Yoshiko Mita

Yoshiko Mita

Рождение : 1941-10-08, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


Yoshiko Mita


Три сестры Тэнмасо
Tenmasou is a long-established inn atop a mountain overlooking the sea, in a town called Mitsuse that exists between heaven and earth. The inn is run by Nozomi Tenma, the proprietress. Her younger sister Kanae works as a dolphin trainer. Their mother Keiko is the inn's elder proprietress, who is still resentful of her ex-husband that deserted his wife and family.
По мотивам одноименного романа Сюхэйя Фудзисавы. В конце жизни игрок, разбойник и бродяга Унокити возвращается в родные места и обнаруживает, что в его городе почти ничего не изменилось. Однако судьбы многих людей до сих пор определяются теми ошибками, которые он совершил в молодости. Прежде, чем умереть, он должен сделать что-то для дорогих ему людей.
Overprotected Kahoko: 2018 Love & Dream
Namiki Hatsuyo / "Baaba"
Set one year after drama series "Overprotected Kahoko." Kahoko is busy running her daycare center "Kahoko House" and also doing housework. Things at work and home are not going smoothly. "Kahoko House" is in financial difficulties and she isn't very good with housework. Her relationship with her husband Hajime is troubled and his career as a painter has been unsuccessful to date. Can Kahoko turn things around?
Something Like, Something Like It
Chairwoman Saito
Master Shinkome asks Shinden to find a former disciple, Shintoto, from his rakugoka (comic storytelling) family. Shinden visits ex-disciples in his search for Shintoto.
Покемон: Дианси и Кокон разрушения
Xerneas (voice)
Под землёй, на территории Алмазного Царства, где обитает множество Покемонов по имени Карбинк, мифический Покемон Дианси служит в качестве правителя. Алмазное Сердце, которое поддерживает землю начинает разваливаться, и Дианси не хватает сил, чтобы создать новый. В надежде помощи от легендарного Покемона Зирнис, по пути Дианси сталкивается с группой воров, которые хотят завладеть её властью, чтобы она им создавала алмазы. Сможет ли наш главный герой Эш Кетчум и его друзья помочь Дианси раскрыть свою истинную силу, остановить Ивелтала и спасти Алмазное Царство?
Потеря человечности
История о молодом человеке, который с детства ощущал окружающий мир иначе чем другие. За годы он научился надевать маску, чтоб скрывать свою отчужденность. Он чувствовал себя неспособным принадлежать человеческому обществу, особенно из-за отказа общества воспринимать его серьезно.
Душа, проснись!
Akiko Ito
Для Тосико Сэкигути безмятежные годы счастливого брака закончились в один день: ее муж скоропостижно скончался от сердечного приступа. Пришла беда — отворяй ворота. Не успели пройти похороны, как Тосико случайно узнает, что у мужа была любовница, владелица ресторана. Сын, приехавший с женой из Калифорнии после восьми лет отлучки, претендует на наследство и собирается жить с матерью в одном доме. Еще недавно простая домохозяйка, Тосико выбита из колеи. Теперь она сама должна принимать решения. Ее ждет немало неприятных сюрпризов: номер-пенал в низкопробной гостинице, сомнительные знакомства, эгоистичный любовник, попытки овладеть ремеслом киномеханика. От ее прежней жизни не остается и следа…
Umineko - Inseparable
Tami Noda
The shock of her fiance's sudden dissolution of their relationship causes university student, Miki, to lose her voice. While recuperating in a hospital in her hometown of Hakodate, she learns of the tragic life of her deceased mother, Kaoru, from her grandmother.
Drugstore Girl
Drugstore President
Pharmaceutical student, Keiko witnesses her boyfriend having an affair. Shocked and disappointed, she jumps on a train ("destination anywhere, east or west, she don't care") and ends up in a town named Masao in Tokyo's remote suburbs. There, she gets a part-time job at a newly opened drugstore. What do ya know.. The local shopping district's middle-aged men all fall for the young girl's charms, and they start practicing lacrosse once they have found out that that's her favourite sport.
Королевская битва 2
Takuma's Mother
Прошло три года после окончания «Королевской битвы». Мир все глубже погружается в пучину насилия. Сюя и Норико, которым удалось выжить в первой битве и бежать с острова, разыскиваются как опасные преступники. Сюя возглавляет террористическую группу «Дикая семерка», объявившую тотальную войну жестокому миру взрослых, заставляющих подростков убивать друг друга. Тем временем 42 выпускника средней школы, отправившись на курорт, просыпаются в электронных ошейниках со взрывчаткой. Учитель Рики объявляет, что их класс избран для проведения «Королевской битвы II». Если они смогут высадиться на отдаленный остров и за три дня найти и уничтожить группу террористов во главе с особо опасным преступником Сюя Нанахарой, то останутся жить. Если нет — все они умрут…
Yumi Mori
Faraway Sunset
Shika Noguchi
Faraway Sunset tells the story of the famed bacteriologist who is known to have discovered the agent that cause syphilis, and for his relentless search for a cure to yellow fever. As a toddler, his mother's neglect had caused an accident to his left hand, fusing together all the fingers in a bizarre twist of fate. Naturally extremely remorseful for being the cause of her son's handicap, she does everything she could to ensure that he gets to lead a normal life, despite having to fend off bullies and unfair prejudices.
The Tale of Genji
TV movie based on the novel "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, which tells about the life of Prince Hikaru Genji, who was nicknamed "Shining" by people for his dazzling noble beauty. In 1991, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of TBS' founding, it was released with a total production value of around 1.2 billion yen and aired in two parts.
A Desirable Marriage
Mieko Yatou
A human drama on the state of marriage today, following the battle between a mother and daughter over her marriage and humorous depictions of the people around them. When Mieko's husband passes away, she hopes to arrange a good marriage for her daughter Non, but things don't go as planned when Non reveals there's already a love interest in her life.
Riki's Wife
Late in the 1500s, an aging tea master teaches the way of tea to a headstrong Shogun. Through force of will and courageous fighting, Hideyoshi becomes Japan’s most powerful warlord, unifying the country.
Yakuza Ladies 3
Hazuki Sakanishi
Upon the passing of the Sakanishi Clan’s boss, a fierce battle between his wife Hazuki and his disciple Terada breaks out. Will Hazuki be able to assume her husband’s position as the head of the established yakuza clan?
Мужчине живётся трудно. Фильм 40: Юбилейный салат Торадзиро
На автовокзале в городе Коморо уличный торговец Тора-Сан встречает старуху, которая живет одна после смерти мужа десять лет назад. Ночь в ее старом доме. На следующее утро доктор Матико Харада приходит, чтобы отвезти пожилую женщину в больницу. Тора помогает ей и приглашает к себе в гости. На следующий день он едет домой в Токио и возвращается в магазин сладостей сестры Сакуры, тети Цунэ и дяди Тацудзо в Сибамате. Вскоре Матико приезжает в Токио, чтобы навестить свою племянницу Юки, студентку, изучающую японскую поэзию. Матико навещает Тора-сана, но радость встречи омрачается тем фактом, что им приходит известие о смерти старушки.
The Silk Road
Woman of Xixia
In 1026, students in western China are shanghaied into the forces of crown prince Li Yuanhao of Xi Xia, who wants to control the length of the Silk Road. One student is Zhao Xingde, who becomes the favorite of his commander, Zhu Wangli. While sacking a fortress, Xingde discovers Tsurpia, princess of the Uighur. He hides her; they fall in love. When he's sent away to study Xixian, he leaves Tsurpia in Zhu's care, but returns to find her engaged to Li. Tragedy follows, and he and Zhu enter a pact to take revenge when Li arrives at Dun-Huang, the region's seat of learning and culture. Against overwhelming odds, they find a surprising way to leave a monument to their life and love.
Memories of You
University student Akira meets the lovely 14-year-old Yumi, whom he had tutored years ago. Her mother is told by her doctor that the schoolgirl has leukaemia and has only 6 months to live.
Reason For Not Divorcing
Fumiko Hayami
Yoshiko Mita and Masahiko Tsugawa enthusiastically perform a couple who know each other’s affairs and affairs and still do not part with each other even after various emotional conflicts. A work that is highly supported by women.
The Drifting Classroom
An entire Japanese international grade school—and all within—are mysteriously transported to a foreboding desert wasteland. As the story unfolds, the diminishing student body weathers this apocalyptic crisis while searching for clues about their surroundings, and dealing with psychological breakdown and dangerous exterior forces.
A sensuous movie based on a literary work. Hitomi Kuroki stars as the film’s heroine.
Spring Bell
Noriko Narumi
Narumi Rokuheita and his wife Noriko spend their lives separated. Soon they start looking for love elsewhere.
The Tragedy of
Sho Hajima
A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.
Искусство и любовь
Юная красавица Цуя обучается живописи в студии знаменитого мастера Сёкея. Желание талантливой девушки остаться в респектабельной студии толкает ее в объятия наставника... Вскоре наступает трагическая развязка. Рожденный от Сёкея ребенок отдан на воспитание чужим людям, мать отворачивается от падшей дочери, и Цуя вынуждена бежать в другой город. Лишь встреча с молодым художником Нисиути помогает девушке вернуться к жизни и к живописи...
Island of Loves
This film depicts the life of the 19th-century Portuguese writer Wenceslau De Moraes by means of nine ancient ballads from China. The writer married a Chinese woman after he left his wife and family to go live in Macao. Later, he moved to Japan where he fell in love with a Japanese woman, staying in Japan for the rest of his life. Mixed in with the career and loves of Moraes is the history of Portugal at home and in its colonies.
The film tells the story of a man who was washed ashore on an uninhabited island after a ship wrecked by a storm, and after twelve years, he returned to human society.
Dog of Fortune
Kyoko Katase
From Hokkaido to Tokyo, hunting dog Goro embarks on a long and grueling journey to reach home. With the loss of his master who held a secret to a weapons smuggling case and the corruptions of those who are involved, Goro's adventure unfolds.
Glowing Autumn
A very beautiful Japanese woman is in love with Persian carpets. She is being chased by lecherous Saburi Shin and a handsome young photographer. Lecherous Saburi Shin knows what she wants, and is able to produce it for her.
Падение замка Ако
История повествует о том, как сорок семь бывших поданных самураев из Ако, ставших ронинами, отомстили за смерть своего господина, даймё Асано Такуми-но-Ками Наганори, церемониймейстеру при дворе сёгуна Токугава Цунаёси по имени и титулу Кира Кодзуке-но-Сукэ. В 1701 году Асано был приговорён к совершению харакири за то, что обнажил меч в стенах дворца Сёгуна и напал с оружием в руках на высокопоставленного чиновника Кира в ответ на оскорбления с его стороны. Тем же указом Сёгуна клан Асано был распущен и его имущество конфисковано. Потеряв своего господина и замок, как и источники дохода, около полсотни ронинов во главе с главным советником клана Оиси Кураносукэ дали клятву кровавой мести, понимая, что за это их ожидает смертный приговор.
A Cheerful Yakuza
Love Is in the Green Wind
A youthful film depicting the sexual awakening of a boy who has just entered adolescence and his heartbreaking romance during the summer holidays with a young sprightly girl.
Woman in Maruyama
В XVI веке двое португальских священников прибывают в Японию. Их цель - разыскать христианские общины, подвергающиеся гонениям, и восстановить влияние церкви в этой стране. Фильм рассказывает о невзгодах и испытаниях, выпавших на их долю.
The Biggest Gamble
When Honjo is selected as Kansai district's chairman, Iwasa of the rival gang asks Itsuki to do everything possible to have Honjo step down, which puts Itsuki between a rock and a hard place.
The Resurrection of the Beast
Crime film released in 1969
Самаритянин Затоичи
Ити впутывается в историю, когда хочет забрать деньги у человека, который задолжал якудзе. Он знакомится с толстым и веселым ронином, который помогает ему. Ити приходится убить должника, но затем он знакомится с сестрой убитого, за честь которой вынужден сражаться с главарем банды. Она влюбляется в Ити, хотя и знает, что он убил ее брата.
Nunnery Confidential
Pinku from 1968.
Natsuko Nomura
Тэцуя Эдзаки - успешный бизнесмен, он пользуется неизменным успехом у женщин, однако он не готов вступить в брак, который помешает его карьере. Неожиданная страсть изменяет всю его жизнь.
Contemporary Tales of Chivalry 2
Hidejiro is a wandering yakuza with a ‘karashi botan’ (Chinese lion and peony) tattoo. Owing a favor to the Soda Family, he kills the boss of the rival Sakaki Family. When the Soda attacks the Sakaki and double-crosses him, with sword in hand, Hidejiro seeks brutal retribution.
Brutal Tales of Chivalry
After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second-generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in the Enko area. Iwasa has Gennosuke assassinated but before he dies, he names Shinji Terajima as his successor and makes him swear to carry on the family business and not seek revenge or use violence. Shinji tries to make his family’s marketplace a success, but with constant interruption and attacks from Iwasa’s gang, he can no longer keep his word to his former boss.
The Hoodlum Brothers
A crime film released in 1965
Остывший рис. О-сан. Отец
Три новеллы по рассказам Сюгоро Ямамото. Новелла 1: «Остывший рис: так называют младших сыновей в семье, которые не могут стать наследниками, а значит не могут жениться, если их не усыновит родня невесты. Дайсиро исполнилось 24 года, он влюбился, но должен оставить пустые мечты, потому что он - Остывший рис. Новелла 2: «О-Сан» — Так зовут жену главного героя. Она сочетает в себе верность мужу и страсть, которая заставляет её в минуту экстаза выкрикивать имя другого мужчины. Новелла 3: «Отец» — Дзюкити должен содержать жену и четверых детей, но его принципиальность не позволяет ему халтурить в работе, а созданные им шедевры никто не покупает, ему остается только топить горе в вине.
The Black Kitten
Helping her mother manage a nightclub, young Emiko quickly realizes how difficult life is.
The Boss
This tragic drama shows a young man fettered by Bushido, the way of the Samurai, who tried to escape the chains of his position, but was being forced to die. When the Tokugawa Shogunate ruled the land, Tatsuno castle in Wakisaka Clan's home of Harima held an established custom, the inspection of the arms warehouse. The Government Inspector Okuno Magodayu found a slight bit of dirt on the point of a spear and mentioned it with disdain. Ezaki Shinpachi heard it and started an argument with him. Magodayu then sent a a letter of challenge to him because he felt insulted by a low-ranking underling without a title. As it turned out Magodayu was killed. Since then, Shinpachi and the Okuno family have had continuous revenge duels. The tension mounts as this story builds to an extremely violent climax, when blood must pay for blood if the clan is to survive!
Red Diamond
Yoshiko Ido
After losing all his money, Kizuka Keita, a seller on the black market, is trying to commit suicide. But he is saved by Morigen, a broker on the azuki beans market. A young man tries to regain his wealth in the bean market.
Raised in a Palace
Set in the pleasure district of Kyoto, Tamiko (Yoshiko Mita, in her first lead role) is a young girl attending high school by day and training as a geisha at night She sees her future as an entertainer, not a prostitute, & she expects a happy marriage with a medical student, Yasuke (Katsuo Nakamura), a sweet fellow she deeply loves. but things started to getting worse for Tamiko and she's forced to become the mistress of the disgusting Tsukada (Seiji Miyaguchi).
The Domain
The feud between two rival delivery companies, Kibamasa and Okiyama, heats up as the head of Kibamasa falls ill.
Main Street in the Underworld
Tokyo Gang Vs. Hong Kong Gang
Zoku ôsho
Adaptation of novel.
Gang Loyalty and Vengeance
A modern gang version of Chushingura, chronicling almost scene for scene the Brave 47 Ronin story, transposed from the Genroku Period to the Showa Era.
Legends of Honor
First ninkyo yakuza picture at Toei directed by Teruo Ishii
The Navy
A tale of two best friends in the WWII era Japan. Takao is a young man enthusiastic about joining the navy to fight for his country. He convinces his best friend Shinji to join him. As it turns out, however, Takao's poor health prevents him from entering the navy while his friend is chosen instead. As time goes by, Takao becomes a painter and changes his mind about the meaningfulness of war and fighting, while his friend goes the opposite path. Meanwhile Takao's sister falls in love with Shinji.
League of Gangsters
A yakuza man is released from prison after serving a long sentence. He immediately sets about creating a new gang and attempts to pull off a huge ransom score.
Bushido: The Cruel Code of the Samurai
Kyoko Hitomi
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
Tokyo aantachibiru: dasso
Yuriko Inoue
Криминальная драма Хидео Секигавы с участием Кена Такакуры, Рэнтаро Микуни, Тэцуро Танбы.
The King
The film takes place at the junction of the two eras of Meiji and Taisho. Sakata Sankichi, an uneducated zori sandal maker, becomes a professional shogi player through his genius shogi skills and lives a fanatically devoted shogi game supported by the love of his family. This is the 3rd adaptation of Hideji Hojo's famous play.
Tokyo Untouchable
as Yuriko Inoue
Криминальная драма, боевик. Suspense action that depicts the obsession of 2 detectives chasing escaped thugs.
The Phantom Goblin
An injured Edo official is rescued by a vassal whose appearance is exactly like himself, and swears to sweep out the criminals from the town on his behalf.
Gang vs. Gang
The plot opens with the hero (Tsuruta) leaving prison, having served time through taking the blame for a fellow gang member’s crime. However, his former gang boss seems to have gone to seed, with people now killing each other and dealing in drugs. The hero then teams up with a lone operator (Tamba) who specialises in shaking down gangsters.
У подножия горы
Masako Katagiri
После войны семья Катагири пережила разорение и бедность. Мать взяла дело в свои руки и справилась с невзгодами, а отец потерял способность принимать решения. Теперь судьба всех членов семьи зависит от матери — она распоряжается своими дочерьми и указывает им, как надо жить. Что делать молодым: слушаться умной матери или искать свою дорогу в жизни?
The Ambitious Youth
Nakako Miyagawa
As descendent of famed fishmonger Isshin Tasuke, young feisty Ishii Tasuke uses his talent to flourish his employer’s food business.
Tales of President Mito
Tsubomi Kasuga
Mr. Mito, a former president of an instant food company, with two young men’s help, solves the quality problems and wins a big ramen contract with a large Chinese company.
1962 Japanese movie
次郎長社長と石松社員 威風堂々
1962 Japanese movie
Rascals! Go to Hell
A boss of underworld helps the police crush an evil gang.
The Happy-Go-Lucky Guy
A group of four chorus singers leave their hometown in Kyushu and go to Tokyo to become stars. It’s a musical comedy that shows Segawa’s talent.
A Young Warrior on Mount Fuji
The epic battles between the Heike and Genji (Taira and Minamoto clans) take centerstage as the defeated leader of the Genji, Minamoto Yoritomo resolves to end his clan's exile and avenge the brutal loss in December, 1159 as they had fought under the white banner of the Emperor, while the Taira fought under their red flags in a battle to the death. The fight only took one day, with the Genji suffering utter defeat which led to their exile. His father, Yoshitomo, took responsibility for the loss and rather than live in humiliation, he decides to commit suicide with all his sons following him. However, the bravest warrior among them, Yoritomo stands tall and declares that he will not kill himself, but rather will fight to restore the clan.
Castle of Flames
In 17th century Japan, Young Lord Masato returns after years abroad to find everything changed: his peace-loving father has died in what he soon finds to be mysterious circumstances, and his mother's married to his uncle, whose ruthless ambition is causing turmoil in the kingdom. Not knowing who to trust, Masato feigns madness, vowing to get to the truth, even though his act causes distress to the girl he loves, who's waited for him all these years. The ghost of his father turns up now and then to show him the way. Meanwhile a peasant revolt is brewing... It all ends tragically.
World War III Breaks Out
The lives of several Japanese families are shattered as the USA and the USSR move toward war, Japan finds itself caught in the middle, and Tokyo is ultimately evacuated as the two superpowers invoke the 'nuclear option'.
Won't Stand for Dying
Emi Eshima
The son of the murdered Yakuza, Kenji, at the request of his mother, worked in a stable company. However, soon the girl Kenji Amy, who was in favor of the director of the company, is sexually harassed by him. Kenji beats the director and resigns. He asks his brother Ryota, the manager of the cabaret, to find a job, but his brother refuses him, and he is taken in by Senba, a yakuza boss specializing in smuggling and drugs...