Robert Ralphy


Аннет и блондинка
Аннет, 17-летняя девочка, безумно влюблена в адвоката Мориса Усарда. К сожалению, сорокалетний адвокат занят богатой американкой. Аннетт делает всё, чтобы завоевать его, до того дня, когда её родители познакомят её с молодым человеком, отец которого знал отца Аннетт.
Французский исторический криминальный фильм 1939 года режиссера Жака Даруа с Андре Брюле , Надин Фогель и Рене Ферте в главных ролях. Фильм основан на воспоминаниях Эжена Франсуа Видока . Видок был преступником в Париже девятнадцатого века,который перешел на другую сторону и стал ведущим сыщиком.
Beautiful Star
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
Bargekeepers Daughter
A dignitary of Silistrie (uncredited)
Prince Sacha studies in Paris and cares more for Marianne than about Silistrie, the country his family was exiled from. But Chautard, a French financier, who has business there (the country is rich in oil), wouldn't mind a little political stability. So why not restore the ancient royal family to the throne? But is Prince Sacha up to his role ? And will Marianne make a suitable princess?
The Train for Venice
A beggar
Discovering his wife's relationship with a middle-class snob, a husband tries his best to break this relationship by the seducer himself and ends up leaving with his wife for another wedding night in Venice.
Les gaietés de l'exposition
Set against the backdrop of the 1937 Paris Exposition, a mistaken identity plot where a travel agent from Morocco is confused by the French police with a dangerous swindler.
Nights of Princes
No overviwe found
Nights of Fire
19th Century Russia. State prosecutor Fedor Andreiev is presiding over the trial of a man who murdered his wife's lover. Despite a robust defence from the brilliant young lawyer Serge Rostoff, the accused man is found guilty and will be deported to Siberia. Having spoken to the condemned man, Fedor Andreiev sees a disturbing parallel with his own life...
La reine des resquilleuses
A young unemployed girl pretends to be a boy and gets a job as a car washer.
Wolves Between Them
A Nazi spy has stolen a gas mask filter of formidable efficiency in Paris. Two agents from the 2nd office have the task of going to take him back to Berlin.
Славная компания
Un locataire
Пять бедняков выигрывают в лотерею и решает открыть придорожную закусочную около реки Марна. Но благие намерения этой славной компании разрушает неизменные «спутники» Человека – слабости и пороки...
Pluie d'or
Abandoned kids are taken in by a rather sleazy character who owns a shoe store and practices wear. The children grow up, the man dies and leaves them his fortune The heirs who only got the store, watch over them, which forces them to lead a double life.
A young supervisor is expelled from his high school after misleading his students during an outing. He made his fortune and basked on the Côte d'Azur. A young maid comes to his aid before he loses everything. She reveals to him that she is in fact a successful novelist.
The Pont-Biquet Family
The family Pont-Biquet is composed as follows: father, the judge, afflicted by deafness; authoritarian and irascible mother; funny son-in-law; an ingenious son who has a mistress.
L'heureuse aventure
A problem forces a plane carrying passengers bound for the Far East to land on a desert island. Couples forms and they are happy. They are finally located, rescued and repatriated. A few months of 'civilization' are enough to pit them against each other. Then they decide to return to their paradise lost.
Le chéri de sa concierge
The young Eugène Crochard, whom his entourage believes to be a billionaire following a joke published in a newspaper, is pursued by a cohort of people including his very pretty concierge. Really become very rich, he will end up being loved by the young girl he was secretly in love with. He will become the darling of his concierge.
A Woman at the Wheel
A young sportsman, heir to a tyre manufacturers wants to end the rivalry between his father's company and their main rival, by marrying the daughter of the rival family.
Garrison's Paramour
Philémon, a wealthy dilettante, is going to do his military service in the provinces under the authority of a colonel friend of his father. Lucien, a lieutenant and Jeanne, the colonel's daughter, are secretly in love with each other; but the colonel plans for his daughter a marriage with Philemon. In the meantime, Folette de Saint-Pageot, a coquette, arrives in the village to claim money from the colonel, while also coveting that of Philémon. To protect himself, the colonel makes Folette pass for Lucien's fiancée. Out of spite, Jeanne decides to marry Philémon. They all find themselves in Folette's room, where they have a frank explanation which clarifies all their links. The lieutenant will marry Jeanne, and Folette will be maintained by Philémon.