Michael Poole

Michael Poole


Michael Poole


Kekee Manzil: House of Art
Kekoo Gandhy sat on Juhu beach in 1941 wondering what to do with his life. He saw a man in a car stuck in the sand and decided to help. Thus began a journey that transformed not only his own life but the artistic heritage of Bombay.
Чудо-женщина: 1984
Old Russian Grandafther
1984 год. Диана всё ещё грустит по погибшему Стиву, борется с мелким криминалом и работает в музее Смитсоновского института. Однажды она знакомится с новой коллегой Барбарой, специалисткой широкого профиля, которой поручено изучить новые артефакты. Среди древних предметов оказывается загадочный кристалл, который исполняет желания. Так к Диане внезапно возвращается Стив, а застенчивая и неуклюжая Барбара обретает невероятную силу, сноровку и привлекательность. Но за волшебным кристаллом охотится бизнесмен Максвелл Лорд, и у него имеются очень коварные планы на этот артефакт.
Three Women Wait for Death
Miranda and her adult-ish daughters, Hester and Rose, are crammed in a rotting little caravan to be near their irascible Gramps in his final days. They love him but his care bills are mounting and when they discover that he’s hidden his savings and doesn’t remember where... they could bloody kill him.
Рассказ о последних днях жизни Эдгара Аллана По. Знаменитый поэт преследует серийного убийцу, чьи преступления очень похожи на те, что описаны в его произведениях.
Rough Magik
Mr. Wilson
Rough Magik is about The Night Scholars, a clandestine organization setup to monitor the ancient cult of Cthulhu. After decades of compiling an enormous database of arcane information, they have come to a single, incontrovertible conclusion: the Sleeping God is waking.
One Last Chance
Old Man
Nick, a Greek Cypriot living in London, hits on the idea of marriage to raise some cash - the bride, according to custom, coming complete with dowry. He is forced to enlist the help of a childhood adversary, Maria. Soon realising she is giving him the runaround, Nick retaliates by wooing her.
Small Zones
Intertwined story of the lives of two women; an Englishwoman suffering abuse from her violent husband, and a Russian poet serving hard labour because of her subversive work.
Whoops Apocalypse
Politburo Member
When a small British owned island in the Caribbean is invaded and the world's most dangerous terrorist kidnaps a member of the Royal family, the countdown to World War 3 begins. If anyone can prevent the oncoming apocalypse it's the American President, but her closest ally the British Prime Minister appears to have gone stark raving mad.
Hamlet comes home from university to find his uncle married to his mother, and his father's ghost haunting the battlements and scaring the watch. Then his father's ghost directs him to seek revenge.
Henry VIII
Cardinal Campeius
Henry is a proud monarch who flies in the face of the church in seeking to divorce Queen Katherine and marry Anne Bullen. As cardinal Wolsey, the powerful Lord Chancellor of England, attempts to bend Rome to the King's wishes, the court reverbates with political intrigue and accusations of treachery.
Человек Макинтоша
Mr. Boyd
Британский разведчик притворяется вором бриллиантов, его сажают на 20 лет, чтобы поймать банду, готовящую побеги для богатых преступников. Только непосредственному начальнику – человеку в плаще – известно о его настоящей личности, но он мертв!
The Love-Girl and the Innocent
A BBC television adaptation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel. The prisoner Nemov is an honest man serving a term of 10 years for violations of Article 58. Nemov falls in love with Lyuba, who is having sex with the camp doctor Mereshchun, in exchange for better food and living conditions.
Innocent Bystanders
Washed-up agent John Craig is given the task of proving his worth by tracking down a Russian scientist on the run. Cross and double-cross is the name of the game.