A story about Bulgarian musicians, making a tour of Europe. In the morning they had a matinée in Graz and at nigh they are supposed to have a gala in Vienna. Fly by Rossinant is a musical incorporating opera and silent movies elements.
L'homme bavard
Reda, summoned to accompany his father on a pilgrimage to Mecca, complies reluctantly - as he preparing for his baccalaureat and, even more important, has a secret love relationship. The trip across Europe in a broken-down car is also the departure of his father: upon arrival in Mecca, both Reda and his father are not the characters they were at the start of the movie. Avoiding the hackneyed theme of the return to the homeland, the film uses the departure to renew a connection between two generation.
Party Guest
С детства оказавшийся в концентрационном лагере Дэвид привык ненавидеть окружающих. Однажды ему удается сбежать. Мальчик оказывается один в огромном мире с компасом, который должен помочь ему добраться до Копенгагена. Туда Дэвид должен доставить письмо, способное изменить всю его жизнь.