Adolfo López Sojo


The Whistler: Origins
Executive Producer
In the mid-nineteenth century, in a small Venezuelan village, Father Giovanni and a clerk write the story of a supernatural case that they have witnessed, is the story of a mysterious specter, which the people of the town have baptized as "El Silbón". In the current age, we know a family made up of Gabriel and Mayra, Ana's parents. Gabriel suspects that his daughter is possessed by the devil since she is trying to kill him. Gabriel asks the priest of his parish for advice, which is the same one Father Giovanni wrote about the Silbón over a hundred years ago.
The Whistler: Origins
In the mid-nineteenth century, in a small Venezuelan village, Father Giovanni and a clerk write the story of a supernatural case that they have witnessed, is the story of a mysterious specter, which the people of the town have baptized as "El Silbón". In the current age, we know a family made up of Gabriel and Mayra, Ana's parents. Gabriel suspects that his daughter is possessed by the devil since she is trying to kill him. Gabriel asks the priest of his parish for advice, which is the same one Father Giovanni wrote about the Silbón over a hundred years ago.
Смерть в Берруэкосе
Жизнь великого маршала Антонио Хосе де Сукре закончилась в Берруэкосе, где он был убит. Эта смерть и по сей день окружена тайной; никому не известно, кто заказал его убийство, и каковы были причины, которые руководили судьбой героя независимости в Латинской Америке.
Cuidado con lo que sueñas
Cuidado con lo que sueñas
Co-Executive Producer
El Último Cuerpo
Executive Producer
Investigating the murder of a drag, the journalist Heriberto Camargo discovers that the crime is part of a plot of police killings attributed to a character known as Vincent. The chronicles published by Camargo and his investigations to uncover the motive for the crimes confront Commissioner Sangretti.
Executive Producer
After several years of retirement, Roco decides to make a new film. To achieve this, he reassemble his crew: cinematographer Larsen, Nacho the cameraman, soundman Meta and Cacho, the ever loyal machinist. But social and personal crises have dispersed the strange and remote territories of reality. Sometimes dramatic and and sometimes funny, Roco's search will lead him to an unavoidable encounter of life, death and rebirth.
At early 16th century a priest joins the spanish conquerros in order to bring christianity to the indios. The expedition is murdered by the indios, only the priest is sparred. Santiago, the priest, first tries to continue christianization, but finally becomes one of them - until the Spaniards return.