Farah María


Green Green
The first gay-themed film produced in Cuba by the Institute of Cinema since Strawberry & Chocolate in 1993. The theme, however, is the same as in Guttiérerez and Tabìo's film: homophobia, machismo and fear. The fatal attraction between Alfredo, a doctor in the merchant navy, and handsome Carlos starts in a rundown Havana bar and ends at the sailor's house. But Alfredo's flirting and seducing of Carlos immediately turns into something complicated, ambiguous, dangerous. In a claustrophobic, tense atmosphere, their bodies are powerfully attracted, and the words, though violent, intensify the level of sensuality. Does each man kill the thing he loves? Evoking dreamlike atmospheres and characters, 80-year-old veteran director Enrique Pineda Barnet openly references Fassbinder's Querelle and Jean Genet. Quite controversial in its approach, the films demonstrates the milder attitude of Raul Castro's regime towards Cuba's LGBT Community.
Всадник без головы
Широкоформатный приключенческий фильм по мотивам одноимённого романа Томаса Майн Рида. События происходят в 1850 году в США в Техасе. Дочь богатого плантатора Пойнтдекстера, хозяина гасиенды Каса-дель-Корво, — Луиза, влюбилась в бедного мустангера Джеральда Мориса. В ночь, когда произошло их тайное свидание, пропал её брат Генри. Подозрение в убийстве падает на Джеральда, которого нашли в крови, со следами борьбы на теле и в одежде Генри. Ещё минута и разьярённая толпа линчевала бы Джеральда, но тут появляется таинственный Всадник без головы…
CIPLAK centers around Jo, a Malay student studying overseas who brings in pirated DVD's from Malaysia back to the UK to sell on the black market. But when KL is hit with a nationwide piracy raid on his last day in the country Jo has to do whatever it takes in 24 hours or suffer the consequences.