Domingo A. Rodriguez


Бей в барабан медленно
Costume Design
История дружбы двух профессиональных бейсболистов: «звездного» Генри Уиггена и обычного кэтчера Брюса Пирсона. Во время межсезонья Брюс узнает, что неизлечимо болен, и Генри вместе с товарищами по команде пытается сделать все возможное, чтобы грядущий (последний) сезон стал для Брюса незабываемым.
Ночь темных теней
Costume Design
Художник Квентин и его молодая супруга Трэйси заселяются в старый особняк, в котором вскоре начинает ощущаться присутствие потусторонних существ во главе с призраком далёкого предка Квентина, выглядящего точь-в-точь как он сам.
The Angel Levine
Costume Design
Morris Mishkin is a elderly religious Jew in New York. His wife Fanny is very ill. He's a tailor, but he can't work because his back has given out. He doesn't even have enough money for Fanny's medicine. Finally, a black fellow appears from nowhere in the Mishkin kitchen. He says he's an angel from God, sent to help Mishkin. The black angel is even Jewish, named Alex Levine? But will Morris believe in the angel? And can the angel perform the miracle that he promises?
The Landlord
Costume Design
At the age of twenty-nine, Elgar Enders "runs away" from home. This running away consists of buying a building in a black ghetto in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn. Initially, his intention is to evict the black tenants and convert the building into a posh flat. But Elgar is not one to be bound by yesterday's urges, and soon he has other thoughts on his mind.
Mickey One
Costume Design
A former comic is on the run from the mob.