Rolf Wanka
Рождение : 1901-02-14, Vienna, Austria-Hungary
Смерть : 1982-11-28
Art Dealer
Профессор-экономист жаждет власти и денег. Для осуществления своей цели он составил изощреннейший план убийства четырех человек, по которому эти люди сами убивают друг друга. Причём профессору, для реализации задуманного, даже не понадобиться покидать свой дом.
This movie chronicles several pregnant women on their quest to have an abortion. Some got pregnant by accident, others were raped. Sure to offend anti-abortionists, pro-lifers, feminists and chauvinists alike. The portions of the movie that deal with European folk remedies to pregnancy are especially interesting.
Dr. Frischauer
Vienna: Wedding dreams draw Adrian, the rich son of a Hamburg merchant dynasty, to Vienna. His chosen one is a countess whose parents pretend to be rich but are in fact desperately poor. The meticulously planned wedding intrigue culminates in a duel to which Adrian is challenged by his bride's brother. Adrian is shot and left dying to the vultures, but is fortunately found by Josefine and her friend Zenzi. With their charm, the two whores persuade a doctor to operate the bullet out of the unknown man's chest and nurse him back to health. Especially the erotic stories Josephine told Adrian to keep him alive after the operation fascinated the latter. And he develops a plan to take revenge on the family of his chosen one. Adrian decides to introduce Josephine and Zenzi to the finest Viennese society
Professor Dr. Schrötter
A comedy directed by Rudolf Lubowski.
Three murdered prostitutes, a perplexed commissioner, a trap for the killer and good atmosphere in the Apollo nightclub.
Generaloberst Rendulic
Dr.Carl Halek
Aliens attempt to take over the Earth by taking over the bodies of humans at the moment of their death, and using them as tools for their invasion plans.
Prinz Walefski
The King
После завершения своих путешествий Синдбад-мореход и его сердечная команда вернулись домой, чтобы найти дворец после государственного переворота и его родной город управляется жестоким диктатором, которого играет Педро Арменданис. У него есть проекты на красивой молодой принцессе, Хайди Брул, похожей и политической.
Warwick Wilson
älterer Herr
Count Waldau Sr.
Действие фильма происходит в начале XIX века во время знаменитого Венского конгресса, организованного при участии русского императора Александра I.
Прекрасная белошвейка Фанни состоит в интимной связи с секретарем Меттерниха, Мартином, и благодаря ему попадает на бал в честь открытия конгресса. Русский царь замечает прекрасную венку и на следующий день посещает ее.
Полиция доносит императору, что Фанни — шпионка Наполеона. Так простая девушка вовлекается в сложные международные интриги и ведет себя настолько ловко, что царь жалует ей титул графини. Таким образом, устраняется последнее препятствие на пути ее брака с Мартином.
Senor Ravella
Claires Gatten VII-IX
An enormously wealthy woman returns to her hometown with a dreadful bargain: She wants the townspeople to kill the man who jilted her in exchange for enough money to revitalize the town.
A priest falls in love with a rich man's daughter.
Dreams, hopes and passions of the inhabitants of a populous and humble tenement in Madrid. Among them, an inventor who invents always what is already invented, a composer, a hostess, a locksmith, a delivery of a pastry ...
Specialized in arranging weddings, Federico arranges marriage by proxy between Ana and Juan, two friends of his who do not know each other. Juan arrives by plane to Spain after spending ten years of safari in Africa, hoping to meet his wife, who arrives the same day from Buenos Aires. At the airport, Fernando receives him and they go to the bar to wait for Ana. But everything starts badly, because during the wait Juan drinks too much and gets drunk. When Ana arrives, she is displeased to meet her husband in such condition. Then Fernando takes them to a hotel for newlyweds where they meet other happy couples and where a peculiar honeymoon begins.
Ernö, Zigeunerprimas
Spanish right-wingers equally devoted to Catholic religion and Franco dictatorship, go soldiering as volunteers with the Germans when these started hostilities against Russia (1943), then under the Soviet regime. They lose, mostly are imprisoned, and will suffer eleven years in captivity - keeping their faith and their dignity. Written by Artemis-9
A love triangle drama set in the Balkan mountains where local man and foreigner fight for woman's love.
After years of detachment Alberto Valli returns to the home of Margherita, his widowed mother, with his mistress Germaine.
Rittmeister Graf Daun
Gino Ferro
По сюжету фильма на гастролях, где-то в Италии, известный немецкий эстрадный певец теряет голос. Все билеты на концерты давно проданы. Кто-то из окружения «Звезды» находит молодого местного парня, который ходил в этом городе по дворам и пел очень похожим голосом. В дальнейшем звезда эстрады на сцене, стоя перед микрофоном, только открывал рот, а никому не известный уличный певец пел за него, стоя перед микрофоном, за кулисами. В конце фильма голос у «звезды» восстанавливается, и он начинает петь самостоятельно соло и в дуэте с молодым певцом.
Franz Schober
Биографический фильм о великом австрийском композиторе Франце Шуберте (1797-1828). За свою жизнь он не нашел признания и добился успеха только благодаря исполнению одной из своих композиций незадолго до своей смерти - ему был тогда 31 год. Он умер через год после Людвига ван Бетховена, которым он восхищался. Вся его жизнь была одним великим мучением: болезнь, бедность и несчастная любовь. Терезе, которая также любила его, было категорически запрещено жениться на этом бедном человеке.
Major Graf Eggern
An incredibly popular stage performer unknowingly falls madly in love with the lone critic that savaged her performance in the press.
General Rodenbusch (as R. Wanka)
Actor becomes Hitler's valet, murders him, takes his place and ruins Nazi Germany's war efforts.
Ulrich Kürenberg
Baron von Burghammer
Careless Fritzi, the wife of a much older professor, has secretly been meeting with the unmarried Baron von Burghammer. Fritzi's husband finds out about the affair. Leoni, Fritzi's sister, pretends to be Burghammer's lover to spare her sister. Burghammer then falls head over heels for the brave woman.
Dr. Peter Kirchner
Peter and Paul are old friends who happen to meet again. Both are dentists and both want to get married the next day.
Dr. Sascha Wendt
Vienna during the fin de siecle. Farmer's daughter Anuschka has to sell the farm after her father's death to the rich but mean farmer's wife Nowarek and her friendly son Jaro. Anuschka goes to Vienna and starts to work as a housemaid until she is wrongly accused of theft.
Georg Bartenberg
Martin Förchinger
Dr. Goll
von Schlieden
The scene of action embraces Tangier, Toulon and the Mediterranean, where Pierre Fresnay, Rolf Wanka and Kim Peacock, cast as captains of French, German and English boats, respectively, unite to rescue the passengers of a neutral boat that is about to be engulfed in a cloud of poison smoke released by a smuggling ship.
Peter Danner
Dr. Felix Hübner
A dashing but mysterious man saves a gambler from suicide, crashes the posh party of a prominent industrialist, falls in love with his daughter, and finds himself in a web of intrigue revolving around her blackmailing fiance and a gang of counterfeiters.
Dr. Petr Tumlíř
Pavel Toman
Hubert Kersten - Modeschöpfer
Ing. Marek
Vojtěch Dvorecký
Professor Strom
Film by Robert Land.
Lexa Hora
Mirko Rolín
Dr. Victor Franke - Rechtsanwalt
Jiří Hron
Kurt von Herdegen
Knox owns half of the Circus Saran and acts as a clown there. He hides his circus life from his daughter and is very embarrassed when his daughter finds out his true profession. Hans Moser, who plays Knox, performs poorly, because the character he plays is simply not funny. Leo Slezak, who owns the other half of the circus, as well as Pat and Patachon perform better. The only really good thing about this film is its music, composed by Robert Stolz; especially the song "Ein bisschen Sing-Sang und gute Kameradschaft" , which can be heard throughout the movie.
Peter Bard
Hans Binder
Peter, sein Sohn
A Hungarian squire and his son compete for the favour of an operetta diva; the younger makes the running. - Unplausible mistakes, small intrigues and a lot of love in an old-fashioned musical comedy with proven comedians.
Anton Rabeling
MUC. Václav Zdeborský