Moa Batsow

Moa Batsow


Moa Batsow


Rudder of Destiny
Art Direction
Two women, long-time friends, embark on a love story. They are writers who do not write to publish but for themselves. Their mutual conversation, their desires, the risks and phantoms of existence, the privilege of the wounded and of condemnation, traverse their speech, are a confession.
Капиту и Глава
Art Direction
На первый взгляд кажется, что представители буржуазии Бентиньо и Капиту счастливы в браке. Однако чем дольше мы наблюдаем за героями, тем яснее становится, что их чувства друг к другу отравляет ревность. Семейная драма постоянно перемежается причудливыми образами, сновидениями и, в частности, рассуждениями о бразильской культуре и поэзии.
Seduction of the Flesh
Art Direction
A delicate and tenacious writer, widowed three years ago, engages in frequent conversations with a parrot. However, she’s always observed by a large portion of raw meat.
Canastra Suja
Associate Producer
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and Maria, who has an affair with her eldest daughter's boyfriend, Emilia, represents a family on the edge of the ruins.
Canastra Suja
Art Direction
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and Maria, who has an affair with her eldest daughter's boyfriend, Emilia, represents a family on the edge of the ruins.
The Mayor
Art Direction
The mayor of the city of Rio de Janeiro wants to go down in history. For this purpose, he decides to separate Rio from Brazil and create a new country.
Art Direction
Inspired by Jorge Luis Borges’ The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan, Garoto follows a young couple who find themselves in an enchanted place where they experience an amorous and spiritual adventure.
Origin of the World
This fantastic documentary seeks to rescue the Brazilian prehistoric records through popular culture, folklore and legends connected to it. A look at the origin of Brazilian history led by real characters, elders of Brazil’s interior, who keep the myths that have been passed down for centuries in small social groups. With texts by Bernardo Silva Ramos, one of the pioneers in the discovery and interpretation of rock art.
Origin of the World
This fantastic documentary seeks to rescue the Brazilian prehistoric records through popular culture, folklore and legends connected to it. A look at the origin of Brazilian history led by real characters, elders of Brazil’s interior, who keep the myths that have been passed down for centuries in small social groups. With texts by Bernardo Silva Ramos, one of the pioneers in the discovery and interpretation of rock art.
Origin of the World
This fantastic documentary seeks to rescue the Brazilian prehistoric records through popular culture, folklore and legends connected to it. A look at the origin of Brazilian history led by real characters, elders of Brazil’s interior, who keep the myths that have been passed down for centuries in small social groups. With texts by Bernardo Silva Ramos, one of the pioneers in the discovery and interpretation of rock art.
Love Film Festival
Associate Producer
Filmed over six years in four countries: Portugal, Brazil, Colombia and United States, this romantic drama tells the story of Luzia, a Brazilian screenwriter, and Adrian, a Colombian actor, that fall in love during a film festival in 2009 and will live a fragmented love story while competing in different film festivals around the world.
Love Film Festival
Art Direction
Filmed over six years in four countries: Portugal, Brazil, Colombia and United States, this romantic drama tells the story of Luzia, a Brazilian screenwriter, and Adrian, a Colombian actor, that fall in love during a film festival in 2009 and will live a fragmented love story while competing in different film festivals around the world.
Meu Nome é Dindi
Art Direction
Meu Nome é Dindi shows the movement of time over a young woman who owns a small marketplace near bankruptcy and fights for survival.
Production Design
The great battles are the backdrop for the unfolding of the Egyptian Queen's personal life. The strategy of Cleopatra is to seduce the Roman General Julius Caesar and Mark Antony to protect their civilization.
Ver Viver Reviver
Camera Operator
In September 2007 Júlio Bressane goes to Ferrara. In the cemetery of the Italian city he ends up making two movies.
Art Direction
A man shaves under the watchful eye of a cat. His beard becomes a cat and the cat a beard. The film merges the two concepts of chimera: as a noun, it is the result of imagination that tends not to come true; in Greek mythology, a figure with the hybrid appearance of two or more animals.
Фильм о любви
Art Direction
Трое друзей - Матильда, Гаспар и Хильда, обычные люди из предместья Рио-де-Жанейро, проводят вместе уик-энд. Они собираются в заброшенной квартире, чтобы выпить, пофилософствовать на тему любви и заняться сексом. Немудреный сюжет, из которого рождается мелодия любви…
Veja Bem
Production Director