Atila Klince


Пусто турско
Macedonian TV film.
Inn on the Road to Europe
The story speaks about the people who want to work, or want to change the world into a better place to live. All the characters in this film have no existence outside the imagination of the author and are inspired by the Balkan way of living. This is a story about the illusions of the Don Quixotes of the Balkans and their life style. Georgij is one of these. He is young, enthusiastic, well-mannered and a charming and committed teacher with an invincible spirit who wants to bring all innovations from the New World, which is Europe, to the Balkans. He opposes traditional Balkan skepticism and does not accept the status quo.
Перед дождем
Главным героем можно условно назвать фотографа, возвращающегося в родную деревню после долгих лет скитаний по горячим точкам планеты. Он не может принять новой реальности ненависти и кровной мести между людьми, с которыми когда-то жил, ходил в школу, играл.
Let God Kill the Spies
Five centuries of persecution and the struggle of the Macedonian people for freedom and an independent Macedonian state in which freedom will reign equally for all, have created their own myth and tradition for themselves. The struggles, sufferings, betrayals and self-sacrifice were later translated and woven through Macedonian songs, stories, tales and plays. Starting from there, this TV movie approaches the events of that time.
A dispute about water causes dramatic consequences, and the whole story grows into a tragic metaphor for the fate of a man doomed to fight for a bare existence.
A story of two delicate and beautiful women whose dreams have been destroyed by three brutal men, and of the women’s ultimate, liberating revenge.