Гиперкинетический, жизненный, стилизованный, антикапиталистический фильм о голодающих детях дна, для кого наивысшей целью становится обилие секса и наркотиков. Карлики, сутенеры, инвалиды-рэпперы, американец-педофил, малолетний проститут, геи и прочие обитатели славного района не оставят зрителей равнодушными.
German Employer
Four women named Res (Candy), Gay (Pokwang), Dolly (Eugene) and Brite (Ruffa Mae) who swore to be friends forever, become domestic helpers when they go over to another country. However, Res is beaten to death by her employers (Vice Ganda and Rychard Everly), making the other three worry because her husband gave her one condition if she comes with her friends: that she comes home safe, sound and alive. Brite, Gay and Dolly decide to bring their dead friend Res home.