Tommy Pridnig


Нянька на рождество
По нелепой случайности воришка Денис оказывается в роли сиделки у прикованного к инвалидному креслу. Он вынужден ухаживать за богатым бизнесменом и его внучкой, которая приехала навестить деда. Рэймонд с радостью избавился бы от непрошенного гостя, но снежная буря вынуждает их оставаться в одном доме.
Thank You for Bombing
Thank you for Bombing accompanies three correspondents to their working place in conflict areas and gives an insight into their daily routine aside from cameras and satellite phones - somewhere between bombing alarm, laundry and Bach flower therapy.
The Lies You Sleep With
Rita was always the richest, prettiest and most spoiled of the five friends. She always had everything under control. Even back then, at the time of the "incident." Now, years later, she's in charge once again. Her plan is to surprise her friends with a weekend in her family's remote and secluded hunting lodge. A spoiled and bitter young woman, she knows the power she wields. If she wants them to laugh, they laugh; if she wants them to forget the incident that is their dark and private secret, they must remain silent. With plentiful schnapps, uninvited guests and pent-up recriminations on the verge of explosion, the emotional turmoil inside the lodge is more violent than the storm brewing outdoors… Charlotte, the doubter, is no longer willing to ignore the past, and seeks atonement. Then Rita is found murdered. They know that one of them did it – and that they all had good reasons to do so.