the freezer to heckle Porky and the dog.
Little Henery the Chicken Hawk wants to prove he's big enough to hunt chickens, but he doesn't know what a chicken is. He labels Foghorn Leghorn a loud-mouthed shnook and dismisses him, prompting Foggy to indignantly try to prove he's a chicken and therefore fit to be Henery's prey.
At Eureka Experimental Hospital, a doctor plans to switch the characteristics of a chicken into the brain and a rabbit, into each other. Bugs Bunny was registered as the experimental rabbit, Number 46.
Bugs is sailing the South Seas when a gorilla mother, desperate for a child, hijacks his barrel and presents Bugs to her husband. Bugs decides to play along, but quickly discovers his new "father" plays a bit rough.
A flea befriends a horsefly, who has hooves like those of a horse, and rides the horsefly into the hair of a dog. The flea chops down strands of the dog's hair to use as "logs" with which to build a cabin, unaware that the dog's coat is the sacred territory of a tribe of Indian fleas, who declare war on the interlopers. The Indians capture and are about to burn the flea and the horsefly when the dog jolts in pain from the fire. The flea and the horsefly free themselves and flee the Indians through the hairs on the dog's carcass.
Daffy Duck, hoping to avoid flying south by finding a sucker who will let him stay, ends up at the house of a mad scientist and his dog, Leopold.
Babbit hypnotizies Catsello, despite his efforts to resist, into believing he's Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Jimmy Durante, then a chicken, and finally a dog, who he sics on the cat. The cat hypnotizes him back. Finally, Catstello hypnotizes both of them into cowboy and horse, leaving him alone to enjoy the deli they live in.
Elmer Fudd walks out of a typical Bugs cartoon, so Bugs gets back at him by disturbing Elmer's sleep using "nightmare paint."
Семейная комедия о приключениях маленького ястреба и его семьи. Несмотря на то, что крошка-ястреб Генри Хоук строит из себя крутого парня, он не может похвастаться тем, что когда-нибудь украл цыпленка и полакомился им. Признавая это, отец Хоук ведет сына на охоту. Но на пути к Генри встает грозный петух, который не намерен давать своих цыплят в обиду. Более того, петух объединяет усилия со своим заклятым врагом — сторожевым псом. У Генри мало шансов выйти победителем, но он уверен в своих силах.
While reading his favorite comic book, Daffy accidentally knocks himself unconscious and dreams he's Duck Twacy, famous detective, trying to solve the case of the missing piggy banks. Taking a streetcar (conducted by Porky Pig, in a non-speaking cameo role) to the gangsters' hideout, he meets up with such grotesque criminals as Pickle Puss, Eighty-Eight Teeth and Neon Noodle.
When the circus arrives they put the lion's cage right over Bugs' rabbit hole.
Porky Pig is hot on the trail of a vandal painting mustaches on signs everywhere (Daffy Duck).
Elmer Fudd is an amateur scientist who wants to turn Bugs Bunny into a fiend. Bugs tricks this ersatz Dr. Jekyll into drinking his own mixture; later, each thinks the other has changed into a bear.
As the baby boom commences, and with the delivery service overworked, Porky and Daffy are placed in charge of a baby factory, where they help the stork keep up... until an unidentified egg comes off the assembly line.
A secluded bookstore comes to life in madcap, pop culture reference-heavy fashion.
A doting father gives a cute little duckling to his little daughter. That duckling grows up to become Daffy Duck, who soon develops quite a night life, which he loudly explains at breakfast, in the process of eating everything in sight. When the exasperated father's attempts at violently removing Daffy fail, he tries one final measure to drive Daffy away...
Babitt and Catstello return; their goal: steal the cheese the cat is guarding.
Two cats (one a caricature of Jimmy Durante) battle violently for the affections of a pretty girl cat, who'll dispense her favors on the one who brings her a little bird. Unfortunately for the lovestruck felines, the bird in question is a vicious little thing named Tweety.
A duck struggles mightily and finally hatches her eggs in the bitter cold. All but one, that is: poor little Robespierre. Mama doesn't notice him missing until after he has sprouted legs and run off in search of warmth.
Daffy Duck is a message courier bird delivering a military secret that a femme fatale Nazi spy is determined to get.
Tweety is set upon by a fat, jowly cat, who winds up with, among other things, a dozen eggs and a gallon of gasoline in his mouth instead of the little bird.
Яичная ферма Поросенка Порки сталкивается с производственными проблемами, когда пение петуха отвлекает кур от работы.
Porky and Daffy are workers at an aircraft company and are chronically late. Why? Because they have a great deal of trouble getting to sleep, between the noisy cats, the full moon shining insistently, and the sudden rain shower (and leak in the roof).
Woman wonders why her little pet birds keep disappearing. Rudolph the cat knows, but other than burping feathers, he's not saying. But it looks like he's met his match when the woman orders another bird from the pet shop: a little yellow canary named "Petey".
Relaxing with a carrot at a U.S. Army air field, Bugs is reading "Victory Through Hare Power" and scoffs at the notion of mentioned gremlins, little creatures who wreak havoc on planes with their diabolical sabotage.
An exceedingly mild-mannered man is sent out to kill a duck for dinner by his wife. Unfortunately for him, he picks Daffy Duck as his victim. The two face off and do battle for the remainder of the cartoon.
Bugs challenges Cecil Turtle to race, only this time he's wearing an aerodynamic suit like Cecil's. Unfortunately, the gambling ring has bet everything on the rabbit, and Bugs now looks like a tortoise.
Spoof of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) with an all-black cartoon cast.
Two alley cats, Babbitt and Catsello, decide to make a meal out of Orson as he sleeps in his nest atop a telephone pole. The gullible (and loud) Catsello is repeatedly gulled into trying to "get the bird," earning a variety of thrashings from the casually murderous little canary. Catsello finally resorts to an air strike (with a pair of wooden boards for wings), but it's wartime, and Orson has the cat blasted out of the sky by anti-aircraft guns.
A cat-about-town fancies himself such an irresitible "hunk" he momentarily resembles Victor Mature. His wooing of a cute kitten gets derailed by a prankster dog using a cat hand puppet to trap him.
Mama Buzzard wants her children to learn to bring back meat for dinner. One buzzardling is shy and has to be kicked out of the nest. He's told to at least bring back a rabbit.
The lovably rambunctious rabbit takes center stage in this collection of cartoon capers gathered from digitally remastered footage. Hopscotching from one outlandish adventure to the next, the brash bunny wisecracks his way through "Wailroad Wabbit," "This Hare's Fresh," "Ham Nite," "Bleak Beak," "Bugs, Bugs Go Away!" "Sport Legends," "Funny Fables," "I Go for Spinach," "The Wabbit's Wacky," "The Termitenator" and "Popeye the Plumber Man."
The Wacky Wabbit is a Warner Bros. cartoon in the Merrie Melodies series. It was released on May 2, 1942. It was directed by Robert Clampett. It stars Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd (both are voiced by Mel Blanc and Arthur Q. Bryan).
A dog named Rover explains to a black, down-on-his-luck shaggy dog named Andy how he got his master. He went into a hotel room and bothered someone taking a bath--Porky Pig. Porky doesn't want Rover as a pet, no matter how many times Rover tries to make Porky adopt him.
Mrs. Duck sues Daffy for divorce in Judge Porky Pig's courtroom, charging her husband with losing their egg in an abortive magic trick.
Random gags around military life, set on an army base. A bugler uses a jukebox to play reveille. In formation, one private has a great deal of trouble remembering what comes after "3"; after he gets it, he decides not to go for the $32 question. In the mess hall, the machine gunners machine gun their food while the bombers catch falling biscuits. The infantry marches for miles - past a "next time, take the train" billboard.
Porky checks into a hospital with a tummyache; he has the bad luck to encounter a patient posing a "Dr. Chilled-Air" who is a bit too eager to operate.
Porky Pig inhabits an igloo in the Arctic, where he beds with a covering a several live, furry polar bears, bathes in a shower whose water instantly freezes into long icicles, and dances in the ice and snow with the native fauna. When a greedy fur trapper named I. Killem arrives to threaten Porky's walrus, bear, and seal friends, Porky acts to repel the trapper by firing a musket which spits out buckshot and explosives. Killem flees in what he thinks is a kayak but is actually a whale.
Porky Pig goes on a hunt to catch the surreal elusive last Do-Do bird.
Popeye drives up to take Olive for a ride, but Bluto in his much fancier car does what he can to spoil their jaunt.