Hynek Bočan

Hynek Bočan

Рождение : 1938-04-29, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Hynek Bočan


Princezna Ano
Láska rohatá
Zdivočelá země
Zdivočelá země
Zdivočelá země
Zdivočelá země
The story, written by former George Stransky former political prisoners and today's chairman Pen Club is situated to 50 years and uranium camp of political prisoners in Pribram, where after the fall of the Stalinist cult comes at the end of 1958 as a prisoner of the former Chief of Main Administration of correctional facilities Colonel Good. Former chief topic of coexistence, "a guard" and political prisoners in the Bolshevik camp served timeless makers to reflect on the possibility (or impossibility) of forgiveness and a sense of justice. The film, unfortunately, below expectations - mainly because of its rarity and lack syžetovou arching dramatic arc of the story, including natural gradation. Nice camera and vice versa are cast, formed literally myriad of top Czech actors. A representative of one of the main roles - Jiri Schmitzer in 1997 was awarded the Czech Lion.
О рассеянном чернокнижнике
Героиня фильма - школьница Молли - написала очерк о посещении киностудии, где проходят съёмки фильма-сказки. Молли наделена богатым воображением и с подозрением относится к своему учителю. Ей кажется, что он не кто иной как колдун, восставший от столетнего сна, чтобы помешать съёмкам фильма. Оказывается, что подозрения Молли не беспочвенны...
V tomhle zámku straší, šéfe!
Chief, There Is a Horse in the Backyard
Criminal comedy, a fourth movie from the "Chief" series.
Útěk ze seriálu
Scenario Writer
Útěk ze seriálu
Smích se lepí na paty
Smích se lepí na paty
С чертями шутки плохи
Однажды в одном королевстве, на одной мельнице, на которой хозяйничал Махал-мельник, справедливый и добросовестный человек. И был у него сын по имени Петер. И жили они счастливо, если бы не ... Дорота и Управляющий короля захотели заполучить мельницу. Это не очень хорошая вещь для людей думать, что зло может оказаться безнаказанным.
С чертями шутки плохи
Однажды в одном королевстве, на одной мельнице, на которой хозяйничал Махал-мельник, справедливый и добросовестный человек. И был у него сын по имени Петер. И жили они счастливо, если бы не ... Дорота и Управляющий короля захотели заполучить мельницу. Это не очень хорошая вещь для людей думать, что зло может оказаться безнаказанным.
Chief, Let's Go!
Criminal comedy, a third movie from the "Chief" series.
Chief, Come Back!
Criminal comedy, a second movie from the "Chief" series.
Bridal Tour to Jilji
A scientist meets a nice girl and they start dating. He decides the only way to find out for sure if she’s the one is to take a long trip with her, but things don’t go quite as he’d hoped.
Chief, It's Amazing
Criminal comedy, a first movie from the "Chief" series.
Half a House Without a Groom
The Francs with their daughters Olina and Jirina are building a villa in the village of Rezkovice. Father Franc (Vladimír Mensík) doesn't allow himself a minute's respire and restlessly forces to work his wife, both daughters and Zdenek, Jirina's suitor. Zdenek does not protest against it and, in addition, he is skillful. On the contrary, Olina's boyfriend Libor is worse at work. He studies at the Technical College and he does not succeed much in grasping the building handicraft. Franc, proud of his pursuits, decides that he will arrange the wedding for both daughters and then hand them over the key of the villa in which both pairs have luxuriously furnished flats.
Half a House Without a Groom
The Francs with their daughters Olina and Jirina are building a villa in the village of Rezkovice. Father Franc (Vladimír Mensík) doesn't allow himself a minute's respire and restlessly forces to work his wife, both daughters and Zdenek, Jirina's suitor. Zdenek does not protest against it and, in addition, he is skillful. On the contrary, Olina's boyfriend Libor is worse at work. He studies at the Technical College and he does not succeed much in grasping the building handicraft. Franc, proud of his pursuits, decides that he will arrange the wedding for both daughters and then hand them over the key of the villa in which both pairs have luxuriously furnished flats.
Hezký Štědrý večer
Dívka světových parametrů
Our Gang
Plavení hříbat
This Is How Love Begins...
The Man from London
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
The Man from London
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
Zvláštní případ
Honor and Glory
This historical film by Hynek Bočan touches upon the indecisiveness of the Czech nation, ready to bend the backbone in face of foreign rule. Situating the story at the close of the Thirty Year War enabled the depiction of the misery of the people that affects even an impoverished aristocratic milieu. Rudolf Hrušínský appears here in the role of an indecisive knight, persuaded for a long time and in vain to join the anti-Habsburg movement. The story does not only captivate through the depiction of manifold human characters, intrigues and sycophancy, but also through the circumstances ruling over the devastated farmstead, sunk in mud and crudeness. One of the best films with an updating tendency has come into being here, rightly being named along the such greats as Kladivo na čarodějnice (Witches' Hammer).
Honor and Glory
This historical film by Hynek Bočan touches upon the indecisiveness of the Czech nation, ready to bend the backbone in face of foreign rule. Situating the story at the close of the Thirty Year War enabled the depiction of the misery of the people that affects even an impoverished aristocratic milieu. Rudolf Hrušínský appears here in the role of an indecisive knight, persuaded for a long time and in vain to join the anti-Habsburg movement. The story does not only captivate through the depiction of manifold human characters, intrigues and sycophancy, but also through the circumstances ruling over the devastated farmstead, sunk in mud and crudeness. One of the best films with an updating tendency has come into being here, rightly being named along the such greats as Kladivo na čarodějnice (Witches' Hammer).
Private Torment
A worker steals bits and pieces of building materials from work to construct a new home for himself and his girlfriend. When he discovers that she’s having an affair with his boss, he devises one elaborate plot after another to murder the rival, each time with pathetic results.
Private Torment
A worker steals bits and pieces of building materials from work to construct a new home for himself and his girlfriend. When he discovers that she’s having an affair with his boss, he devises one elaborate plot after another to murder the rival, each time with pathetic results.
An Occasion to Speak
Documentary about the film academy in Prague and the Czech Film in 1965.
Nobody Will Laugh
A successful art historian who has trouble telling people difficult truths, finds himself in an inescapable situation when a small lie quickly gets out of hand.
Nobody Will Laugh
A successful art historian who has trouble telling people difficult truths, finds himself in an inescapable situation when a small lie quickly gets out of hand.
Ninety Degrees in the Shade
First Assistant Director
A woman attempts to cover up the thefts committed by the manager at the shop she works at.
Алмазы ночи
First Assistant Director
Экранизация рассказа «Тьма не отбрасывает тени» классика чешской литературы и свидетеля холокоста Арношта Лустига — автобиографической истории о двух еврейских подростках, которые сбегают из нацистского поезда, везущего их в концлагерь. Скрываясь от фашистов, они несутся куда глаза глядят; скитаются по дикому лесу; затаив дыхание, прислушиваются к любому шуму. Не останавливаются. В моменты истощения и предельной усталости герои видят сны — обрывочные, сбивающие с толку и дающие надежду. Постепенно граница между реальным и воображаемым становится неразличимой — так же, как и грань между настоящим, прошлым и будущим.
The Dynamite Watcher
First Assistant Director
Действие начинается в июле 2163 года, когда экипаж из сорока человек корабля «Икар» отправляется в сторону планет звезды Альфа Центавра. Такому большому человеческому коллективу в замкнутом пространстве корабля угрожают непредвиденные психологические конфликты. Через четыре месяца начинается проявление отчётливой усталости и даже страха перед пустотой космоса. Но вдруг опасность мобилизует всех: на пути «Икара» появляется летающий объект.
Little Bobesh
First Assistant Director
A story of a young boy called Bobesh and his funny adventures.
Вилла «Сильва»
Assistant Director
О том, как молодой ветеринар Иржи Климеш, влюбленный в свою профессию, несмотря на множество препятствий, все же вернулся после окончания института в свою родную деревню.
Каникулы в облаках
Assistant Director
По мотивам книги Богумила Ржиги "О самолете канети". Мальчики Войта и пепичек мечтали стать летчиками. Во время каникул они познакомились с Гейдуком, пилотом вертолёта. Гейдук прокатил ребят на своей машине и даже позволил Войте управлять ей в полёте. Однажды ребята, без разрешения, поднялись на вертолёте, но тут же упали на вспаханное поле. Гейдук не ругал ребят, а только попросил их помочь починить машину.
Olověný chléb