Bruno Delahaye


Одетта Тулемонд
Вдова Одетта Тулемонд работает в отделе косметики большого магазина в бельгийском городе Шарлеруа, живёт вместе со своими взрослыми детьми Сью Элен (безработной, чей ухажёр-неудачник живёт с ней в гражданском браке в квартире Одетты) и Руди (гомосексуальным парикмахером). Одетта взахлёб читает романы писателя Бальтазара Бальзана, находя в них утешение и отвлечение. После неудачной встречи с любимым писателем во время раздачи автографов, Одетта осмеливается написать ему письмо, в котором объясняет ему значение его творчества в жизни вдовы.
Livraison à domicile
Ils livrent tout... n'importe comment !Ludo et ses amis rêvent de trouver l'idée de génie qui les rendra riches, et de créer leur propre entreprise. Sans le sou, ils décident de se lancer dans les livraisons en tous genres. Cochons de foire, betteraves ou jambes cassées, ces livraisons frisent parfois le ridicule... jusqu'au jour où la commande du siècle tombe du ciel : livrer en quatre jours une voiture de luxe dans le sud de la France...
Far Away
Serge is a long distance lorry driver between Morocco andEurope. In Tangier, he tries to reconcile with his former girlfriend, Sarah. She has refused to have anything to do with him since her mother’s death and intends to join her brother in Canada. Serge appeals to Sarah’s protector, a young Arab named Saïd, to allow him to meet up with Sarah, promising in return to smuggle Saïd into Europe...
Salut cousin !
The comedy in this lively film barely conceals its darker, more serious undertones as it chronicles a young Algerian's eye-opening introduction to the joys and travails of being an immigrant in Paris. Alilo has left his home to pick up an important suitcase for his employer. Unfortunately, he has lost the Parisian address. Fortunately, his cousin Mok, emigrated there several years before with his middle-class family before and is able to act as a guide. Mok, an aspiring rap singer, comes from a middle-class family, but chooses to live on his own in the dilapidated deteriorating 18th district, known as 'Moskova.' Mok characterizes the place as a haven for artists and intellectuals, but it is plainly just a Third World slum filled with tightly knit and colorful neighbors. Mok and Alilo have many interesting, some tragedy-tinged adventures over the five days it takes them to find the suitcase.