Dylan Ratigan

Рождение : 1972-04-19, Saranac Lake, New York, USA


American News Anchor
Корпорация «Мирандо» создала необычных поросят и раздала их фермерам по всему миру. На протяжении десяти лет экспериментальная свинья Окча была лучшим другом девочки Ми-джа, они мирно жили в южнокорейских горах и заботились друг о друге. Но в один ужасный день идиллическая жизнь друзей прервалась — корпорация забрала свою собственнсть. У стервозной генеральной директрисы Люси Мирандо свои, не самые гуманные, планы на необычного зверя. Конечно же, храбрая девочка не бросит друга в беде, и Ми-джа отправляется спасать Окчу, но мир оказывается намного безумней, чем она могла себе представить.
In 2005, 20-year-old Ryan Ferguson was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. dream/killer is the story of how his father Bill embarked on 10-year campaign to prove Ryan’s innocence. The film is chock-full of incredible characters. From the questionable District Attorney Kevin Crane, and the highly-confused witness Chuck Erickson, to the high-powered Chicago attorney Kathleen Zellner, the doc depicts both a highly flawed justice system, as well as one that can work brilliantly.
The Choice Is Ours
This film series explores many aspects of our society. To rethink what is possible in our world, we need to consider what kind of world we want to live in. Although we refer to it as civilization, it is anything but civilized. Visions of global unity & fellowship have long inspired humanity, yet the social arrangements up to the present have largely failed to produce a peaceful and productive world. While we appear to be technically advanced, our values and behaviors are not. The possibility of an optimistic future is in stark contrast to our current social, economic, and environmental dilemmas. The Choice Is Ours includes interviews with notable scientists, media professionals, authors, and other thinkers exploring the difficulties we face.