Tom Tyler

Tom Tyler

Рождение : 1903-08-09, Port Henry, New York, USA

Смерть : 1954-05-03


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Tom Tyler (August 9, 1903 – May 1, 1954) was an American actor in silent and sound motion pictures, best known for his portrayal of superhero Captain Marvel in the acclaimed 1941 movie serial The Adventures of Captain Marvel. Description above from the Wikipedia article Tom Tyler , licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Tom Tyler


Once Upon a Time: The Super Heroes
Captain Marvel (archive footage)
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
Going Hollywood: The '30s
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
(archive footage)
A Western-genre narrative, loosely woven from old clips from B-Western features.
Cow Country
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
Crossroad Avenger: The Adventures of the Tucson Kid
Deputy Ed
Edward D. Wood, Jr.'s Western that tells of the adventures of the Tucson Kid, who investigates suspicious insurance claims.
The Lion and the Horse
Bud Sabin
After selling it to a cruel rodeo owner, a cowboy attempts to buy back the wild stallion he snared.
Outlaw Women
Chillawaka Charlie
A old west town run by women. All the town's business is controlled by a woman gambler who tries not to succumb to the allure of a handsome and persistent cowboy.
Road Agent
Henchman Larkin
Brand controls the only road to the cattle market and is charging exorbitant rates. Tim and Chito rob Brand to recover only their overcharge, but accidentally end up with all of Brand's money......
Mysterious Island
Union Dispatch Rider
It is 1865 and Union prisoners use a military balloon to escape a Southern prison camp near the end of the Civil War. The balloon drifts for days and finally lands on a mysterious volcanic island with very unusual inhabitants. Also landing, in a better aircraft, is Rulu, a visitor from Mercury. She seeks a radio-active material that will enable her to manufacture an explosive that will destroy the world or, at least, the portion known as Earth in this 15 Chapter Serial from the 1950s.
Best of the Badmen
Frank James
After the North defeats the South, Union Maj. Jeff Clanton heads to Missouri to provide the Confederacy's Quantrill's Raiders a chance to claim allegiance to the Union, thereby clearing their wanted status. But standing in Clanton's way are the corrupt lawmen Joad and Fowler, who would rather keep the men outlaws to collect the reward on their heads. After Joad and Fowler frame Clanton for murder, he manages to escape, becoming an outlaw himself.
Trail of Robin Hood
Tom Tyler
Retired actor Jack Holt is raising Christmas trees for sale at a cost which permits every family to have one. A commercial tree company tries to drive Holt out of business. Roy saves the day, of course.
Rio Grande Patrol
Henchman Chet Yance
Fowler is smuggling guns across the border and his buyer is the outlaw Bragg. The guns are hidden in the luggage of the girls that come to work in his saloon. Border guards Kansas and Chito, along with Mexican Captain Trevinom suspect them and they are trying to find the guns.
Fast on the Draw
Outlaw Leader
As a boy, Shamrock's parents were killed. He took possession of a pistol belonging to his father, a famous marshal. Now that he is grown, he takes the job of marshal and uses the same gun, but he still has to solve the mystery of what happened to his parents.
Crooked River
Ellison is the star searching for the killer of his parents while Hayden's a not-too-bad bandit leader.
West of the Brazos
An outlaw impersonates Shamrock in order to lease his land to an oil company for $75,000.
Colorado Ranger
Henchman Pete
The Shamrock Kid, Lucky, and The Colonel get caught in a feud between outlaws and homesteaders.
Marshal of Heldorado
Mike Tulliver
Shamrock and Lucky team up to drive the Tulliver Brothers out of Heldorado.
Hostile Country
Tom Brady
In this remake of No Man's Range (1935), Shamrock travels to the ranch of his stepfather who he has never met and finds himself caught in the middle of a range war.
The Daltons' Women
Emmett Dalton
The Dalton gang has moved west taking new identities and Marshals Lash and Fuzzy are after them. They receive help from Pinkerton agent Joan Talbot as they try to sort out who the bad guys really are.
Riders of the Range
The Ringo Kid
Out-of-work cowboys Kansas Jones and Chito Rafferty are offered jobs at pretty Dusty Willis' ranch after saving her from a beating by saloon owner Clint Burrows. Dusty's good-hearted but weak-willed brother Harry, adding to his $3000 gambling debt to Willis, reluctantly agrees to pay it off by allowing the Ringo Kid, Burrows' vicious hired gun, to rustle cattle from his sister's ranch. Kansas intervenes, deters the rustlers and persuades Harry to confess his involvement to Dusty. Kansas, sent into town by Dusty to pay off Harry's debts, suddenly finds himself on the wrong side of the law, wrongly accused of murder and must rely on Dusty's belief in his innocence for his salvation.
Square Dance Jubilee
Henchman Buck
Two talent scouts for a New York-based country music TV show called "Square Dance Jubilee" are sent out West to get authentic western singing acts. They find what they're looking for, but also get mixed up in cattle rustling and murder.
Она носила желтую ленту
Cpl. Mike Quayne
Капитан Нэйтан Бриттлс, кавалерийский офицер, дослуживает последние дни перед вынужденной отставкой. Он получает задание сопроводить двух женщин Оливию и Эбби из форта в местечко Садроу Уоллс, где они должны сесть на дилижанс. В это время местные индейцы, жаждущие отмщения за поражение в недавней схватке с бледнолицыми, вновь встают на тропу войны…
Masked Raiders
Trig Trevett
Texas Rangers Tim Holt and Richard Martin are dispatched to halt a gang of masked outlaws terrorizing the frontier. Infiltrating the gang, Holt and Martin learn that the raiders are operating altruistically, robbing from the rich to give to the poor.
The Younger Brothers
Brothers who rode with a notorious outlaw gang led by Frank and Jesse James decide to go straight and try to get pardons so they can return to a law-abiding life.
I Shot Jesse James
Frank James
Bob Ford murders his best friend Jesse James in order to obtain a pardon that will free him to marry his girlfriend Cynthy. The guilt-stricken Ford soon finds himself greeted with derision and open mockery throughout town. He travels to Colorado to try his hand at prospecting in hopes that marriage with Cynthy is still in the cards.
Кровь на Луне
Frank Reardon
Ковбой из Техаса приезжает в район, где ранчеры и сеттлеры ведут войну за землю. Будучи на мели, он нанимается стрелком к своему старому другу, который «химичит» с агентом-индейцем приобрести стадо скота, чтобы подхлестнуть вражду…
Три мушкетёра
1st Traveler (uncredited)
Д'Артаньян молодой провинциал приезжает покорять столицу Франции - Париж. Юноша жаждет приключений и поступает на службу в королевский полк мушкетеров. Красавец и виртуозный фехтовальщик добьется своего: его ожидают приключения, тайны, новые друзья, новые враги, поединки и, конечно же, любовь. Судьба улыбнется Д'Артаньяну - он обретёт верных, честных, весёлых и благородных друзей, а его возлюбленная девушка будет самой прелестной на свете. Именно ему предстоит спасти саму королеву Франции и получить награду из её рук. Действуя по велению дружбы, любви и долга, герой наживёт себе и злейших врагов. Среди них и могущественный кардинал Ришелье, и красавица - Миледи, которая поклялась отомстить храброму гасконцу.
Красная река
Quitter (uncredited)
На Запад идет большой караван. Тяжелые, медленные повозки тащат измотанные лошади и скорость этого усталого, еле-еле передвигающегося «организма» настолько мала, что это уже даже представляет опасность, так как на такой караван легче всего напасть и разграбить. И тогда самый отчаянный и пассионарный малый по имени Том Дансон решает наплевать на все, в том числе и на свою возлюбленную Фен, и податься на Юг. Туда, где настоящего ковбоя манит сказочно богатая и многообещающая Красная Река. Как только они перевалили через небольшой холм, то услышали сзади звуки выстрелов и увидели мощные клубы черного дыма.
Return of the Bad Men
Wild Bill Yeager
US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.
The Dude Goes West
Daniel Bone is aiming for success. A Brooklyn gunsmith by trade, he figures the place to be is where the guns are. So off he goes into the West and becomes the foe of the notorious Pecos Kid, the captive of Paiutes, the target in a saloon showdown, and the lone source of the whereabouts of a fabulous gold strike.
Slick gambler James Wylie (Dennis Morgan) is apprehended by the law and given the option to forgo a prison sentence if he poses as a bandit. His mission is to uncover the identity of the Poet, a notorious outlaw who has been holding up bank-owned stagecoaches and leaving verses at the crime scenes to taunt the authorities. James finds time to woo the Poet's lovely wife, Ann (Jane Wyman), who initially cold-shoulders him. But, as a romance develops, they partner up to find the robber.
Никогда не говори прощай
Policeman (uncredited)
Фил и Элен Гэйли, разведенная нью-йоркская пара, они воспитывают свою семилетнюю дочь Филиппу по очереди, каждые полгода девочка живёт у одного из родителей. В преддверии рождества очередной раз настал срок смены родителя, и чернокожая нянечка собирает чемодан маленькой Филли, которая должна покинуть дом папы и переехать к маме. Элен все еще любит Фила, который стал популярным художником, но бывшая супруга делает вид, что в ее сердце нет места для бывшего мужа. Тем более он уже давно сожительствует с одной из своих натурщиц-моделей, которая собирается его женить на себе. Как хорошо, что в канун рождества может сбыться любая мечта, задуманная ребенком, и Филли загадывает, чтобы ее родители сошлись вновь…
Badman's Territory
Frank James
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
Lafe McWilliams
События фильма разворачиваются в 1877 году в штате Техас. Ковбой Клэй Хардин задался непростой целью положить конец бесчинствам Роя Стюарта, главаря банды воров, которые угоняют скот у ранчеро. Борьба происходит не только с бандитами, но и в его сердце - Хардин полюбил Жанну Старр, певицу из принадлежащего его врагу салуна.
Они были незаменимыми
После атаки Перл-Харбора экипаж торпедных катеров в районе Филиппинских островов должен сразиться с превосходящими их силами японцев…
Sing Me a Song of Texas
Steve Andrews
The two nieces of the deceased Charley Bronson arrive to learn that an unknown judge will determine which one of them will inherit his ranch. But Bronson is still alive and posing as the cook. Hilda learns of this and sets out to use this information to win the ranch from her cousin Laurie.
Boss of Boomtown
Jim Ward
Soldiers Steve and Jim are friends but when their enlistment ends, Jim reenlists while Steve doesn't. Instead he takes an assignment to find the local gold rustlers. Robbing the stage and then the bank gets Steve into the gang where he plans a job that will capture the entire gang. But just as he is about to put his plan into action Jim arrives to arrest him.
Gun to Gun
Don Diego is a large ranch owner, the uncle of Dolores and the guardian of a young American, Steve Randall. Steve has just delivered a large herd of cattle to the ranch, where Don Diego has just found out that he must pay the local tax commissioner, Harkness a fine for unpaid taxes on a herd of over one-thousand cattle. Steve offers to drive the cattle to the commissioners office, even though he fells the fine is unjust. Arriving at the office, Steve learns that Harkness (who he has never met), who has a reputation for dishonesty, is out. Dropping by the cantina, Steve gets into a fight with Harkness, and Harkness swears vengeance on Steve, especially after Steve stampedes the cattle through the town.
The Phantom
Godfrey Prescott / The Phantom
Two expeditions are trying to reach the Lost City of Zoloz -- one headed by Professor Davidson, a scientist who wants to establish an archaeological site, and the other by a greedy treasure hunter who wants to keep the fabled treasures of the city for himself. An agent of a foreign power also wants to establish a secret airbase there, so he stirs up the natives against The Phantom, who has been able to get them to stay peaceful so far. When The Phantom is murdered, his son takes his place and sets out to restore peace to the jungle and stop the agents' and the treasure hunters' nefarious plans.
Wagon Tracks West
Cowboys side with an Indian doctor against crooks and bad water.
Riders of the Rio Grande
Stony Brooke
A banker struggles to keep his bank solvent and his town from going bankrupt after the bank is robbed and all its money taken. The Three Mesquiteers ride into town and set out to help.
Santa Fe Scouts
Stony Brooke
This late entry in Republic's long-running "Three Mesquiteers" series stars Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Jimmy Dodd as, respectively, Tucson Smith, Stony Brooke and Lullaby Johnson. This time out, the Mesquiteers try to help young Tim Clay (John James), who's been framed for murder by villains who want to gain possession of Clay's ranch property.
The Blocked Trail
Stony Brooke
A horse called Brilliant is the only one who knows the location of a gold mine. When Brilliant's owner is killed, the trio known as the Three Mesquiteers (Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Jimmie Dodd) are mistakenly arrested for the murder.
Thundering Trails
Stony Brooke
In this western, the Three Mesquiteers team up with a Texas Ranger to round up the outlaws who forced the ranger's younger brother into becoming a criminal.
Valley of Hunted Men
Stony Brooke
Fugitive Nazis threaten to take over the Wyoming range in this Three Mesqueteers outing, which also warns about the danger of blithely assuming that every German-American is a fifth columnist. Which is exactly what rancher Clem Parker (Hal Price) does when learning that a couple of escaped Axis war criminals may be heading towards the local valley.
Shadows on the Sage
Stony Brooke
Shadows on the Sage is a 1942 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by Lester Orlebeck. The Three Mesquiteers, Tucson, Stony, and Lullaby arrive to help Sheriff Lippy fight the outlaws. But when the gang leader Curly Joe captures Tucson and notices the resemblance, he assumes Tucson's identity.
Весь город говорит
Clyde Bracken
Когда огонь уничтожает деревообрабатывающую фабрику и в пламени погибает диспетчер Клайд Бракен, пострадавший владелец предприятия Эндрю Холмс обвиняет своего служащего Леопольда Дилга в поджоге и убийстве. Арестованный Леопольд сбегает из тюрьмы и прячется в доме своей приятельницы, школьной учительницы Норы Шелли. Девушка отнюдь не рада такому гостю, потому что дом сдан на летний сезон Майклу Лайткэпу, уважаемому профессору юриспруденции, ожидающему назначение в Верховный суд и желающему посвятить это лето работе над своими трудами в тихом, укромном месте. Учительница перед профессором выдает Леопольда за своего садовника, но тот вскоре узнает истинную причину пребывания парня в доме. В итоге выясняется, что молодой человек стал пешкой в игре коррумпированных органов местной власти, а диспетчер, который якобы сгорел в пламени, жив и здоров.
The Phantom Plainsmen
Stony Brooke
In 1937 the life in out West has not changed much. The boys are working at the Wyoming ranch of Captain Marvin herding horses which he sells to Kurt Redman. Marvin will not sell any horses to any army, but the boys find out that Redman is a German agent shipping the horses directly to the Third Reich. When Marvin tries to stop Redman, his son Tad, who is studying medicine in Germany, is arrested and held hostage. Marvin must fire the boys as the sneaky German agents take over the ranch, but the boys will not give up their attempt to stop them.
Westward Ho
Stony Brooke
The all-purpose title Westward Ho was applied in 1942 to this "Three Mesquiteers" western. This time, the Mesquiteers are Tucson Smith, Stony Brooke and Lullaby Joslin, here played respectively by Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Rufe Davis. Our heroes converge on a small town to solve a series of mysterious bank robberies.
Raiders of the Range
Stony Brooke
Daggett is out to stop the completion of an oil well. He cheats Foster at poker and then forces him to delay the drilling. But the Mesquiteers are on the job with Lulaby posing as a cleaning lady to get evidence.
Valley of the Sun
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
Code of the Outlaw
Stony Brooke
After a payroll robbery the Mesquiteers catch up with the gang. But the members escape, the gang leader is killed, and they end up with only the leaders young son who is quickly sent to a work farm. They adopt the boy hoping to learn where the money is. Just as their kindness is about to pay off a gang member takes the boy away forcing him to retrieve the money. - Written by Maurice VanAuken
West of Cimarron
Stony Brooke
The Mesquiteers return to Texas after the Civil War to find Army carpetbaggers fighting the local bushwackers. They quickly learn that Capt. Hawks and his men are the culprits and join up with Morgan and his men.
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood No. 2
Hedda Hopper plays hostess at a party for her (grown) son William (DeWolfe Jr.). Hopper, attends the dedication of the Motion Picture Relief Fund's country home and goes to the Mocambo. There is also a sequence dedicated to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin world premiere of the first short in this series attended by more that a few film stars.
Gauchos of El Dorado
'Stony' Brooke
It's "The Three Mesquiteers" again. Gaucho escapes from Braden's gang only to be shot by them. The Mesquiteers drive away the outlaws and take his money on to his mother. But Isabella thinks Tucson is her long lost son and they don't have the heart to tell her he is dead.
Riders of the Timberline
Bill Slade
Hopalong Cassidy and Johnny Nelson ride to the mountains to help a man and his daughter save their logging business from someone who is sabotaging their efforts.
Outlaws of Cherokee Trail
'Stony' Brooke
The Cherokee Strip is off limits to the Rangers, so that is where badman Lemar operates from. When the Rangers capture his brother and the jury sentences him to hang, Lemar starts killing the jurists. Then the scoundrels kidnap the Captain's daughter Doris... Written by Tony Fontana
Bad Men of Missouri
Deputy Sheriff Dave
The Younger brothers return to Missouri after the Civil War with intent to avenge the misdeeds of William Merrick, a crooked banker who has been buying up warrants on back-taxes and dispossessing the farmers.
Border Vigilantes
A town bedeviled with outlaws sends for Hoppy, Lucky and California after their own vigilante committee fails to solve the towns problems. Hoppy discovers that the bad guys are led by the town boss, and so are the vigilantes.
Adventures of Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel
On a scientific expedition to Siam young Billy Batson is given the ability to change himself into the super-powered Captain Marvel by the wizard Shazam, who tells him his powers will last only as long as the Golden Scorpion idol is threatened. Finding the idol, the scientists realize it could be the most powerful weapon in the world and remove the lenses that energize it, distributing them among themselves so that no one would be able to use the idol by himself. Back in the US, Billy Batson, as Captain Marvel, wages a battle against an evil, hooded figure, the Scorpion, who hopes to accumulate all five lenses, thereby gaining control of the super-powerful weapon
Boxing Match Ring Announcer (uncredited)
Два приятеля, Смитти и Херби промышляют нелегальной уличной торговлей галстуками. Увидев полицейского, они решают спрятаться от него в кинотеатре, не подозревая, что там теперь находится призывной участок, и после серии недоразумений с изумлением узнают, что они теперь в армии. Смитти и Херби пытаются сбежать с участка, но натыкаются на "знакомого" полицейского. Им ничего не остается, как вернуться назад, чтобы отправиться в армию. Вместе с ними в армию отправляются сын миллионера Рэндольф Паркер и его шофер Боб Мартин. Рэндольф надеется избежать призыва, используя положение своего влиятельного отца, но начальник призывной комиссии решает иначе...
The Texas Rangers Ride Again
Ranger Gilpin (uncredited)
With thousands of cattle being rustled from White Sage ranch the 1930's Texas Rangers are called in. They manage to get one of their agents into the gang by making them think he is the Pecos Kid on the lam.
Cherokee Strip
Frank Lovell
Richard Dix stars as Dave Morrell, the new marshal of Goliath, Oklahoma. Immediately upon arrival, Morrell finds himself at odds with banker Coy Barrett (Victor Jory), who is actually the leader of all local criminal activities.
Рука мумии
В древнем Египте священник Карнака пытается использовать могущественные заклинания, чтобы вернуть к жизни свою возлюбленную, умершую принцессу Ананку. Его ловят и в наказание за это невиданное святотатство вырывают язык и закапывают живым, заставляя быть вечным охранником ее хорошо спрятанной могилы. Двадцатый век. Верховный жрец Карнака все еще защищает от разграбления могилу принцессы Ананки. Недавний высокопоставленный служитель церковного культа Андохеб, работающий в музее Каира, узнает о необычной находке археологов. Археолог Стивен Баннинг и его товарищ Бабе Дженсон получают неопровержимые доказательства существования таинственной гробницы, где захоронена Ананка.
Человек с запада
King Evans
Сюжет строится на постоянных войнах скотоводов с поселенцами, мигрирующими в Техас после Гражданской войны.
Брат «Орхидея»
Curley Matthews
После очередной переделки «крутой гангстер» Малыш Джон Сарто оказывается в обители Цветочного братства и принимает имя Брат Орхидея. В обители ему открываются истинные ценности этого мира, такие как любовь к ближнему, беззаветное служение обществу и прочее. В сознании Малыша Джона начинают происходить метаморфозы, в итоге превращающие его из гангстера в Человека.
The Light of Western Stars
Tom Hawes
Easterner Madeline Hammond buys a ranch not knowing Hayworth is using it to smuggle ammunition across the border. When trouble starts, she brings back Gene Stewart ex-foreman who left the country after fighting with the Sheriff.
Гроздья гнева
Deputy Handcuffing Casy (uncredited)
После тюремного срока за убийство, Том Джоад возвращается на свое семейное ранчо, которое к тому времени полностью разорилось и прибывает в запустении. В отсутствие какой-либо перспективы найти работу в засушливой Оклахоме, вся семья собирает свой скарб и отправляется на «землю обетованную» — в Калифорнию. Но трудный путь и тяжкие условия не приносят искомой надежды, и даже единство семьи подвергается испытанию, одному из многих, с которыми приходится сталкиваться.
Унесённые ветром
Commanding Officer During Evacuation (uncredited)
Могучие ветры Гражданской войны в один миг уносят беззаботную юность южанки Скарлетт О'Хара, когда привычный шум балов сменяется грохотом канонад на подступах к родному дому. Для молодой женщины, вынужденной бороться за новую жизнь на разорённой земле, испытания и лишения становятся шансом переосмыслить идеалы, обрести веру в себя и найти настоящую любовь.
Барабаны долины Махонке
Capt. Morgan (uncredited)
Время войны за независимость между Англией и американскими колониями. Флаг Соединенных Штатов был усыпан всего лишь 13-ю звездочками. Молодожены Джил и Лана отправляются в приграничный район Долины Махонке перед самым началом революции и войны. Переход от обеспеченной, привилегированной жизни к приграничной потребовал от них недюжинной силы и твердости характера. Спокойная жизнь только-только стала налаживаться, когда в окрестностях небольшого укрепленного форта, стоявшего увыхода из Долины, объявился отряд индейцев, которым руководил жестокий командир-англичанин. Краснокожие грозились уничтожить все и всех вокруг, но обитатели форта стойко выдерживали осаду.
Frontier Marshal
Buck Newton
Wyatt Earp agrees to become marshal and establish order in Tombstone in this very romanticized version of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
The Night Riders
Talbot uses a phony land grant to rule thirteen million acres, taxing everyone heavily and evicting those who won't pay. The Three Mesquiteers becomes mysterious "night riders" to fight this evil.
Luke Plummer
Из городка Тонто в Нью-Мехико выезжают на дилижансе несколько человек. Док Бун, пьяница, давно выгнанный из гильдии врачей. Даллас, проститутка, чьи сексуальные приключения так разозлили местных женщин, что те выгнали ее из своего не самого высшего общества. Хэтфилд, шулер, выдающий себя за джентльмена-южанина, у которого свои причины покинуть Тонто. Он тем не менее делает вид, что вызвался сопроводить беременную Люси к ее мужу, кавалеристу. Хенри Гэйтвуд, помпезный банкир, садится в дилижанс с небольшим саквояжем, который он не выпускает из рук. Сэмюэл Пикок, торговец виски, везет ящик образцов. Эти шесть человек составляют список пассажиров, а наверху сидит кучер Бак, верзила, ненавидящий индейцев, и крутой, грубый, но честный и простодушный Керли, представитель закона с дробовиком. Через какое-то время уже в пути к ним присоединяется Ринго Кид, у которого охромела лошадь. Дилижанс тронулся, ждите приключений!
King of Alcatraz
Gus Banshek
A convict who has just escaped from Alcatraz Prison takes over a passenger ship. Two of the ship's crew hatch a plot to overpower him and rescue the ship's passengers.
Lost Ranch
Tom Wade
Cattlemen's Protective Association agent Tom Wade and his partner Happy are assigned to look into the disappearance of rancher John Carroll, who has been abducted by Carson, who wants to use his out-of-the-way ranch as a base for his smuggling operations. Complications arise as Carrol's daughter, Rita, looking for him, has an unfriendly run-in with Wade, then later is herself kidnapped by Carson.
Brothers of the West
Tom Wade
Tyler is a range detective whose brother stands accused of robbing a bank and murdering the bank president. To prove him innocent, Tyler must decipher his only clue, an unusual set of tire tracks.
Orphan of the Pecos
Tom Rayburn
Shortly after Brand kills Gelbert, Tom Rayburn arrives on the scene and is accused of the murder. Escaping, he goes after Doc Mathews, the man that can prove his innocence. Brand is also after Mathews and intends to keep him from testifying. But Mathews is a ventriloquist and this will lead to Brand's downfall.
The Feud of the Trail
Tom Wade / Jack Granger
A man who's a dead ringer for the leader of an outlaw gang kills the gang leader, then takes his place to try to bring the gang to justice.
Cheyenne Rides Again
Tom Wade posing as Cheyenne Tommy
A lawman poses as an outlaw, steals $10,000 from a cattle thief, then promises to return the money if he can join the gang--while finding a way to expose them.
The Phantom of the Range
Jerry Lane
A man has died leaving a fortune somewhere on his ranch. Brandon and his cohorts think a map is hidden in a picture frame. But when they bid on the picture at the auction, newcomer Jerry Lane outbids them. He also buys the ranch so they place their housekeeper there to get the picture. And then to keep Jerry out of the way, they frame him for murder.
Rip Roarin' Buckaroo
'Scotty' McQuade
Fighter "Scotty" McQuade, contender for the light-heavyweight championship of the Pacific Coast,after being duped by his manager Ted Todd and fight-promoter Lew Slater, is disgusted with the fight game and decides to go back to punching cattle. He gets a job on the ranch owned by Colonel Hayden, where he once again encounters Slater, who has a crooked deal going that will cause Hayden to lose his ranch. With the aid of the Colonel's daughter, Betty Rose, and his pal "Frozen-Face" Cohen, McQuade breaks jail on a framed charge and puts an end to Slater's crooked dealings.
Santa Fe Bound
Tom Crenshaw
Riding toward Santa Fe, Tom Crenshaw shoots a bushwhacker who has killed Dad Bates from ambush. Discovering a money belt on Bates, Tom carries it to town, along with a letter he finds in the pocket of the killer, which offers him the means of identifying either of the dead men. In town, Tom has a run-in with gunman One-Shot Morgan and one of Morgan's henchmen sees Tom with the money belt. Tom poses as the renegade who did the killing and is accepted by Morgan and his gang. Tom's plan is working until one of the gang who knew the killer shows up and denounces him as an impostor.
The Last Outlaw
Al Goss
After serving 25 years in prison for robbery, Dean Payton returns to his home town to see his daughter, Sally, who is unaware he is her father. He befriends Cal Yates, the now semi-retired assistant sheriff who originally caught him, and Chuck Wilson, a young rancher who has eyes for Sally. Wanted criminal Al Goss holds up the local bank and makes his getaway, taking Sally hostage. Showing he still has what it takes, Payton, along with Yates and Wilson, take off into the hills on horseback to try to track Goss down. - Written by Doug Sederberg
Pinto Rustlers
Tom Evans posing as Tom Dawson
Tom Evans is a young cowboy orphaned by a band of rustlers. Seeking revenge, Tom pretends to be a notorious ex-con and manages to worm his way into the gang in order to get the goods on the bunch.
Roamin' Wild
Tom Barton
Trouble has been reported in Placerville where Tom Barton's brother is the Marshal. Arriving Tom finds a phoney Marshal in his brother's place. Learning that Clark is behind the all the trouble and that he is after the Madison stage line, Tom joins up with Mary Madison to fight Clark while he also looks for his missing brother.
Ridin' On
Tom Roarke
Bolton has organized a feud between the Rork's and the O'Neil's. He has rustled cattle and killed a man putting the blame on Danny O'Neil. Tom Rork has found a bullet with markings on it that he hopes will clear Danny and bring in the real killer.
Fast Bullets
Tom Hilton
Two Texas Rangers (Tom Tyler, Rex Lease) nab smugglers and rescue a woman (Margaret Nearing) from a runaway wagon.
Trigger Tom
Tom Hunter
Tom Hilton and Stub Macey are heading to the Jergenson ranch to buy his cattle. But Jeckyl and Sheriff Slater control the cattle market forcing the ranchers to buy at their price and they intend to keep the newcomers out.
Powdersmoke Range
Sundown Saunders
Three cowboys buy a ranch but have to fight off gunmen to keep it.
Rio Rattler
Tom Denton
A dying Marshal gives his identification papers to Tom. After Tom arrives in town, the papers drop and are found during a fight so Tom decides to assume the Marshal's identity. Mason, the chief, now sends Rattler, the killer of the Marshal, to also kill Tom. But when he overhears Tom is a fake, they change their plans and now go to arrest Tom for the murder of the Marshal.
The Laramie Kid
Tom Talbot
When Morley has his own bank robbed, Tom tries to break it up. Mistaken for one of the gang, he is caught and sentenced to a chain gang. His girlfriend Peggy then sets out to prove his innocence.
The Silver Bullet
Tom Henderson
Tom Henderson is made Sheriff of Chico to fight Slim Walker's gang. Unknown to Tom, banker Luke Hargrave is the gang's real boss. Dad Kane is looking for the man that blinded him whom he can remember by his voice. He finds him when the gang robs the bank and Tom chases them down.
Silent Valley
Tom Hall
A sheriff tracking a gang of rustlers discovers that one of them is the brother of his fiance.
Born to Battle
'Cyclone' Tom Saunders
Good-natured troublemaker "Cyclone" Tom Saunders is hired by a ranchers' association manager to investigate recent cattle rustling at one of their ranches and to see if a pair of nesters have anything to do with it. After discovering the nesters, pretty Betty Powell and her rickety old father, are incapable of rustling, Tom instead turns his attention to the huge, swaggering bully of a foreman, Nate Lenox.
Tracy Rides
Sheriff Tom Tracy
Sheriff Tom Tracy is summoned to the sheep camp where he finds Old Man Jenkins fatally wounded and, with his dying breath, accuses Ned Hampton, brother of the girl to whom Tom is engaged, of having shot him in the back.
Coyote Trails
Tom Riley
Tom Riley and sidekick Windy arrive at the Baker ranch where horses are being rustled. It appears the culprit is a wild horse, but Tom catches and rides the horse which leads to trouble with the real rustlers.
Terror of the Plains
Tom Lansing
A ranch hand sets out to prove his father is innocent of murder in this B-movie Western starring cowboy hero Tom Tyler. Disguised as an outlaw, Tom Lansing (Tyler) takes up with a motley crew hiding out in a ghost town to catch the true killer. This 1934 classic co-stars Frank Rice as Lansing's sidekick, Banty, and Roberta Gale as Bess, a beautiful young captive of the outlaw gang who is in desperate need of a hero.
Mystery Ranch
Bob Morris
The famous western fiction writer Bob Morris arrives at the Henderson ranch. He quickly realizes the hanging, runaway horses, and the shootout are fakes for his benefit. But when a real robbery takes place he thinks it's another fake.
Ridin' Thru
Tom Saunders
Dad Brooks is in financial trouble and needs to sell a lot of horses. But they are being rustled and needing help, he sends for Tom. Tom looks for the rustlers but eventually realizes that someone is using a wild horse to do the rustling. He finds the secret entrance used by the rustlers to hide the horses but soon finds himself a prisoner.
War of the Range
Tom Bradley
Jim Warren is starting a range war by getting his boss Duke Bradley to fence off part of the range used by other ranchers. This pits father against son when Tom Bradley sides with a newly arrived nester family. Then after stealing Duke Bradley's money, Warren frames Duke's son Tom for the theft.
The Phantom of the Air
Bob Raymond
An adventure serial presented in 12 chapters. Inventor Thomas Edmunds uses a super plane, 'The Phantom,' to protect his new anti-gravity invention, the Contragrav, from theft.
Deadwood Pass
Tom Whitlock
The Hawk has broken out of prison and the Sheriff and Sorrenson have a plan to have Whitlock pose as the Hawk, infiltrate the gang, and recover the stolen bonds. All goes well until The Chief who knows the real Hawk arrives.
When a Man Rides Alone
The Llano Kid
The Llano Kid is robbing stages but only taking money from Montana Slade's Cottonwood Mine. He then gives the money to those cheated by Slade. The Sheriff is after him and eventually obtains a picture and displays wanted posters and is soon after him.
'Tennessee' Matthews
O'Hara has been hired to lead a wagon train west. Instead he has led it off the trail to where it can be attacked by his Indian friends. But Tennessee Mathews is familiar with O'Hara's tactics and sends for the soldiers.
Honor of the Mounted
Constable Tom Halliday
Tom Halliday of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is implicated and framed on a murder charge. The real killer has gone back into the United States, so Halliday, with no credentials, has to cross the border in order to find and capture the killer.
Vanishing Men
Sheriff Doug Barrett
Heck Claibourne has been involving young Russ Whitely in his cattle rustling schemes, and when they are nearly caught by Sheriff Doug Barrett and deputy O'Hara, their cohort, Luke, shoots and kills O'Hara.
The Man from New Mexico
Jesse Ryder
The cattle on the Langton Ranch are mysteriously dying and cowhands are disappearing or being shot. Two Langton riders bring a wounded rider they found wounded and hung up in a barbed-wire fence to Sally Langton and report that her father is missing. A lone rider, Jess Ryder, tops a rise and sees a band of men working on some calves in a secluded corral, and he frowns as he sees what Bat Murchinson is doing.
Single-Handed Sanders
Matt Sanders
Tom Tyler plays a small-town blacksmith, whose reckless younger brother casts his lot with a crooked politician. When brother dear steals $5000 from heroine Margaret Morris, Tyler gallantly confesses to the deed. He eventually clears himself by rallying his fellow frontiersmen to form a united front against the villains (guess he's not so "single-handed" after all).
Galloping Thru
Tom Mcguire
A young buck returns to his hometown after several years' absence, only to see his father shot down in front of him.
Battling with Buffalo Bill
William 'Buffalo Bill' Cody
A western adventure serial in 12 episodes. Buffalo Bill battles gambler Jim Rodney who is trying to scare off the townspeople so he can gain possession of a gold strike discovered in the area. A nearby Indian tribe is provoked to attack the town and the cavalry is called in.
Two Fisted Justice
Kentucky Carson
It's good guy Carson and the Poncho Riders against bad guy Slavin and his gang.
The Man from Death Valley
Dave and Hank ride out of Death Valley, heading for the town of Mesa, but stop to rest in Alkali Springs, twenty miles from Mesa. Walking along the saloon porch, they overhear through an open window, two unseen men plotting to rob the Mesa bank that afternoon. One is a Spanish voice and the other American. Dave and Hank head for Mesa to get there before the hold-up and, there, they see the men whose voices they had heard; Sheriff Jeffries and Ortego.
Partners of the Trail
Larry Condon
A playboy travels west after having killed his wife's lover. By chance, he happens to run into the man who has been falsely accused of the crime, who is himself on the run.
God's Country and the Man
ex Malone posing as Steve Rawlins
A government agent is sent to a tough frontier town to arrest & bring back one of the most ruthless criminals in the region.
West of Cheyenne
Tom Langdon
With his father accused of murder, Tom heads after the real murderer who lives in a town of outlaws where no one is allowed in or out. To gain entry he poses as an escaping outlaw with his sidekick Banty posing as the pursuing lawman. This lets Tom join the gang but there is trouble later when Banty gets caught and sentenced to die.
The Phantom of the West
Jim Lester
A young man's father is murdered and the man convicted of the crime escapes prison, leaving a note intimating that seven local men know the real killer's true identity. The murdered man's son sets out to locate the seven men and find his father's slayer.
Her Man
Sailor (uncredited)
A sex worker yearns to leave the grimy underground community she was born into, and sees her way out through a sympathetic sailor.
The Canyon of Missing Men
Dave Brandon (Tom Tyler) tries to break away from his life of crime, but his old gang won't let him.
Half Pint Polly
Don Wilson
Ted is riding for Pa Martin against Cooper in the big race. When Cooper has his men capture Ted, Peggy overhears them and sets out to free Ted in time for the race.
Call of the Desert
Tod Walker takes Rex Carson's map to a gold mine and leaves him in the desert. Carson recuperates at Jean Walker's ranch and she takes a liking to him. But when her uncle Tod arrives, he claims Carson tried to jump his claim. She sides with her uncle and Carson, banished from the Walker ranch, sets out to get his claim back.
Law of the Plains
a cowboy seeks revenge for the murder of his father.
'Neath Western Skies
Tex McCloud
Ranch owner Tex McCloud is convinced there is oil under his property and brings in a drilling rig and equipment to drill for it. But a gang who wants the property wage a sabotage and theft war against him.
Texas Tornado
Tom Jones
Briscoe leases land from Latimer. When oil is found Latimer tries to stop Briscoe from renewing the lease. Tom arrives and fights off Latimer and his men to renew the lease. But Latimer is not done. Now he shoots Briscoe, kidnaps Buddy, and blames Tom who is arrested and put in jail.
The Phantom of the Range
Duke Carlton
Duke Carlton, an actor stranded in a small western town, gets a job as a cowboy on Tim O'Brien's ranch as a reward for beating up "Flash" Corbin, a real estate agent who has been trying to swindle the rancher. A romance develops between the actor and Patsy O'Brien, the rancher's daughter, but it is interrupted by the appearance of his former stage partner, Vera Van Swank, who claims him as her husband. He clears himself of the bigamy charge, foils a plot to cheat the rancher out of a $90,000 land property, and wins the daughter's hand.
Tom's Gang
Dave Collins
Dave Collins is a young man who is bequeathed a ranch on the condition that he marry the late owner's granddaughter Lucille. But when he arrives at the ranch with young sidekick Spuds in tow, Dave finds that a distant relative of Lucille's, Ray Foster, has taken his place. Foster hires tough Bart Haywood to kill his rival, and soon our hero is hogtied to a handcar in the path of an approaching train.
The Cowboy Cop
Jerry McGill
A cowboy joins the Low Angeles mounted police unit.
Born to Battle
Dennis Terhune
Dennis Terhune, ranch foreman for John Morgan, an eastern capitalist, discovers that there is oil on Morgan's ranch shortly after Morgan has deeded the ranch to Daley, western manager for the Morgan properties. Dennis rides after Daley and retrieves the deed, saving Morgan's ranch and securing for himself the love of the financier's daughter, Eunice.
Бен-Гур: Расказ Христа
Charioteer (uncredited)
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
Бен-Гур: Расказ Христа
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
The Cowboy Musketeer
Tom Latigo
A cowboy saves his female employer from a villainous foreman.
The Only Thing
Party Guest (uncredited)
Thyra arrives in Chekia to wed its old and ugly king. The Duke falls in love with her. A revolution erupts and the king is assassinated. Chief revolutionary Gigberto also falls in love with Thyra. The revolutionaries plan to drown Thyra and Gigberto in a boat, but the Duke takes Gigberto's place. And the loving couple are rescued.
Wild Horse Mesa
Desperate for money, a rancher decides to trap and sell wild horses, using barbed wire. The local Navajo tribe tries to persuade him not to do it.
The Wyoming Wildcat
Phil Stone
Cowboy Phil Stone gets a job as foreman on a ranch owned by pretty young Isabel Hastings. He discovers that ruthless rancher Jeff Kopp has a claim on Isabel's ranch, and that if she dies unmarried before she turns 21, Kopp will get her ranch. When Isabel turns down a marriage proposal by Kopp's son Rudy, Kopp decides to kill her and get the ranch for himself, and hires a notorious killer, "Cyclops", to do the deed.