Vladimír Dlouhý

Vladimír Dlouhý

Рождение : 1958-06-10, Prague, Czechoslovakia, [now Czech Republic]

Смерть : 2010-06-20


Vladimír Dlouhý


Человек широкого криминального профиля попадает за решетку за убийство двух жестоких бандитов. Свою вину он естественно отрицает. В деле куча процессуальных нарушений и море белых пятен в самом обвинении. Но суд принимает решение о пожизненном заключении обвиненного. И вот, когда герою для того, чтобы очутиться на свободе остается уповать только на побег, появляется адвокат готовая помочь законным способом…
npor. Jaroslav Falta
Klub osamělých srdcí
Zakázaný člověk
Sofie a ukradený poklad
Guard No. 47
A WW I veteran still haunted by his time in the trenches settles in a small town to work for the railroad company. His pretty wife attracts the attention of the lonely young gravedigger.
Malé velké gatě
Psychological comedy about extremely jealous husband.
Shadow of the Deceased
The nurse Helga meets Baltic nobleman Arno when he's wounded in the Russo-Finnish war. They have a short but passionate affair before Arno is called back to the front and dies. Helga has a daughter, Dorli, as a result of the affair and they have to struggle to survive after the Red Army wins the war.
Lovers & Murderers
Lovers & Murderers is about the ongoing war between those who have and those who want to have what the others have. The have-nots see themselves as poor victims trying to get for themselves what is justly theirs. But when the have-nots become haves, they continue to see themselves as victims of the hordes baying for what is justly theirs, and they have neither the energy nor the security to enjoy what they have obtained. The movie takes place in the microcosm of a small apartment building. The principal goal of the young people who share rooms in the building is to move into their own room and, some day, a real apartment. They scheme to get what they're after: form short-lived alliances, petition, frighten, marry, become pregnant, anything that might work. Lovers & Murderers presents Páral's vision of mankind caught in a cyclical process in which ideology pales before the pettiness, cruelty, and self-justification of human nature.
Non Plus Ultras
NON PLUS ULTRAS is a comedy with a social subtext. It takes a satirical look at a short stretch in the life of five "fans" of one Prague football club who belong to the hardcore supporters - ultras or hooligans. The gang members' lives revolve around football. They revere their "world-famous" English counterparts and uncritically take them as their role models. The undeclared leader of the gang is Bejcak (played by David Novotny), a charismatic young man of around 30 years old with natural authority. He is not stupid; he likes to use foreign words, but always in a slightly unsuitable context. The oldest member of the gang is the lonely forty-year-old Tycka (Vladimir Dlouhy), whom Bejcak took under the gang's wing. Tycka is much older than the others. The stuttering youth Pejsek (Karel Zima) is a fanatic lover of all things "English". He is seconded by the none-too-bright Potapec (Michal Novotny) and the agile, wiry Vocko (Matej Hadek), who is constantly devising new loutish exploits.
One Hand Can't Clap
Martinas father
Jedna ruka netleska...
Ta třetí
Den, kdy nevyšlo slunce
Elixír a Halíbela
Početí mého mladšího bratra
O princezně z Rimini
Stříbrný a Ryšavec
Genij vlasti
Bronzová koruna
It is a film consisting of six short stories, which mostly tell in a black humorous, ironic, often bitterly bitter form about an ancient curse, human infidelity, strange deviations, an unexpected miracle and hypocritical forgiveness. They have their own pointed structure, specific atmosphere and way of processing, and yet they pass on motives to each other that communicate with each other and observe the same things from different angles.
Прекрасные годы впустую
Ing. Jiří Zvára
Жизнь обычной семьи в абсурдные времена, к которым надо было приспособиться. По своему. Как угодно. Хоть как-нибудь. Действие фильма происходит в Праге и городке Сазаве, недалеко от Праги, в период с 1962 до горбачевской Перестройки, которая собственно и возродила в герое фильма веру в лучшее будущее.
Lubos Príhoda
The story, written by former George Stransky former political prisoners and today's chairman Pen Club is situated to 50 years and uranium camp of political prisoners in Pribram, where after the fall of the Stalinist cult comes at the end of 1958 as a prisoner of the former Chief of Main Administration of correctional facilities Colonel Good. Former chief topic of coexistence, "a guard" and political prisoners in the Bolshevik camp served timeless makers to reflect on the possibility (or impossibility) of forgiveness and a sense of justice. The film, unfortunately, below expectations - mainly because of its rarity and lack syžetovou arching dramatic arc of the story, including natural gradation. Nice camera and vice versa are cast, formed literally myriad of top Czech actors. A representative of one of the main roles - Jiri Schmitzer in 1997 was awarded the Czech Lion.
Cesta do pekla a zpátky
O princi, který měl o kolečko víc
princ Ludvík
On - fotograf
В заброшенной квартире встречаются бывшие супруги. Забаррикадировавшись, муж, таким образом, пытается скрыться от преступников, которые охотятся за компрометирующими фотографиями. Но и бывшая жена оказывается там не случайно - она любовница одного из похитителей. Но при необычном свидании верх берут былые чувства, влюбленные решают обмануть бандитов и пускаются в бега.
Zálety koňského handlíře
Křížová vazba
Luděk Krejza
Don Juan
Princezna Slonbidlo
princ Metoděj
Верными останемся
В основе сюжета кинодилогии - исследование сложных судеб коммунистов-антифашистов разных национальностей. Фильм основан на биографиях реальных людей, чья жизнь вобрала в себя самые драматические этапы истории 30-50-х годов XX века.
Sáňkování není povoleno
ppor. VB
Než poznáš první úsměv
Sardinky aneb Život jedné rodinky
Zdeněk Odvárko
С чертями шутки плохи
Petr Máchal
Однажды в одном королевстве, на одной мельнице, на которой хозяйничал Махал-мельник, справедливый и добросовестный человек. И был у него сын по имени Петер. И жили они счастливо, если бы не ... Дорота и Управляющий короля захотели заполучить мельницу. Это не очень хорошая вещь для людей думать, что зло может оказаться безнаказанным.
Odpouštím ti, tatínku
Love from the Passage
A drama based on the criminal youth life in Prague during eighties.
Dotek ruky
A zlehka zazvoní
O labuti
Story about fate, and their fatal consequences.
O Vánocích už nechci slyšet ani slovo
Cesta do Rokycan
Karel Karas ml.
Můj nezdolný lev
Ženich mezi dveřmi
Monkey's Playtime
The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.
Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin
Konečně si rozumíme
The Island of the Silver Herons
The late summer of 1918. Paul, Willi and Heinrich from an age-old German town are good friends, although there is a great deal that divides them. Heinrich comes from an officer's family with an army tradition and is preparing to enter cadet college. Paul's father and grandfather are workers, and Willi, left to depend on himself, works as a hotel messenger. The last year of the war is hard for everyone, but while Paul and Willi know their own minds and do not hesitate to help the war fugitives Tony and Sepp, for Heinrich everything is more complicated.
Plavení hříbat
Anna, sestra Jany
Na startu je delfín
Robinson Girl
Blazenka likes to imagine she is on a desolate island and has to find a way how to survive. After the death of her mother she stays together with her baby brother and has to take care of the family. In this difficult situation, she plays this role-game that helps her to deal with the sudden loss of her mother.
Osud jménem Kamila
Quails and King
Police find a girl with a bleeding face in a small town park at night. First the girl, a textile factory worker Jana, refuses to talk, and then she decides to tell the truth. After her father's death she, by herself, takes care of her younger brother called Pinda. She does not like the influence that a gang of older boys from the factory exercise over her brother. The gang leader Jirka, called King, is admire by local girls whose number exceeds boys in the town because there are many textile factories where only girls are working. They easily yield to him and then he easily gets rid of them. Jana is a hard nut for him. She refuses his purposeful courtesy and thus she unintentionally gets his attention. King inspires the gang on how to get money by stealing textile from the factory warehouse.
Počkám, až zabiješ
Die gestohlene Schlacht
Käsebier - child
Я умею прыгать через лужи
Сюжет фильма разворачивается в маленьком моравском городке в последние годы существования Австро-венгерской империи. Адаму, сынишке Государственного инспектора кавалерии больше всего нравится кататься на своём коне, однако… Тяжкая болезнь — полиомиелит — больница, операции лишают его этой возможности. Но не всё потеряно, ведь Адам всё равно может двигаться, пусть на короткие расстояния и на костылях или в инвалидном кресле. С помощью друзей он снова в состоянии поехать верхом, и его радость не знает никаких границ.