A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional cake shop. The film spin-off depicts the mother’s adventures of being the number one fan of the superstar OO.
A wife needs to face not only the gradual deterioration of her husband's condition but also the complicated relationship between the daughter who was released from the prison on parole and the secret which was detonated after the old friend was back.All of the incidents make each other stuck into a family storm.
Deng Dao
The unscrupulous owner of Crazy TV sets out to lower the channel's ratings so he can sell it to mobster Mr. David for cheap and count his losses. He promotes failing producer Yeh to program director and fires the staff.
Headmaster Chao
To get his team to play a clean game, a high school baseball coach must put his life at stake.
Dr Foreskin
Trevor Ou is The Killer Who Never Kills, an assassin who earns the trust of his targets before snuffing their lives – and he does it without killing them! Trevor fakes the deaths of his targets and gives them new identities, but when his first target Grace returns – and reveals her love for him – Trevor may need to find a more permanent solution.
Film Director
Ming-Hsang, a deaf college student, meets interesting people as he cycles around Taiwan before he graduates from college.
A-Di's Friend
ЭнДжею уже за сорок, и он встревожен. Вдобавок к проблемам на работе его семья превратилась в клубок проблем — теща в коме, жена переживает душевный кризис, дочь впервые влюбилась, а сын слишком мудр для своих восьми лет. Внезапная встреча с давней возлюбленной Шерри, которую ЭнДжей бросил много лет назад, дает ему шанс начать новую жизнь. Вновь став романтиком, ЭнДжей тайком отправляется с Шерри в Японию, чтобы попытаться исправить свои ошибки.
After firing a colleague, the head of a PR company begins to question her lifestyle and values.
Film Director
Тайбэйские подростки 60-х годов живут в мире, где царит отчуждение и неуверенность в будущем. Повествование разворачивается вокруг отношений 14-летнего сына государственного служащего и подружки одного из главарей уличных банд.
Three Taiwanese friends go through political, romantic and cultural changes, from childhood to middle age.
Old Man and Girl is a Taiwanese Comedy starring Eric Tsang.
Counselor Chief
A-yuan and A-yun are both from the small mining town of Jio-fen. They move to Taipei, where A-yuan is an apprentice by day and goes to night school, and A-yun works as a helper at a tailors. Everyone thinks they are meant for each other, and so do they. They fail to see time and fate are beyond their control.