Nathaniel Philbrick


Call Us Ishmael
Each and every year hundreds of people flock to New Bedford, MA in bleak mid-winter to partake in a celebration like none other. They read this single book out loud over the course of two full days without stopping. All of these people have one thing in common: they are obsessed with Moby Dick, the book that most call the Great American Novel.
The Pilgrims
Arguably one of the most fateful and resonant events of the last half millennium, the Pilgrims journey west across the Atlantic in the early 17th century is a seminal, if often misunderstood episode of American and world history. The Pilgrims explores the forces, circumstances, personalities and events that converged to exile the English group in Holland and eventually propel their crossing to the New World; a story universally familiar in broad outline, but almost entirely unfamiliar to a general audience in its rich and compelling historical actuality. Includes the real history of the "first thanksgiving".
В сердце моря
В 1819 году американский корабль «Эссекс» с командой из двух десятков человек на борту отправился из порта в штате Массачусетс на китобойный промысел. Осенью 1820-го успешная на протяжении полутора лет охота была прервана атакой гигантского кашалота на судно, в результате чего морякам пришлось пересесть в шлюпки. В течение трёх с лишним месяцев они боролись за выживание посреди океана…