Costume Supervisor
A splendid MP, Peter Haber, staying in a hotel with his wife, Suzanne Reuter. He has a fully booked afternoon at the Ministry, but instead intend to engage in sexual intercourse with a secretary while his wife is at the Royal Dramatic Theatre. Whoever will make it all work is his subordinate, Robert Gustavsson. It's not his fault that things go wrong.
Costume Design
Бывшие супруги вновь встречаются после долгой разлуки, но их отношения всё так же волнующи и непредсказуемы, ведь в их семье зреет новый конфликт. Юная Карин стремится вырваться из-под опеки своего строгого отца. И только Марианна, не забывшая свою молодость, способна понять вольный романтический нрав своей любимой внучки.
Costume Design
Пожилой режиссер пишет сценарий, главная героиня которого — театральная актриса Марианна. Она замужем за дирижером Маркусом и у них есть девятилетняя дочь. Муж постоянно в разъездах, поэтому женщина часто остается одна.
Однажды, во время очередного турне мужа, друг семьи — режиссер Дэвид — напрашивается в гости и остается на ночь. Неожиданно для самих героев между ними вспыхивает страсть, в пылу которой Марианна теряет голову настолько, что готова рискнуть своим браком. Роман Дэвида и Марианны закономерным образом приводит героиню к болезненному разрыву с мужем.
Costume Design
Five conversations frame a flawed marriage in this film written by Ingmar Bergman about his parents. Guilt-ridden wife Anna (Pernilla August) divulges an extramarital affair to a priest, her uncle Jacob (Max von Sydow). He presses her to confess her sins to her husband, Henrik. As the film moves back and forth in time, the notion of truth is tested. Tomas, the lover, and Henrik will find that Anna's confessions do not absolve anyone, and have the power to inflict more pain.
Costume Design
The story is about a boy named Kalle Blomkvist who with his friends solves crimes. But also play the battle between the red rose and the white rose with his rival friends. But everything changes when Kalle Blomkvists friend finds a dead man in a cabin and then must his friends and he find the murdurer.
Costume Design
David has just started working for a large pharmaceutical company and falls madly in love with a young and very beautiful colleague, Angelica.
Costume Design
Stockholm in the 1920s. Young Roland lives with his socialist father, Jewish mother and a boxing brother. His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland makes slingshots which he sells. His rebellious ways has gotten him the special attention of his school teacher, who always makes sure that Roland is punished. Roland also tries to make extra money by repairing bicycles, a successful business that in the end lands him in hot water.
Costume Design
Этот фильм продолжение рассказа про пятилетнюю девочку Лотту . В этой части главная героиня сама пытается решить некоторые свои проблемы, а заодно успевает пережить массу увлекательных приключений, как в одиночку, так и вместе со своей семьей.
Costume Design
Lotta is a five old girl living in Sweden with her mother, father, brother and sister. She is living the very normal life of all children of her age...
Costume Design
I bet anyone can get better at golf than you are in one week, a golfer says to her golfing businessman for a boyfriend in a quarrel. Unfortunately Stig-Helmer is standing nearby when the boyfriend accepts the bet, and he is chosen to be the competitor. Stig-Helmer has never played the game before, but his Norwegian friend Ole promises to help him.
Costume Design
Хельге Росс тайком убил быка, принадлежавшего своему хозяину. У крестьянина не было иного выходы - его жена и совсем крошечная дочь должны были что-то есть. Но вскоре Хельге стала мучить совесть. Он отправился на исповедь. Но даже викарий не смог его успокоить, Хельге решил наказать себя за проступок.
Costume Design
A forty something man, Bosse, perpetually down on his luck but always optimistic, hopes to impress his new girlfriend by accepting a job as headwaiter at a remote boardinghouse.
Costume Design
Kaj, Lennart and Robert are 30-somethings who go out to dance every weekend. At one dance they meet Inger, whom Kaj falls in love with. Kaj has some friends who are playing in a band. The drummer Tommy is known for being the local Casanova, seducing women when ever he gets the chance. It doesn't take him long to have an affair with Inger, behind Kaj's back.
Costume Design
Swedish account of Raoul Wallenberg, the man responsible for the largest rescue of Jews during World War II.
Costume Design
When the war breaks out, Annika lives with her parents in Värmland, close to the border to Norway. Her cousin Harald is a dealer in the black market but has to escape from the police to Norway. Annika moves to Stockholm and gets a job as a waitress. She meets the happy-go-lucky Berit and together they have a wonderful time. She also meets a young man, Bengt, whom she marries. But almost immediately she discovers that her husband is different from the man who was courting her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Costume Design
Швеция, 1914-й год. Девушка по имени Линнея устраивается на работу в небольшой фотомагазин господина Фишера. Вскоре в доме, где она проживает, появляется фотохудожница Анна, приехавшая из Австрии. Анна подбивает Линнею позировать ей в качестве натурщицы, а заодно умыкать для неё фотопластинки в магазине. Угловатая и закомплексованная Линнея довольно быстро раскрепощается — и душевно, и физически.
Costume Design
Бюллербю это состоящая из трех хуторов маленькая деревенька в Смаланде. На одном хуторе живет Лийса со своими братьями Лассе и Боссе, на другом две сестры Бритта и Анна, а на третьем Олле и его маленькая сестра Керстин. В любое время года будни ребят наполнены весёлыми приключениями на фоне живописной сельской природы!
Costume Design
A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.
Costume Design
Всё действие фильма происходит в крохотной деревушке Бюллербю. В ней и проживали, в конце 20-х годов прошлого века, главные герои этого повествования: Анна, Лиса, Бритта, Боссе, Лассе и Улле. Им некогда скучать этим летом: их ждёт ловля раков, поездки на мельницу и ночи на сеновале, жуткая охота за водяным и множество других счастливых моментов беззаботного детства…
Costume Design
As always, Sickan has come up with a new plan. This time he wants to rob the IKEA furniture store. During their nightly break-in Sickan discovers that the store is used as a secret smuggling central for sending American computers to the Soviet Union. The computers are picked up by Soviet submarines sneaking into the Swedish archipelago. Naturally, it is their arch enemy Wall-Enberg who is behind all of this.
Costume Design
Профессорская семья живёт в уединённом живописном уголке Швеции. Александр — в прошлом актёр, писатель, его жена — молодая актриса, его дети — дочь и немой сын («Маленький человек»), испытывают муки и ужасы приближающегося конца света, в связи с началом атомной войны. У Александра день рождения. Но он может стать и общим днём смерти, так как уже запущены ядерные ракеты. Александр заключает пакт с Богом…
Чем надо пожертвовать, чтобы спасти мир от надвигающейся катастрофы? Своим имуществом, своим образом жизни, а, может быть, своей жизнью? Что положит герой фильма на алтарь Всемогущего Творца, если последний, конечно, существует?
«Фильм и делается специально таким образом, чтобы быть истолкованным по-разному», — писал о нём сам Тарковский.
Costume Design
Sune, a dropped out theology student who also is the son of a priest, meets Viveka in a church. The two connect via a theological discussion and eventually get married. As the years pass, Viveka grows more and more emotionally unstable due to jealousy and religious anxiety. Sune accepts Viveka's mental problems and, instead of seeking help for his wife, obeys her increasingly bizarre commands.
Costume Design
Life isn't easy for the indecisive 40-year-old Claes-Henrik. Should he choose his mom or his girlfriend?
Costume Design
Одиннадцатилетний Ингмар живёт вместе с матерью, которая больна туберкулезом, и со старшим братом. Отец по делам службы находится в Африке. Чтобы избавить мать от забот и дать ей немного подлечиться, парнишку отправляют на лето к дяде в отдалённый посёлок, где всё ему чуждо и непривычно. Но именно там Ингмар знакомится с Сагой, своей ровесницей, воспринимая её искреннюю влюблённость просто как мимолетную детскую причуду. После возвращения Ингмара в город вскоре в больнице умирает его мать — и дядя окончательно забирает мальчика к себе. Ингмар ещё обостреннее, чем раньше, чувствует собственную неприкаянность, лишается прежних надежд и иллюзий, называя свою жизнь «собачьей».
Costume Design
In a dystopian future two private detectives try to find a stolen bracelet.
Costume Design
Театральный режиссер Хенрик Воглер часто остается после репетиций один, чтобы в одиночестве поразмыслить над постановками. В этот день в театр неожиданно возвращается Анна, ведущая актриса, якобы в поисках утерянного браслета, которого у нее никогда не было.
Анна рассказывает Воглеру о том, как ненавидит свою умершую мать, которая была любовницей режиссера и алкоголичкой. Ее слова погружают Воглера в воспоминания о взбалмошной Ракель, к которой он испытывал странное чувство симпатии и отторжения. Однако вечер ещё не окончен, и Воглеру еще предстоит узнать многое другое…
Costume Design
Pettersson and Bendel are both worn, run-down and broke. Despite this they decide to start a business and become rich. Unexperienced they are open to any deal. They tamper, scam and exploit loopholes that exist.
Costume Design
The famous Swedish Karoliner army has suffered its biggest defeat ever at Poltava in 1709. The Swedish king Karl XII is waiting in the small village of Bender for the Turkish sulton to help him defeat his arch enemy, the czar of Russia, Peter the Great. But the Turks think he's an expensive guest and want him out of Turkey. However, he refuses. The sultan then decides to send Karl XII a princess to marry him, to get him out of the country (a bride for a bribe). The two Swedish soldiers Lagercrona and Kruus are to escort the princess. They experience many different adventures on their way to Bender, namely because other Swedish soldiers and agents try to stop them from ever reaching the village, because they don't want Karl XII to leave Turkey. After their long adventure to get there and a few misunderstandings, the famous "kalabalik" of Bender, where the Turks decide to drive Karl XII out of Turkey by force, begins.
Costume Design
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
Costume Design
Тридцатисемилетняя Мэрилин Джордан изнывает от благополучной, богатой и размеренной жизни в шикарном особняке под Стокгольмом. Ей наскучили почтенный преуспевающий муж и повседневная умиротворяющая рутина. Душа и тело Мэрилин жаждут безумной страсти и острых ощущений. Внезапно подвернувшийся случай позволяет ей совершить захватывающее и опасное путешествие в эмигрантские трущобы, где Мэрилин знакомится с забавным югославом с ножом во лбу, начинающей стриптизершей и таинственным человеком по имени Монтенегро, который перевернет ее жизнь.
Costume Design
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Costume Design
About choices in life and responsibilities. Sally has decided to have an abortion. It seriously affects her relationship with her partner Jonas, and their daughter Mia.
Art Direction
About choices in life and responsibilities. Sally has decided to have an abortion. It seriously affects her relationship with her partner Jonas, and their daughter Mia.
Costume Design
Мадикен — озорная девочка. Ей почти 7 лет, и она живёт в Юнибаккене вместе с мамой, папой, сестрёнкой Лисабет и работницей Альвой. В жизни Мадикен каждый день происходят интересные события — мамин день рождения, школьная экскурсия, Рождество, и весёлые школьные будни. Каждую Мадикен и Лисабет выдумывают что-нибудь новое, с ними невозможно соскучится.
Art Direction
A Professor comes home carrying a paper bag with food. Among the goods in the bag is apricot jam. His wife reacts strongly, since they always have eaten orange marmalade. The Professor leaves his house and checks into a hotel.
Costume Design
A Professor comes home carrying a paper bag with food. Among the goods in the bag is apricot jam. His wife reacts strongly, since they always have eaten orange marmalade. The Professor leaves his house and checks into a hotel.
Costume Design
Мадикен — озорная, упрямая и смелая девочка, полная жизни; радуется и печалится от души, проказничает и делает добрые дела. А еще у нее есть враги, друзья и любящая семья. Что еще нужно для счастливого детства?
Costume Design
Bosse works at an advertising agency while working on the novel of the century. At a burger restaurant he meets Lena, and before he knows it, she is pregnant. Bosse starts thinking that his life is all over, he won't get any more career opportunities, and never again will he have time for late night parties.
Costume Design
"My Love" - A drama rich in symbols about an unsuccessful Norwegian bookseller. With a bag filled with quirky literature he wanders through Stockholm, trying to find book buyers.
Costume Design
На судьбах одной семьи — известной пианистки Шарлотты Андергаст, ее мужа архитектора Юсефа, и их дочерей, Евы и Елены в фильме показывается крушение семейных уз, распад семьи.
Costume Design
After years of ignoring the shy cousin whom she and her peers taunted mercilessly as a child, a middle-aged woman (Ingrid Thulin) wrenches the poor man (Erland Josephson) out of his self-chosen solitude to accompany her on a trip. Despite developments which deepen their knowledge of one another, the communication between them does not portend long-lasting intimacy.
Costume Design
Conventions of civility among family members are severely strained by the very real breakup of the bonds between them. During a few days at a vacation home, Katha, a woman in late middle age, tries to cope with an influx of discontented, disconnected relatives. Her divorced daughter brings all sorts of people to the house, including a woman-friend accompanied by her psychotic son; the grandfather of the house is convinced he is dying and is satisfied by nothing; and some friends drop off their angry teenage son to stay with her, while they go on a long trip abroad. Her friend Emma doesn't help much with keeping a lid on things, as she is a social worker who is fascinated by the awfulness of these situations.
Costume Design
Young Henning and his friends are struggling to stay alive in 19th century Stockholm, where he has ended up in search of employment. In the harsh city, he and his friends dream of the good life while struggling for their survival.
Costume Designer
After young film writer Leo has his latest screenplay rejected he retreats to his summer home on an island, on his way he meets the flight attendant Virgo and a romance soon blossoms.
Costume Design
Семилетний мечтатель Малыш чувствует себя очень одиноким, ведь у него совсем нет друзей. И вот в один прекрасный день в распахнутое окно его комнаты влетает «обаятельный и в меру упитанный мужчина в самом расцвете сил» с маленьким пропеллером на спине и представляется как «лучший в мире Кар-л-с-сон». Малышу очень весело с новым другом, хотя и достается за его проделки. Но родители, старший брат и старшая сестра уверены, что Малыш просто выдумывает все эти истории про Карлсона…
Costume Design
Шесть сцен — шесть фрагментов из долгой супружеской жизни Йохана и Марианны, наполненной драматичными событиями: изменой, абортом, разводом и даже перерождением отношений.
Costume Design
In Stockholm, Fanny Hill is tired of being a housewife, and she suspects that her husband Roger, a TV-commercial director who's surrounded by starlets, is cheating on her. So, she sets a trap for him with her friend Monica, files for divorce, and heads to Hollywood, with Monica, to meet film stars. She falls into a film career, with lots of nude scenes, and as it takes her from L.A. to Hong Kong and Venice, Roger follows her, jealous, hoping to win her back. In every city, she acts and she seduces, making comedy out of both; but does her heart still belong to Roger? It's on to Munich to find out.
Costume Design
The film portrays one day in an home for adolescent care on the Swedish countryside, where the faith of seven girls have been drawn together.
Costume Design
Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.
Costume Design
The Plot focuses on Dante Alighieri, a young man who loves smoking. When his father dies Dante inherits $17 million on one special condition: He must give up smoking in 14 days and then stay smoke-free for an entire year. If he fails, his uncle inherits the $17 million instead. Dante has a living hell while trying to quit, and hires a private detective agency called Little Secret Service who he gives free hands to stop him from smoking, While his uncle, who has taken up smoking himself, also does everything he can to make Dante smoke again.
Costume Design
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Art Direction
Young Niklas and his friend the Figure are looking for the homeless dog for Niklas.
Costume Design
Young Niklas and his friend the Figure are looking for the homeless dog for Niklas.
Costume Design
A German businessman wants to buy land in southern Sweden for a gigantic amusement park, his new project called "Deutschneyland" (a wordplay of Deutschland and Disneyland). Some of the locals dislike the idea, including the magically talented Lindberg family, and work to frustrate the development plans.
His wife
A German businessman wants to buy land in southern Sweden for a gigantic amusement park, his new project called "Deutschneyland" (a wordplay of Deutschland and Disneyland). Some of the locals dislike the idea, including the magically talented Lindberg family, and work to frustrate the development plans.
Dinner revue that features both satire and other sketches and music numbers.
Costume Design
Two women, Karen (theatre director) and Lena, visit an island, a Swedish resort, where Lena's ex-husband, Martin (choreographer), lives in comparative seclusion with a mentally disturbed ballet dancer named Carl. Carl is brother by guilt rather than blood, for Martin is somehow responsible for his breakdown.
Costume Design
"Pig Hunt" - Lennart Siljeberg works at the Cattle Inspection Agency. He is the perfect bureaucrat, always careful and pedantic. The agency's latest mission is to extinguish all pigs on the island of Gotland. However, for some unexplainable reason, the local farmers use violence to destroy the agency's work.
Costume Design
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.
Costume Design
A group of party goers have trouble getting their boat ashore on a small island. The inhabitants of the island try to help, often with the help of an old sailor, and the results are absurd and hilarious.