Helen Edmundson


Swallows and Amazons
Follow Captain John and his able crew as they set sail to Wildcat Island on an exotic adventure to encounter barbarians, capture dastardly pirates and defeat mortal enemies.
Маленький остров
Embark on a journey from Jamaica to Britain, through the Second World War to 1948 – the year the HMT Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury, England. The play follows three intricately connected stories. Hortense yearns for a new life away from rural Jamaica, Gilbert dreams of becoming a lawyer, and Queenie longs to escape her Lincolnshire roots.
Мария Магдалина
Мария Магдалина – рассказ об одной из самых загадочных личностей в мировой истории. Бросив вызов предрассудкам своего времени, Мария оставляет близких и присоединяется к группе единомышленников, лидером которых является Иисус из Назарета. Здесь она найдет свое место и окажется на судьбоносной дороге в Иерусалим.
Визит инспектора
В дом богатого промышленника Артура Берлинга приходит инспектор полиции и обвиняет семейство Берлингов в убийстве молодой женщины. Экранизация пьесы английского драматурта Д.Пристли.
The Ties That Bind
A divorce case involving a landowner and his young wife spirals into something darker, drawing Mr. Whicher into the heart of the English countryside where he uncovers the most disturbing and destructive of secrets.
Beyond the Pale
Mr. Whicher is hired by former Home Secretary Sir Edward Shore to investigate the violent threats made against his son Charles, who has recently returned from India with his family.