Original Music Composer
The story of famous frontiersman Jim Bridger, who is given 40 days to cut a trail through the Rocky Mountains to the California coast and told that if he can't do it, the territory will be lost to England.
Original Music Composer
Футболист Морган вместе со своими друзьями отправляется на охоту на небольшой остров близ Канады. Неожиданно на них нападают гигантские осы, которые кусают их. Морган отправляется на поиски телефона, но в крестьянском амбаре его едва не убивает огромный цыплёнок. Владелица фермы миссис Скиннер отказывается предоставить Моргану возможность позвонить. Морган решает покинуть остров…
In the near future, a group of scientists living in a space ship wake up from a hibernation state and come back to an apocalyptic Earth.
A retired police captain storms angrily out of retirement when his son is shot down before his eyes and his grandson is kidnapped by a syndicate killer in this pilot for Lorne Greene's brief "Griff" series, which went off the air 18 months before this film was aired.
A disturbed man wants his girlfriend's love and his wife's money, and will stop at nothing to get them, even murder.
Original Music Composer
A religious prostitute who sees an atheist client die after blaspheming believes the next man she runs into is Jesus.
A pair of Village beatniks goes up against a clan of moneyed squares vacationing on the Maine coast.