Vader de Vos
This film is about the Jewish girl Sara and the ruin of her family during World War II. Her parents have to live in the Jewish ghetto in Amsterdam, but later they are arrested and deported. Sara decides to flee with her brother and his girlfriend to Palestine. Based on the book by Marga Minco.
Слабохарактерный торговец сигаретами Дакер не обращает внимания на войну, идущую вокруг. Но ситуация меняется, когда парашютист приземляется на его заднем дворе. Оказывается, он — зеркальное отражение Дакера. Вскоре Дакер начинает выполнять задания парашютиста и все глубже погружается в Голландское Сопротивление.
The polder, main feature of the Dutch landscape, has a disconcerting effect on the traveller who comes across it. In the film a young man begins to explore this world and finds himself steeped in silence and in the vastness of space. He has a feeling of serenity which he naively endeavours to capture. But the climate of Holland always seeks revenge. Serenity gradually gives way to despair against the backdrop of the bare landscape with no shelter to offer. The very same reasons which explain the polder’s charm now become responsible for a hostile attitude : the vastness becomes oppressive, paradise becomes a hell.