Albert Bronski


The 13th Mission
Trained as soldiers with a sequence of medals, however nothing in their knowledge prepared them for The Mission of their lifestyles. Can they be successful within this seemingly impossible assignment and go back to the USA alive or, after many years in the jungles of Southeast Asia, will they die without ever before seeing their homeland once again?
Sudden Thunder
Mayor Brown
A Miami cop learns that her father, who was the sheriff of her small hometown, has been murdered by an armed gang that has taken over the town. She brings four of her Miami cop friends to help clean out the town.
Last Flight To Hell
Mercenary (uncredited)
Reb Brown stars as a highly trained DEA agent who goes to Southeast Asia on a high-risk mission to free a drug dealer (Mike Monty) from nasty terrorists so that he can face trial back in the U.S.
Боевые крысы
Вьетнамская война. Отряд американцев попадает в засаду и расправляется с жителями деревни, у любого из которых за пазухой как минимум нож. Специальному отряду отдают приказ уничтожить базу вьетконговцев, из-за которых страдают мирные деревни. Как выкурить противника из подземелий, выкопанных злодеями в течение многих лет и неуязвимых для ядовитых газов? В помощь им создается суперотряд «Боевые крысы».
Alien from the Deep
Security Officer Carlos (uncredited)
Somewhere deep in the jungle a chemical corporation dumps tons of toxic waste in a still active volcano. Two environmentalists try to expose these illegal ways of getting rid of hugely dangerous waste, but they get caught by the vigilantes working for the company. One of them, the super-hot Maria Giulia Cavalli, manages to escape and she is saved by a snake farmer who lives alone in the jungle. Together they try to bring down the company, but it’s too late. Years of chemical poisoning have spawned a deadly monster that is set out to exact revenge on humans that have unknowingly brought him to life. Directed by legendary Antonio Margheriti, the unholy master of Italian B movies, Alien from the Deep is one of the most beloved Italian rip-offs. A wildly entertaining ride, the movie is an inventive crossover where lots of different genres and styles are mixed.
Осада базы
Отряд Американских солдат патрулирует территорию и попадают на базу «Глория» в джунглях где царит полный разброд и брожение — kомандир базы в стельку пьяный, солдаты долбят дурь и постреливают по джунглям, kомандир отряда капрал Джозеф «Нард» ДиНардо (Уингз Хаузер) берёт командование на себя, они с большими потерями отбивают мощную атаку гуков…
Thunder Ninja Kids In The Golden Adventure
Terry Goldberg
Cut and paste ninja movie. The original was the 1988 Korean movie 용호취 starring Won Jin "The Scorpion King". Here some original scenes were cut and replaced with ninja scenes shot later in Hong Kong.