Bo Polak


Sing Song
Line Producer
The musical adventure of the 16-year-old Jasmine who goes to Suriname to attend a song contest, but secretly is looking for her mother.
Production Manager
Sam starts working at Spoetnik, a clandestine chips stand named after its specialty. Right across the street is a brothel with an alluring girl who evidently needs Sam’s help.
Line Producer
Маджид является талантливым кикбоксером. Его боевая доблесть приносит ему известность как на ринге, так и вне его. Но постепенно граница между кикбоксингом и преступной деятельностью начинает размываться, и Маджид перестает понимать, чего же он хочет на самом деле…
Joy Meal
Gorgeous Anna entices Jack, whom she does not know, into a remarkable game in a hamburger joint. Jack and Anna challenge each other by devouring their JoyMeal menu as sensually as possible. But before Jack reaches a climax, his French fries are finished.