Kosta Tsonev

Kosta Tsonev

Рождение : 1929-06-10, Sofia, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2012-01-25


Kosta Tsonev
Kosta Tsonev


Second Death of Gregor Z
Simeon Bojović
A Swiss-German-Yugoslavian production.
Chicho Krastnik
Vera's father
The 1960s was the time of Beatles and Rolling Stones, the time of sexual revolution. These events have their echo in Bulgarian English-learning school. The school order provokes a protest of the students due to the narrow-minded teachers.
Sky for All
Anton is a former military pilot. Soon after his transition to civil aviation his wife leaves him. Despite his 45 years, he takes the change hard, the grief of his former job never leaves him. Anton and his crew are all people with interesting fates.
Echelons of Death
Dimitar Peshev
A story about the struggle to save Bulgarian Jews during World War II
Forest People
1929. The owners of a roadside hotel-a man and a woman-kill the merchant. To solve the murder, the investigator sends his undercover agent to the hotel. A passionate love begins between the agent and the woman. She confessed to her lover about the murder. The killer managed to escape, and the woman was sent to prison.
This Fine Mature Age
Rumen Iliev
An older man of high social standing begins to understand that he's not as perfect as he believed.
Boris I - Part 2 - Word For Letters
Kliment Ohridski
Knyaz Boris I reached the most important spiritual insight - the country needed a single language and script. It accepts students of Cyril and Methodius, creating Ohrid and Preslav Literary School. What other nations took centuries, for bulgarians takes place only about 20 years after their baptizing - introduced a Slavonic Alphabet.
Boris I - Part 1 - The Baptizing
Kliment Ohridski
The picture features the life and deeds of Boris I - strong historic personality, which completes his mission to the full and at the end of his life receives holy orders. Prince Boris I is ruling in the late 9th century. In his youth, he, the brilliant statesman and diplomat, is experiencing heavy defeats in the wars he wages against his neighbors. Nonetheless, he manages not to cede any territories to the enemies. Under his rule, Bulgaria breaks with paganism and joins the Christian community, paying an exorbitant price, a heavy death toll, but there is no other way. The adoption of Christianity in 864 was a historical event of great significance. It guaranteed Boris I much need peace with the Eastern Roman Empire and allowed him to merge the numerous tribes inhabiting the country into a unified nationality and later to found a state. Boris I introduced the Slav script, thus turning Bulgaria into the cradle of Slav culture.
Nikola Bakardzhiev
Bulgarian prisoners of war escape from the Germans in the town of Ohrid.
The Hit
Prince Kiril
The action takes part from August 26 to September 9,1944 - the last days of the fascist regime in Bulgaria. At that time, following a decision made by the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, all-out preparations for an uprising are under way. The central characters are real historical figures representing two antagonistic camps. The film chronicles a series of dramatic events: secret underground meetings, actions of the combat groups and the partisans, strikes and mass rallies, the last attempts of the regime to hold on to power. The film recreates the atmosphere on the eve of the uprising, which culminated in the main thrust: the seizure of the Defense Ministry in Sofia on the night before September 9.
Typhoons with Gentle Names
Emil Boev
The Bulgarian intelligence officer Emil Boev is residing in Bern, close to Bulgarian political emigrant Goranov. The Swiss and German women Rosemary and Flora are interested in him. Goranov is killed. Boev searches his apartment and finds few fake diamonds and the list of the spies in Bulgaria. Boev and the boss of a foreign intelligence service Benton are stuck in a bunker together. At the decisive moment, Flora appears and Boev manages to get away with the list of the spies. Boev is on the way to Bulgaria.
Юлия Вревская
Old Bulgarian Rebel
О драматической судьбе замечательной русской женщины - графини Юлии Петровны Вревской. События ленты происходят в период русско-турецкой войны за освобождение болгарского народа от турецкого ига. Рано овдовевшая графиня, вложив все свои средства в организацию добровольческого санитарного отряда, становится сестрой милосердия на фронте. В 1878 году Юлия Вревская умирает от тифа в болгарском городе Бяла.
Белла - чувствительная и умная девушка, она переживает свое первое разочарование на выпускном балу. Белла до утра остается на вышке бассейна. Там она знакомится с Апостолом - мужчиной среднего возраста, архитектором, бывшим участником антифашистской борьбы. Он раскрывает ей истины жизни, обходясь без поучений. Он знакомит ее со своим другом Буфо - молодым человеком, у которого не сложилась карьера актера, но обладающего «талантом друга». Так создается тройка друзей.
Requiem for a Slut
The intelligence officer Emil Boev is tracking a group of drug addicts, who were recruited by a foreign intelligence office. Among them is Boyan, the son of Emil's dead comrade. He should help the boy. He includes Boyan in the counterintelligence action plan. The faith of the young people is sealed - they should be eliminated as unwanted witnesses. They are given hot doses. Boev and Boyan discover the plot, but it is too late for some of the people. The deadly needle gets in the hand of the girl that Boyan loves. The foreign resident is captured. There is hardly anyone at the grave of the girl. Only Boev and Boyan come and listen the requiem.
The Weddings of Ioan Assen
Aleksander / Yoan Asen
The film takes us back into the times of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom - 13th century. The Bulgarian Emperor - Tsar Ioan Assen - is trying through several marriages to enlarge the State and to support the peace in it.
My Father, the Painter
the father
A former history teacher, currently a house painter is broke before the New Year. Faith meets him with the rich man, who wants his living room to be painted by 4 o'clock for a hefty pay. The father and his six children begin the heavy task with a song. When all is done, the rich man calls that he is going to pay the house painter on the 2nd of January. The father decides to celebrate New Year no matter what.
The Great Victory
The grand auto-tour of Bulgaria begins. Excellent drivers take part in it. The Bonev brothers are in the Bulgarian team. They have decided to win this race no matter what. With great efforts, they manage to get ahead from the rest. An unexpected problem arises - some rocks nave fallen on the road. The confident drivers manage to avoid the crash closely. Their road to victory is open. However, a feeling of responsibility arises. There will be accidents for sure. The brothers stay at he crash site to warn the other.
The Wolf Pack
The year is 1948 and a counter-revolutionary gang is active in the Pirin region. A State Security officer managed to infiltrate the gang. He becomes "one of their own", but isn't in a rush to complete his task.
Necessary Sinner
Ivan Asenov
A lawyer must decide whether to help a young man.
Wrathful Journey
Chavdar gets a degree in geology. He wishes to pursue a scientific carrier, but his father decides that his son should practice his profession in a rich of mineral Rhodopa Mountain. Chavdar meets geologists and locals who love their profession and the region. Here he finds true love with Vanya, a girl born and raised in the mountain. She is a part time geologist student and dreams of finding new ore sources. Chavdar has to leave, and he bids farewell to his friends, certain that one day he will come back to continue his search.
There Is Nothing Finer Than Bad Weather
A Bulgarian secret service agent is sent undercover to a big Western European company.
Mr. Nobody
Emil Bobev
A ravishing double agent Emil leaves for a large Western city where he joins the staff of a spy group operating against Bulgaria. Here he meets the elderly Mladenov. With his help, Emil gets an editorial job in a Bulgarian-language magazine. Dimov heads the spy center. Kralev is his deputy. Kralev wants to become a chief and tries to eliminate those who stand in his way. Emil is among them. Lida, Mladenov's daughter has defected from Bulgaria. Disillusioned, she asks Emil to help her to return. He helps her to hide in a small provincial town. Kralev forces him to give away the address. Emil goes to Lida's hotel, but before he arrives here, Kralev blocks his way. Emil makes short work of him. Together with Lida, they hire a speedboat, which rushes them to a Bulgarian ship.
Liberty or Death
In а short but heroic campaign, Bulgarian poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev leads a band of rebels from the Danube to the Balkan Range.
There Is No Death
The new supervisor Vasil arrives at the construction site of a dam. Vasil has problems with his men, who mistrust him and reluctantly submit to his perfectionism. He becomes involved with the refreshment bar attendant Lilyana. Vasil, who always wanted children, cannot abandon his childless wife and breaks with Lilyana. When four workers are buried in a tunnel landslide, Vasil makes his way to them and manages to drag them all out, except for Zlatan, a spiteful egocentric, whose legs are caught under a fallen prop. Zlatan begs Vasil to save him, even if it means cutting of his legs. To release the miner's legs Vasil cuts the prop, which is also supporting the roof of the tunnel. Zlatan is rescued. However, Vasil is killed. Since then, the workers say his steps can be heard bellow the dam wall.
Будь счастлива, Ани!
Советский летчик Андрей Петрович Снегов в последний раз ведёт рейсовый самолет в Болгарию. После этого рейса он будет работать на внутрисоюзной линии. Болгарские друзья предлагают ему поездить по стране, побывать в её городах и селениях, познакомиться с достопримечательностями республики. Он принимает предложение, а водитель авиазаправщика софийского аэропорта, молодая девушка Ани, назначена сопровождать советского лётчика в качестве шофёра. Андрей Петрович и Ани отправляются в поездку по стране. Но далеко ехать им не приходится. Ани просит завернуть в городок, где, как потом оказывается, работает любимый ею человек - строитель Боян. Андрей Петрович разгадал нехитрую тайну своего шофёра и решил продлить на день пребывание в этом городке. Поняв, что между влюблёнными произошла размолвка, он придумывает самые разнообразные предлоги, чтобы остаться в городе и дать возможность Ани и Бояну помириться...
Золотой зуб
Captain Lukov
Бывший болгарский офицер Липовский долгое время был в плену, а затем скитался вдали от родины. Одной из иностранных разведок удаётся завербовать его и в качестве шпиона забросить в Болгарию. Здесь Липовский убеждается, что его обманули, что никто не приговаривал его к расстрелу как предателя. И он начинает мстить своим заграничным «хозяевам»…
В ночь на тринадцатое
Maj. Andrey Panov
О борьбе болгарских органов государственной безопасности с диверсантами и шпионами. Инженер Примов, технический директор важных строительных объектов, попадает в автомобильную катастрофу. Следственные органы утверждают, что катастрофа была организована. Расследуя это дело, сотрудники органов безопасности разоблачают группу шпионов и диверсантов, стремившихся завладеть секретными документами, находившимися у Примова.
Бедная улица
О жизни и борьбе болгарской молодежи против гитлеровских захватчиков в годы Второй мировой войны. …Тупик на одной из окраин Софии. В маленьком убогом домике живут два друга — философ Пётр и студент-ветеринар Йошка. По заданию подпольной организации Пётр взрывает немецкие бензобаки. Йошка спасает своего раненого друга, и сам гибнет в борьбе с фашистами.
Тихим вечером
Двое партизан - Антон (Любомир Димитров) и Бойка (Невена Коканова), спасаясь от преследования жандармов, вынуждены скрываться в пещере. Здесь в минуты смертельной опасности и раскрываются характеры героев...
The Troop Leader
Members of a partisan underground unit struggle during the anti-fascist Bulgarian Resistance of World War II.
Бедняцкая радость
Lazar Dabaka
В конце базарного дня Стоян узнает, что после десяти лет совместной жизни у него родился сын. Выходя из трактира с женой Пенькой, они находят ребенка - девочку, брошенную в их тележку. Нет конца радости бедняков. Её тоже вырастят. Засуха убивает землю и людей. Дед Корчан и Лазарь Дабака решили построить ветряную мельницу. Лазарь с невестой едут на телеге в гости к крестным. Они проводят незабываемую ночь под звездным небом…
Димитровград - новый промышленный центр Болгарии. Фильм рассказывает о героическом труде его строителей. Показан энтузиазм бригады, которая мечтает построить город молодёжи, город мечты...