Alexander Fischerkoesen

Рождение : 1968-04-16, Bad Godesberg, Germany


Director of Photography
Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.
Юный вождь Виннету
Director of Photography
Племя Виннету находится в ужасном положении. Существует угроза голода, поскольку важнейшие стада буйволов сейчас терпят поражение. Как сын старосты, юный Виннету хочет доказать своему отцу Инчу-чуну, насколько он храбрый и насколько великим воином он может быть, потому что он думает, что его сыну еще есть чему поучиться. Чтобы спасти свое племя, он отправляется в опасное приключение.
Director of Photography
For 17-year-old Jennifer, gaming has always been part of everyday teenage life. Recently she has been feeling uncomfortable and lonely. Not so long ago she moved to Munich with her parents Frank and Ariane from another city. In her new home, the girl does not find a real connection with her new classmates. Fixed by the virtual reality game "Avalonia", gaming is gradually becoming the elixir of life. Jennifer neglects her school and family responsibilities. She ignores all admonitions, restrictions and prohibitions for every precious second of the game and betrays her parents. Only the secret, excessive immersion in the virtual fantasy world of "Avalonia" seems to make Jennifer happy. The Parents have to watch as their daughter's life gets completely out of balance between the real and the virtual world.
Part of Us
Director of Photography
From her childhood, Nadia felt responsible for her mentally disturbed and recently homeless mother, Irene. For a while Nadia had cut off all contact with Irene and tried to live her life, until Irene suddenly appears drunk at the wedding of her son, Mickey. Nadia sinks back into this quagmire of love and hate, responsibility, guilt and shame. She gathers her strength to find a home for her mother while at the same time she hides from her partner, Ian, the fact that the drunk woman at her brother's wedding was her mother. But no one can oppress Irene, let alone her daughter.
Desired Children
Director of Photography
The life of Marie and Peter seems perfect, but their greatest wish remains unfulfilled: a family of their own. After several painfully failed attempts to have a child by natural means, Marie and Peter decide to try adoption in Russia. Carried by their longing and after many months of preparation and waiting, they set off to get to know their future daughter Nina in a children's home thousands of kilometers away from Germany. They still have no idea that they are only at the beginning of a tour de force against the Russian authorities – and they are facing the biggest challenge for their relationship, because while Marie and Peter are fighting for their future child, the question is: are we still pursuing the same goal? Each for himself – and especially as a couple?
Manhunt: Escape to the Carpathians
Director of Photography
A breathless criminal hunt, which leads into the remote mountain world of Romania, with the portrait of a foreign country, which has remained standing in time. Hanna Landauer and Sven Schröder are part of a special unit of the LKA, which traps fugitives across the borders to the remotest corners of the world.
The Two Twins
Director of Photography
By-the-book logopaedist Matthias Pretschke, failed husband and father, is the very embodiment of order, who doesn't know what hit him when his wife Petra demands a divorce. Admittedly, he hasn't paid much attention to Petra, nor to their daughter, who's in full puberty, nor to their son, who craves his dad's attention. Petra agrees to give him one week to show them if he can change. And he's in luck: he meets himself, only cooler. Tom Senger is the name of the twin he never knew he had. Though Matthias and Tom look alike, they're completely different. Tom, for example, is a typical actor: arrogant, macho and broke. Matthias decides to switch roles in the hope that Tom can be a worthy replacement for a week. "I'm playing you. Only better," says Tom, who sees right away what's missing in the Pretschke home. As the days go by, it gets more and more difficult to distinguish which one is which. And this may not be bad at all.
Weiter als der Ozean
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Холодный день в январе 2006. В маленькой шведской деревушке было по-зверски убито 18 человек. Каждый убитый был либо родственником судьи из Стокгольма Бригитты Рослин, либо тем или иным образом имел отношение к её жизни. Полиция подозревает одного наркомана, считая, что именно он ответственен за этот безумный акт. Бригитта не согласна с полицией и начинает своё собственное расследование, которое приводит её в далекий китайский город Гуанчжоу к местной элите... Экранизация одноименного романа Хеннинга Манкеля.
In der Welt habt ihr Angst
Director of Photography
Music student Eva has fallen head over heels in love with musician Jo. They have a burning passion for one another and discover that they are able to communicate without auxiliary means, even across great distances. Their love is so great that Eva even follows her boyfriend into heroin addiction. But now this has to come to an end: Eva is pregnant and the two of them plan to go cold turkey in the solitude of New Zealand.
Hanni & Nanni
Director of Photography
A drama centered around twins attending the same boarding school.
A City Is Blackmailed
A village is blackmailing the city of Leipzig.
Director of Photography
When three teenage boys from Bavaria try to lose their innocence in the neighboring Czech Republic, they get themselves and a young pregnant Ukrainian immigrant into trouble with local pimps.
The Antman
Director of Photography
“The Antman” is a lovingly-made but sluggish monster-movie parody, done with German-speaking actors on a sparse soundstage standing in for 1950s Mexico. Promising concept is bolstered by colorful performances by Gotz Otto and Lars Rudolph, and the filmmakers have fun with pic’s look, right down to tacky lighting worthy of Roger Corman. But Marc Meyer’s script isn’t fast or funny enough to keep pace with energetic visuals. The first in a projected series of B-movie homages grouped as “Planet B,” the producers might want to call in Joe Dante to supervise the rest, as “Antman” seems unlikely to crawl very far beyond its native borders
Mask Under Mask
Camera Operator
Planet Alex
Falling Rocks
Director of Photography
6 Friends, 1 Killer, No Mercy! Slow moving thriller that builds up towards a nerve wrecking end.