Kim Hamilton

Kim Hamilton


Kim Hamilton


The Passing Parade
Jana McMinnon
A famous playwright's life is turned upside down when she is forced to look at the choices she has made.
Big Baby
When scientist Dr. Simon invents a genetic transformation machine, evil business men scheme to steal his billion dollar idea. But before they get the chance, Dr. Simon’s two-year-old grandson accidentally turns his body into a thirty-year-old man and runs off. Now his siblings must catch him and figure out how to change him back before their parents get home – and before the bad guys get to him first.
How to Beat a Bully
When a new kid named Cory moves to town, he's picked on by the school bullies. To protect himself, he doesn't use his fists-he uses his brain instead! He scares the bullies off by fibbing that his father is a hit man for the mob. Word quickly spreads around and gets the attention of the REAL mobsters in town, too. Now his dad has the problem! As shenanigans between the family and the mobsters ensue, Cory must find a way to make things right.
In the Dog House
When a divorced mom tries to start dating again, her kids and her dog set out to sabotage the dates. They are successful until her high school sweetheart shows up and he's onto them and they do a comedic battle to sway their mom's heart away from her high school sweetheart back to their father.
Dude Where's My Dog?
Left home alone with his dog Harry, young Ray finds himself in a bit of trouble when Harry gets loose in the suspicious neighbor's house and accidentally knocks over a top-secret invisibility potion! Now, with crooks and the FBI on his tail, Ray needs to find his invisible mischievous mutt before they do - and get Harry back before his parents get home!
The One-Nighter
Bar Patron (as Kim Rousseau)
Six lives change when two strangers wake up in bed together - not knowing who they're with, where they are or how they got there.
Мальчик в коробке
Miz Betsy
В центре сюжета — расследование совершенного полвека назад и так и не раскрытого убийства мальчика, чьи мумифицированные останки были обнаружены в наши дни. Докопаться до истины пытается шериф маленького городка Том Адкинс. Фильм основан на реальных событиях.
Ясное озеро
Warrior Kim
В 1994, жители небольшого города — Ясное Озеро, стали жертвой странной и ужасной болезни. Влиятельный местный пастор назвал вспышку странной болезни, наказанием за людские грехи. К тому времени, когда правоохранительные органы и сотрудники министерства здравоохранения прибыли, чтобы найти причину вспышки, уже тринадцать человек пропали без вести, а большинство горожан покинуло город. Правительство эвакуировало оставшихся граждан и изолировало город. Пятнадцать лет спустя, режиссер-документалист разыскал четырех выживающих и убедил их возвратиться в Ясное Озеро, чтобы воспроизвести их историю, но после возвращения в пустой город, странные вещи начинают происходить снова…