Our Common Wife (1956) is a comedy directed by Valentin Vaala, based on the play by Arijoutsi. The film is set in post-war Helsinki, where the last released prisoners of war arrive. They are accompanied by Captain Erkki Lahtinen (Kosti Klemelä), who returns to his home and back to his wife Jenni (Marjatta Kallio). However, during his four-year imprisonment, Erkki has been pronounced dead and Jenni has remarried to office manager Nevamaa (Eero Eloranta).
Начало знаменитой финской серии фильмов о семействе Нискавуори. Действие происходит в сельском местечке Хяме в 1880-х годах. Главный герой Юхани Нискавуори должен был выбирать между женитьбой ради денег или по-любви. Он влюблён в прекрасную молочницу Мальвину, но его мать предпочитает более выгодную партию в лице богачки Ловийсы…
A young woman leaving the city for the countryside encounters the concept of voluntary work - new to her. She eventually does good, and charms the employer at the same time.
Perky student Inkeri 'Iiri' Paappanen and businessman Taavi Takkulainen fall in love during a boat trip, but a misunderstanding at a hotel in Stockholm causes their break-up. Returning to Finland, Inkeri applies to become a governess and gets a job at Taavi's parents' family. Consul General Albert, Taavi's brother intends to take advantage of Iiri in his political endeavors.
The film revolves around Vihtori's clandestine involvement with an attractive and rather worldly young woman named Ritva, who is planning to marry boxing champion and garage owner Klasu Tullari, son of Vihtori's friend Tomi, and their interactions with daughter Vappu and her fiancé, Peter von Schaslick, a mechanic in Klasu's garage, under the nose of the threatening and suspicious Klaara, with lazy son Nisse acting as a rather sardonic Greek chorus. Teuvo Tulio's only comedy.