Inspired by the tale of Telemachus in Homer’s Odyssey, young Adam’s mother is persecuted by the state police because his father fought in WWII as a pilot before disappearing. Adam fantasizes about his father and one day, while watching Godard’s Contempt in the cinema, finds himself transported into the dressing room of Brigitte Bardot and into a world where he meets a coterie of her contemporary celebrities.
Junge auf dem Dach
A road movie about a dropout who leaves himself completely to chance. A parable about freedom, self-determination and the poetry of an undefined life.
Toivi Blatt
История сопротивления человеческого духа бездушной машине уничтожения. В октябре 1943 года заключённые лагеря Собибор во главе с лейтенантом Красной Армии Александром Печерским поднимают восстание — единственное успешное восстание в нацистском лагере смерти.
Mickey House
11-year-old Mickey House is no longer a child. But who is he? He doesn’t know. He’s friendless. He doesn’t understand his mother. He hates what’s happening to his body. Reality and imagination come together in a toxic mix. Events escalate to extremes… at home and at school. Mickey has to find the strength within him to put a stop to what’s begun. Where will his encounter with his own maturing body take him?