Lukas Miko

Lukas Miko

Рождение : 1971-04-04, Wien, Austria


Lukas Miko


Stella. Ein Leben.
Gerd Goldschlag
Королевская игра
Gustav Sailer
Фильм снят на основе одноименного романа Стефана Цвейга. Чтобы выдержать психологические пытки гестапо, адвокат, заключенный в тюрьму нацистами, спасает себя, проигрывая в голове шахматные партии и вспоминая при этом моменты жизни, в которые они происходили.
Me, We
Maria travels to the Mediterranean to help people who are stranded at sea. Marcel founds an escort service to protect women from “intrusive immigrants.” Petra takes in a traumatized refugee. And the asylum shelter director Gerald is put to the test by a resident.
В начале XVIII века африканский мальчик-раб был выбран европейской графиней для крещения и обучения. Достигнув совершеннолетия, Анджело становится талисманом венского двора, пока не решает тайно жениться на белой женщине.
Мадмуазель Паради
Joseph Anton Paradis
Вена, 18 век. Подлинная история Марии Терезии фон Паради, одаренной пианистки и близкой подруги Моцарта, потерявшей зрение в детстве. Разочаровавшись в возможностях современной медицины, семья отдает Марию в руки доктора Месмера. Благодаря экспериментальным методикам Месмера к девушке постепенно начинает возвращаться зрения, что негативно сказывается на ее музыкальных способностях.
The Best of All Worlds
Günter Goiginger
Based on true events, seven year old Adrian is growing up in the underground drug scene of Salzburg, usually famous for culture and classical music. His mother Helga is torn between her drug addiction and her love for her son. Despite of this Adrian has a happy childhood, the best of all worlds. But it is tested to the limit when the authorities and child welfare services find out about Helga's addiction.
Night of a 1000 Hours
When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.
Das Ende der Geduld
RA Schwindt
Corinna Kleist is a juvenile court judge who, after a leave of absence following the suicide of a convicted teenager, is appointed to a 'problem area' in Berlin. She now tries harder than ever to change the system in order to prevent troubled kids from being turned into vicious criminals.
В лабиринте молчания
Hermann Langbein
Фильм посвящен «Освенцимским процессам» — под таким названием в немецкую историю вошли суды над охранниками, надзирателями и прочим персоналом концлагеря Освенцим (Аушвиц), которые проходили во Франкфурте-на-Майне в 60-е годы. Молодой прокурор Йоханн Радманн обнаруживает сведения, изобличающие преступную деятельность бывшего персонала концлагеря. При поддержке генерального прокурора Фрица Бауэра (реальная фигура) он начинает расследование, в результате которого на скамье подсудимых оказалась целая «команда» лагерных палачей. Основная тема фильма — конфликт между теми, кто желает забыть прошлое во имя национального примирения в условиях «экономического чуда» и теми, кто стремится к установлению справедливости.
Four loosely connected stories tell of the here and now, where human trafficking, the vagaries of people smugglers, violence against women, restrictive immigration laws, gambling addiction, debt and business deals of all kinds are the order of the day.
Der erste Tag
Leiter der LWZ
The movie is about a nuclear desaster in the Czech nuclear power station Dukovany.
The Reason Why
Baldy - Michel Fabian
Think of a really nice person, a friend of yours, someone who could never hurt a fly. Imagine finding out that he is supposed to have killed someone. You're told that he has shot a person in a bar, for no obvious reason. He has already confessed. He says the murder was planned. He expects a life sentence. He even longs for it. He wants to pay for his crime. The psychiatrist cannot see any mental illness. People around him don't think him to be evil. They like him. They want to help him and protect him from himself. And they all ask the same question: Why....?
The Frozen Sea
Eight year old Marco finds out, that his parents are keeping something from him and take them to a test.
The Frozen Sea
Eight year old Marco finds out, that his parents are keeping something from him and take them to a test.
Young Man
Fräulein Phyllis
Peter H.
'Clemence M. Schönborn"s first feature film is a typical Austrian black comedy, dealing with an easy-going forty-something, who likes playing games with others, which has serious consequences... Phyllis, in her early 40s, still lives together with her mother, whom she loves and hates at the same time. When she gets to know Henry, supporting actor of a soap opera, she pretends to love him, but sleeps with the show's lead actor Walter, whom she finally runs over with her car, which makes Henry the show's new star - and the new lover of the lead actress Doris. However, Phyllis isn't done with him...
Scheidungsopfer Mann
Spiel im Morgengrauen
Leutnant Greising
Austria in the last years of the monarchy: Wilhelm Kasda, Lieutenant of the Infantry, lives the life of a young officer. These include small, irrelevant affairs like those with Steffi. Steffi is a simple young woman. Kasda does not realize that her devotion is real love. After a night at the hotel, Kasda gives her a bill and disappears. A few years later, in June 1914, Kasda was visited by a former comrade, Lieutenant von Bogner. He had to resign years ago for gambling debts, is now married, works as a cashier in an office and has embezzled money.
Das Phantom
Andreas Ganz
After the partner of a policeman is killed he is drawn into a mysterious plot of conspiracy and terrorists.
Opera ball
The Vienna State Opera on Thursday before the Carnival. As every year the large ball rather is attended by celebrities from politics and the media. Just the arrival of newcomers is finished and the Polonaise faded as it is in the best tradition: "Alles Walzer". transferred with 20 cameras live throughout the world. Television journalist Fraser (Heiner Lauterbach) views the event from the control room, outside in the hall leads his son has one of the cameras. Suddenly all hell breaks loose: poison gas flows from hidden containers, hundreds of guests die in agony, millions of horrified spectators experience it on the TV screen...
71 фрагмент хронологии случайностей
Финальная картина «трилогии замораживания» трансформирует в 71 разобщенную сцену реальную историю об австрийском студенте, который в один прекрасный день вдруг в ярости набрасывается на первых встречных. 71 фрагмент выделяется отходом от расширенного исследования отдельной семьи, как это было в первых двух частях трилогии. Вместо этого, вспышка жестокости контекстуально помещается в некий срез общества: одинокий отец, пара с расстроенными взаимоотношениями, женщина, которая хочет усыновить ребенка, румынский иммигрант…