Is Prevalent's latest wonderfully creative animatedfeature film. It highlights the story of a lovely yet humble young girl in Ancient China who is an exceptional champion. Her name is "KG" - the "Kung-Fu Girl" with a big heart. Although she is an underdog, and the odds are against her; she discovers that there is no limit to what she can accomplish when she believes in herself.
Команда пингвинов-документалистов приглашает зрителей взглянуть за кулисы самого спортивного, драматичного и опасного соревнования серфингистов на планете — Ежегодного Пингвиньего чемпионата мира по серфингу.
Dreams come true for young girl (Kayla Amariah) when her idol, heartthrob Chris Trousdale from the boy band Dream Street, must hide out and live in her house.
Megan's world is turned upside down when she hears her calm life with her little brother and single mum is about to change. She hears she's soon to have a stepfather and a stepsister. Megan thinks they're a bit weird and is determined to stop the wedding. She discovers they're actually even stranger than she thought - they're from another planet.