Self (The world's tallest man)
A tribute to the spirit and humanity of people who are physically different from the average: very tall and very large men and women, a bearded woman and her long-time husband, Siamese twins joined at the midsection, and several little people including actor Billy Barty. We meet some at Gibsonton, Florida, where carnival folk winter. They talk about their lives and accomplishments. The camera also goes on the road to visit a grandfather with a distinctive face, a legless mechanic from Kentucky on a second honeymoon in LA, a marathon runner and motivational speaker who has no feet, a karate student with partial limbs, and an armless, down-to-earth mom in Texas.
Фрэнки слегка безмозглый амбал в клетке, который безжалостно издевается над зрителями, а те пытаются загнать его под воду, кидая в него бейсбольными мячами. Он гуляет со сбежавшей из дома Донной. По мере того, как они продвигаются на Юг, Донна постепенно ассимилируются в банду отверженных и развивается уже любовный треугольник.
Guadi (as Johann Peturrson)
Tigri and her stone age friends, all of which are women, hate all men. However, she and her Amazon tribe see men as a "necessary evil" and capture them for potential husbands. Engor, who is smarter than the rest of the men, is able to escape them. He discovers fire and battle enormous beasts.