Mie Nakao

Mie Nakao


Mie Nakao


Goldfish Princess
One day, Ezawa Jun, who has trouble with work and in love, gets a ryukin from a goldfish scooping game at a festival. However, she is actually a beautiful girl and she suddenly turns into a human form and appears in front of Jun. Called Ryu, she is looking for the legendary black ranchu and asks Jun for his help. The two strangers begin living together and growing closer. Their fate goes in an unexpected direction.
A Stitch of Life
Teacher Izumi
Ichie is the owner of a dressmaking shop. Her grandmother started the shop and now Ichie runs the business. Her clothes are made with an old sewing machine and are very popular. Following her grandmother’s will, Ichie only makes clothes for individuals and turns down offers to turn her clothing into a brand.
It's a Beautiful Life - Irodori
Michiko ozeki
A group of elderly women come together to sell vegetable leaves.
Смертельный транс
Sword-wielding sister (right)
Мастер-самурай по прозвищу Могила выкрал шкатулку из священного Храма Тогун, в которой уже давно в заточении находится Богиня Разрушения. Он хочет выпустить ее, чтобы сразиться, но не знает как это сделать и отправляется в путешествие, чтобы найти секрет. В то время как один из монахов-послушников Храма отправляется в погоню за Могилой, чтобы вернуть реликт на место и спасти мир…
Naoto, the son of a wealthy family, suffers from Werner syndrome, a premature aging condition; Dai is an overweight child troubled by his penniless father's drunken violence; Jun, a gifted student, is the foursome's natural leader; and Tetsuro is average...
Camping on the streets of Tokyo, Michio meets Chihiro, a dancer, whom he makes fun of at first, but later befriends. Together they join a team of aspiring dancers and aim to make their professional debut. Michio and Chihiro gradually develop feelings for each other but, triggered by jealousy, Michio's old friends try to come in between them.
The Hit-and-Run Family
Set in the 1990s, this film uses black humour to cast a sharp, satirical eye at the problems facing modern Japanese families. Hiroshi accidentally hits a young woman with his car and flees in panic. He confesses to his wife, Yoko, who persuades him to keep quiet as his arrest would mean the end for their already troubled family. Their daughter is having an affair with a married man, their son is being bullied and refusing to go to school and their grandfather is becoming more difficult. Yoko urges the family to move the car into the living room in order to destroy the evidence by taking it apart. Hiroshi finally decides to do the honest thing but a series of bizarre incidents then ensues...
Via Okinawa
During the Vietnam War era, the influx of American soldiers to Okinawa boosted the local economy and introduced many bars and nightclubs. With exhausting displays of energy, Sai presents a whirlwind romance between a local rocker and the daughter of a mixed American-Okinawan marriage.
Mexican Free-for-All
A Toho comedy film staring the Crazy Cats.
Кровавая дорога Затоичи
Главному герою предстоит сопроводить 6-ти летнего мальчика по имени Риота к его отцу, художнику Сакити в далёкую деревню Мэйбар. Некий путник, случайно оказавшийся свидетелем разборки между Затойчи и пятью бандитами на проселочной дороге окажется сильнейшим ронином по имени Акацука. Прибыв в Мэйбар, выяснилось что отец ребенка, художник Сакити находиться в плену у местного начальника Гонзо, и без помощи Затойчи ему никогда не освободиться. Вскоре выясняется, что Гонзо с подельниками промышляют фарфоровыми изделиями с запретными изображениями, а ронину Акацуке поручили с этим разобраться. Тут дороги Затойчи и Акацуки пересекаются вновь.
Everybody, Let's Go!
Etsuko Shirasaka
A new stationmaster is appointed to a dilapidated local line. On top of the failing local line feuding for hot spring customers with a bus company looking to start a new route, they even get involved in a disappearance and a murder...
Till We Meet Again
College life starts off great for Michiko. She and her friend join the Italian Culture Research Club that performs canzone, a genre they are both in love with. The only problem is that the club doesn't have enough money to buy instruments for them to play. One day, the two come across a talent show called the "Mari Sono Look-Alike Contest" that promises the winner a cash prize. And Michiko looks a lot like the star.
Nippon Ichi no Goma Suri Otoko
Ты тоже можешь добиться успеха
Ryôko Mita
Накануне Токийских Олимпийских игр туристические фирмы сражаются за получение выгодных контрактов на обслуживание гостей Японии. В фирме "Това туризм" идут преобразования, дочка Президента компании приехала из Америки, и решила всё переделать на американский лад. Для двух друзей, Ямакава и Накаи, это отличный шанс продвинуться по службе.
The Maid Story
Nine maids serve the household of a writer and his wife. The couple treat their maids like daughters and marry them off to eligible men. So, they are forever looking for new maids. As the years go by maid servants become hired help and more bossy and independent, so Chikura and his wife find themselves adjusting their lives to keep up with changing times.
Crazy Operation
Me and Me
Toho comedy shot in Tohoscope featuring performances from the Peanuts and the Crazy Cats. Original released alongside another Toho comedy, King Kong vs. Godzilla.