
Itay "Tuna" Zvolon




Rising to the Top
The "Refreshment Channel", consisting of Shaked Ferrara, Asthma de Loco and Lidoy, were the most successful pop band in Israel, until their unfortunate statement against the army turned them into enemies of the state overnight. In an attempt to restore their reputation, the three most pampered stars in the country enlist in the PR band - a military band that aims to increase the IDF's popularity, under the command of Sharona (Rotem Sela) and Yirmi (Eran Zarhovich). When they are away from home, the fans and their favorite hookah, old tensions pop up and threaten to break up the band. For the first time since they met at age 4 in the Red Bull kindergarten, the three split up. Will they find themselves or each other? Will they choose true friendships or the spotlight? All the answers in "Rising to the Top," the ripping movie of the summer in theaters!
Совершенно секретно
Matan Glazer
Матана, молодого солдата, служба которого проходит в канцелярии, внезапно отправляют на неделю на охрану удалённого военного объекта, окружённого арабскими деревнями, на севере Израиля. По дороге к нему присоединяются ещё трое солдат из боевых частей.Начальник караула, Стас, под командование которого попадают прибывшие, - солдат-одиночка, у которого нет ни семьи, ни жилья. Специфика охраняемого объекта позволяет находиться на нем не более недели непрерывно. Поэтому Стас и ещё один командир сменяют друг друга каждую неделю - неделя караула, неделя дома. Но у Стаса нет дома и негде больше жить, кроме как на охраняемом объекте...
Grutarally - the Return of “Kid’s Eating Trash”
The Grutarally is a field trip in Israel, but unlike jeep tours, the journey is based on old vehicles whose total cost does not exceed NIS 3,500.This is not a competitive journey, the junctions are going unevenly, breaking down and crashing on the stones and dirt. The band, “Kid’s Eating Trash”, broke up three years earlier and is now going to a reunion show, which has lost its way and the Grutarally caravan is helping them. The band is final.
Grutarally - the Return of “Kid’s Eating Trash”
The Grutarally is a field trip in Israel, but unlike jeep tours, the journey is based on old vehicles whose total cost does not exceed NIS 3,500.This is not a competitive journey, the junctions are going unevenly, breaking down and crashing on the stones and dirt. The band, “Kid’s Eating Trash”, broke up three years earlier and is now going to a reunion show, which has lost its way and the Grutarally caravan is helping them. The band is final.