Toko Miura
Рождение : 1996-10-20, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
Rinko Kojima
A woman who has not seen her father for several years and does not have a good relationship with him. An unsociable man who lives near her father's house. Slowly the relationship between the woman, her father, and the man changes.
Thirty-year-old Yoshizumi Sohata (Toruko Miura) has never had any feelings for anyone and does not know what love is. After failing in her aspired career in music, she returns home to work at a call center, where she is busy with her daily duties. With her younger sister married and pregnant, and her mother pressuring her to get a girlfriend, her mother sets up a blind date without her permission. Reluctantly, she heads to the blind date, but there she meets a man who wants to establish a relationship with her as a friend rather than marriage.
Узнав, что из-за болезни ей остаётся жить не больше 10 лет, 20-летняя девушка решает не влюбляться, но на встрече выпускников происходит нечто неожиданное.
Spanning locations in Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Hokkaido and featuring interviews with cast members and rare behind-the-scenes footage, it captures the creative collective journey of the filmmaking team.
Sakura Nao
An emotional coming-of-age drama centered around Andou Jun, a gay student who is not out. He accepts a confession from his fujoshi classmate Miura Sae and they start dating. However, Jun is also seeing Makoto, but fails to tell Sae about his male lover.
Misaki Watari
Режиссёра Юсукэ приглашают поставить «Дядю Ваню» для театрального фестиваля в Хиросиме. По условиям договора он не может сам водить машину, поэтому ему предоставляют девушку-водителя — молчаливую Мисаки. Проводя вместе по несколько часов в день, Юсукэ начинает переосмыслять свои отношения с женой, с которой они жили, казалось, в счастливом браке до её внезапной смерти два года назад. А Мисаки пытается разобраться с собственным непростым прошлым.
Shin Sakuraba
13 disparate young people connected by chance or circumstance intersect as they ponder their place in the world and deal with the pressures and heartaches of modern life in Japan’s busy capital.
Пожилая женщина Кунико живёт с внучкой Нагисой в доме, где вместе со своим покойным мужем когда-то растила детей. Утром, на сорок девятый день кончины мужа, внезапно умирает золотая рыбка. Похоронив её под кустом камелии, Кунико проводит день в размышлениях о прошлом, предаваясь воспоминаниям, разбираясь с бытовыми мелочами. Финансовые затраты на содержание дома и сада становятся для неё непомерными и логичным решением стала бы продажа фамильного гнезда…
In 1964, Momoko came by herself to Tokyo from her hometown. She met Shūzō and married him. They raised two children together, but Shūzō suddenly passes away. Momoko is dumbfounded by being alone again. She begins to go to the library and borrows books. This changes her life.
История о взрослении Канто, 14-летнего мальчика, потомка коренного японского народа айнов, который изо всех сил пытается примириться с недавней потерей своего отца. Однажды он узнает о небольшой пещере в скале в соседнем лесу, которую айны считали тропой на другой конец света — туда, где живут мертвецы. Канто решает посетить это пещеру в надежде увидеть своего покойного отца.
(segment "Your Sheet")
21st Century Girl is an omnibus feature that is of the girls, by the girls and for the girls. The work of 15 women directors under the age of 30, each of whom contributed an 8-minute film, the package highlights a range of genres, visions and thematic concerns.
On a gloomy Monday morning, my week begins. Although I (Bakarhythm) am sleepy, I put on my make-up and I leave home for work at a bank. I take the subway filled with passengers and get off on the nearest subway station from work. I meet Maki Fujikawa (Kaho) at that subway station. She is my closest colleague at work. While talking with each other, we get to our workplace.
A young bioarchaeologist Yukisuke is attracted to a girl Koyomi, who runs a small stand of taiyaki pastry that he often buys. Koyomi is hospitalized, however, by a car accident on a rainy day after they go out together, and wakes up with short term memory loss, where she cannot remember anything beyond the present day. Yukisuke tries to live close to her as before but the lack of collective memory starts to stagger him.
It was a pre-destined love and marriage for Sonoko and Tetsuo. They tied the knot and became husband and wife no questions asked. All is well then. Well, perhaps not. Each holds a secret that even the binds of matrimony cannot untie. Sonoko does not know that Tetsuo makes sex dolls or Dutch wives. Sonoko has a secret too. She is about to tell Tetsuo what she has been hiding. Their marriage is already sexless. Will they make it?
Theme Song Performance
Старшеклассник Ходака Морисима переезжает со своего родного острова в Токио, где у парня сразу кончаются деньги. Когда он устраивается на подработку в журнал, пишущий о сверхъестественном, погода портится, и начинаются бесконечные дожди. Однажды Ходака знакомится с девушкой по имени Хина Амано, которая обладает удивительной способностью разгонять тучи и останавливать дождь.
Masako Yamaoka
Set towards the end of World War II, Kaede Itakura, who leads kindergartners, and Mitsue Nonomiya, who enjoys music, persuades the parents at the school to take their children out of Tokyo. They seek shelter at an abandoned temple in Saitama while Tokyo is bombed.
Consensual polyamorous relations between Hiroki, Natsuki, and Kanako are injected with palpable tension following their cohabitation, resulting in an unexpected turn of events.
When Suei was little, his mother had an affair with a young man who lived next door. Suei's mother and the young man killed themselves by using dynamite. After Suei graduated from high school, he worked at a factory before quitting his job. He then went to Tokyo and began working in the erotic magazine industry. Suei eventually became the chief editor of a famous erotic magazine in the 1980's.
Taichi's father is the only family he has, but his father commits suicide by hanging. People suspect Taichi might have killed his father. Because of this, Taichi loses his job and he also loses his place. On the day his father is cremated, Taichi meets Tsukiko who is mentally handicapped. Tsukiko has run away from a facility.
Mika Sugihara
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
Mika Sugihara
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
Based on Fuyumi Ono's best-selling books, these 10 tales of spookiness by six Japanese horror directors are designed to chill viewers to the bone.
Four female high school students in Fukuoka are big fans of Japanese rock band "CreepHyp.” They decide to go to Tokyo to attend their concert.
Senior Yuki
Chiyoko’s mother died when she was young. Since that time, Chiyoko has closed her heart to others. After her pet dies, Chiyoko feels loneliness. Her mother liked the Italian movie "La Strada." Due to movie study club senior, Masamune, Chiyoko is able to watch the Italian movie "La Strada," which her mother liked. Chiyoko soon acts in a movie directed by Masamune.
Мей Тачибана ещё с детства решила не сближаться с людьми, она их просто терпеть не может. У неё нет парня, нет подруг, в её сотовом только 2 номера — мама и работа. И вот судьбоносная встреча, она в порыве гнева сшибает с лестницы главного красавца школы, Ямато Куросаву. Странно, но этим она привлекает внимание парня. На все попытки Ямато подружиться Мей отвечает отказом и бумажка с его номером просто валяется у неё в кармане. Но однажды Мей попадает в беду, после работы её преследует незнакомый мужчина.. мама не берёт трубку, что же делать? И кто бы мог подумать, что легкомысленный красавчик Ямато примчится по первому зову нашей угрюмой Мей..
The story of a school festival that is being jointly organized by Tadakuni, Yoshitake, and Hidenori's all-boys school and an adjacent all-girls school. At an all boys high school, Tadakuni (Masaki Suda), Yoshitake (Shuhei Nomura) and Hidenori (Ryo Yoshizawa) are close friends and think usually all day about girls. Their high school then co-hosts a school festival with an all girls high school.
Косуке Окуда повстречал свою школьную знакомую — Мао Ватараи. В школе Мао считали глупой и издевались над ней, но теперь она стала привлекательной женщиной…
Akira Kabayama
Teacher Akira Suzuki breaks away from long-held customs and norms at his school. He tries hard to have the ideal classroom by using his own "Suzuki method". The new semester begins. His homeroom 2-A class is about to have a student council election and preparations for a school festival. A man then takes a female student hostage...
Учитель старшей школы Сэйдзи Хасуми является самым популярным учителем в его школе, обладающий привлекательной улыбкой. Тем не менее, он психопат. Чтобы решить некоторые из школьных проблем, таких как запугивание, и защитить себя, он начинает убивать своих учеников одного за другим.