Raymond Lorenz


Cheaters' Club
Production Design
A controversial therapist assembles a group of discontented wives and prescribes using adultery to save their failing marriages, only to have her patients killed off one by one.
The Piano Man's Daughter
Production Design
Terrified of passing on the madness that runs in his family, Charlie Kilworth (Christian Campbell) stays away from relationships that could lead to marriage and children. Meanwhile, his grandparents (R.H. Thomson and Wendy Crewson) are debating whether to put his mother (Stockard Channing) into a mental institution. Whoopi Goldberg shares producing credits on this generational drama adapted from the acclaimed novel by Timothy Findley.
Урок выживания
Art Direction
Сэм Декер, учитель в средней школе Линкольн — гроза своих экстремальных подопечных. Сэм — бывший спецназовец, поэтому он запросто останется после уроков с группой провинившихся студентов, от которых можно ждать чего угодно. Он готов к любым сюрпризам, но он не знает, что скоро гулкие коридоры и классы превратятся в настоящее поле боя. Банда садиста и психопата Честера Лэмба выбрала школу Линкольн в качестве базы для хитроумного ограбления полицейского фургона, перевозящего героин. Лэмб решает заодно убрать ненужных свидетелей, запертых в пустой школе, однако находчивые ученики вместе со своим бывалым наставником объявляют ему настоящую войну, которая станет для них решающим уроком выживания…
Murder Among Friends
Production Design
Private investigator Steve is being racketeered by beat cop Melvin Jarvis as divorce client. Silver spoon would be-actor Mark Woodruff is arrested for the shooting of his rich father Nathan. Only one acting class peer, Italian immigrant Isabella, truly believes in his innocence and manages without funds to hire Steve, with widow Marsha as prime suspect. However they soon find an art theft gang is involved, including Mark's youth friends, gallery keeper Brandon and his mate Jamie, who gets shot, and evil brain Alicia.
The Moving of Sophia Myles
Production Design
A pastor's cherished wife is thrown into despair and experiences a crisis of faith after his mysterious death.
Sleeping Dogs Lie
Art Direction
In 1919 theatre owner Ambrose Small sold his business and vanished. but who , if anyone, was responsible for his disappearance?
Joe's Wedding
Production Design
Joe loves to rock and be wild, but the time has come for him to settle down. He is to marry a conservative daughter of a well-to-do man. On his wedding day, a fiery female artist kidnaps him in order to blackmail his future father-in-law.
Полицейский – гладиатор
Production Design
Эндрю Гаррэтт — полицейский, обладающий сверхъестественными способностями. Выполняя задание по розыску похищенного из музея меча Александра Македонского, он вынужден участвовать в нелегальной гладиаторской битве, устроенной ради развлечения местным воротилой Стратосом. Единственная награда в поединке — победа или смерть.
Red Hot
Production Design
In 1959, a young Soviet musician risks everything to pursue his newfound love of American rock 'n' roll.