Ready for frights and fun galore? Then join Spacejack’s fast food employee of the year, Zombie Dave for an intergalactic adventure that will leave you howling with laughter! Slip on your Halloween costumes and grab your buckets — it’s time to trick-or treat with Dave Of The Dead Season 1!
Riptide (voice)
Newly minted Cupid, Sullivan, can't wait to sling his first arrows. But the love birds he's assigned to prove anything but willing subjects.
Rips/Tony Riptide
Groundhog Dave teams up with Chester the reindeer to save the world.
Fun-loving Groundhog Dave has come out of his shack to predict the weather...only to discover his beloved town of Bucketville has changed! The aroma of blooming flowers has been replaced by the smell of sawdust, and the sky is cloudy with smog! Dave and his friends uncover dire news: Mr. Whatnot the anteater has just bought the town and plans to transform it into a big shopping center!
Napoleon Bonaparte
Центральным сюжетом станут сложные отношения сестёр с их братом Брануэллом, который в последние три года жизни — после пагубной любовной связи — начал много пить, употреблять опиаты и увлекся азартными играми. Этот период стал очень сложным для семьи Бронте, однако именно в эти годы были написаны всемирно известные романы сестёр.