Beatriz de la Gándara


Before the Burn
Quique is a successful 30-year-old composer. He does not have the necessary funds to support a broken family. With a sister who is in prison for trafficking drugs and an elderly mother suffering from Alzheimer's, he decides to reconcile his activity with a new job: Drug dealer.
The Night My Mother Killed My Father
Isabel is torn between the need to feel valued as an actress and her insecurities and contradictions. One night, she hosts a very special dinner: her husband Ángel, who is a scriptwriter, and Susana, Ángel's ex-wife and film director, want to convince Argentinian actor Diego Peretti to star in a movie. But at some point something unexpected happens that surprises everyone and disturbs the evening.
La banda Picasso
Paris, 1911. When Da Vinci's painting “La Gioconda” is stolen from the Louvre museum, it is suspected that the authors of the audacious theft are members of a group of bohemian artists led by painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso and poet Guillaume Apollinaire…
South from Granada
Brenan arrives at Yegen on foot, interrupting the funeral held for the daughter of the local cacique. He collapses from dysentery and soon learns that the local cacique, Don Fernando, is leaving for Granada with his wife. Brenan rents Fernando’s house for a year and soon enlists the services of María as housekeeper and cook and becomes friends with a local man named Paco. Brenan spends most of his time reading, walking, and trying to write poetry.His friends Dora Carrington, Lytton Strachey (who is ill), and Ralph Partridge visit for a couple of days. Brenan, who has been maintaining a correspondence with Carrington, learns during the visit that Partridge and Carrington are engaged. He is crushed, as he had been in love with Carrington.
My Mother Likes Women
Sofia introduces her three adult daughters to her new lover who is their age and happens to be a woman. The women, in particular Elvira find it extremely difficult to accept their mothers sudden apparent sexual reversal. The news pushes the neurotic Elvira to the point of nervous breakdown. Sol, the youngest daughter, writes a lude rock song about it and performs in front of them at a concert. The daughters plot together on how to get their mothers new girlfriend, a native Czech, and brilliant pianist, out of her life. Their plot goes terribly wrong and turns the film from a light-hearted comedy, into mildly amusing drama.
Un banco en el parque
Executive Producer
The last few months in the life of María Elena Moyano, who was killed at the age of 33 by the Peruvian revolutionary movement Sendero Luminoso.
Shacky Carmine
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Since he began to work, Domingo lives against the trend: he sleeps during the day, care for her younger sister in the afternoon and at night vacuums in a department store.
Not Love, Just Frenzy
From the land of Almodovar comes a hot new film about drugs, sex & everything else!