Joshua Winch


The Great Altar
Jeff Long
A minister, Father Michael, and his wife, Renae, are taking a road trip and end up in a bad car accident. Father Michael wakes up to find out he crashed into a tree and his wife Renae is gone. His journey into a small vacant town results in a great conspiracy involving an artifact known to Bible scholars at the throne of Satan.
Lake Fear 3
Remington has escaped the evil cabin, but now the evil continues to follow him wrecking havoc where ever he goes. As Chloe and Revel look for a missing sister that went to the evil cabin in the previous installment. The two meet Vincent, a failing tv show host, to help psychicly contact the missing sister. That's when a gunshot rings out in the night and the three meet Remington. Now they all must battle for their lives against the evil that pursues Remington to once and for all lock the evil away for good.
Fall of Grace
A troubled couple's lives descend into violence and madness after a demonic entity takes their daughter.
Сверхлюди. Альянс сил
Группы людей со сверхспособностями борются за девушку, силы которой помогут установить контроль над целым городом. Разворачивается война, которая грозит уничтожить всё живое.
Сайпресс Крик
Четыре подружки решили на выходных съездить в лес, в один заброшенный дом. Они даже и представить себе не могли, чем закончится эта поездка....