Federico Amérigo


Cayó de la gloria el diablo
Subsistence-economy slum guy who sells used newsprint for a living breaks into showbiz with an inadvertantly-comical fire-eater act. The novelty of him wears off very quickly, and then...
La Generala
During the Mexican Revolution, a hardened and rich lady landowner is overtaken by the violence of the times. Losing her land and house, she falls in love with a revolutionary leader that is killed by a sadistic and corrupt federal officer. She takes the revolutionary flag and leads a rampage of violence and destruction.
The Olympics in Mexico
Executive Producer
Documentary about the XIX Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968
Pedro Paramo
Executive Producer
When his mother Dolores dies, Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister place, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…
The Golden Cockerel
Executive Producer
A poor, but very lucky man in the cock fighting, is hired by a rich man, but both are in love with the same woman
In the fall of 1824 Javier Montenegro, Bradomin Marquis is spared death hanging by Captain Casares, and in return, the Marquis agrees to help him escape to America. Adaptation of "Sonata de Otoño" and "Sonata de Estío" of Ramón María del Valle-Inclan, which included elements Bardem later works of the author.
Executive Producer
Nazarín is the priest who leaves his order and decides to go on a pilgrimage. As he goes along subsisting on alms, he shelters a prostitute wanted by the police for murder. He is released from suspicion and she eventually catches up with him when she escapes imprisonment. Another woman joins the duo and soon the ex-priest is learning more about the human heart and suffering than when he wore robes.
The Innocent
Production Manager
After a quarrel with her boyfriend on New Year's Eve, Mane drives her car from Mexico City to Cuernavaca to meet her parents in their country house. The car breaks down in the highway and Mane has to ask for help. Mechanic Cruci arrives and, after testing the car, offers Mane a ride on his motorcycle. Back in Mane's house, she invites him some drinks to celebrate New Year's Eve. They get drunk and, the morning after, Mane's parents arrive and find them sleeping together. Not knowing what happened, Mane and Cruci are forced to get married against their will.
Робинзон Крузо
Production Manager
Робинзон Крузо, моряк из Йорка, терпит кораблекрушение, при этом спасается и оказывается на необитаемом острове. Из команды корабля Крузо остаётся один. Своё заточение на острове он начинает с кошкой и собакой. Жизнь на острове полна различными трудностями и опасностями как природного происхождения, так и исходящими от дикарей-каннибалов и пиратов.
Wuthering Heights
Production Manager
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.
Production Manager
Francisco is rich, rather strict on principles, and still a bachelor. After meeting Gloria by accident, he is suddenly intent on her becoming his wife and courts her until she agrees to marry him. Francisco is a dedicated husband, but little by little his passion starts to exhibit disturbing traits. Nevertheless, Gloria meets with scepticism as she expresses her worries to their acquaintances.
One Big Affair
Production Manager
Lawyer Jimmy Donovan thinks a bicycle tour through Mexico is just the thing to keep him out of trouble until his client arrives. But when school teacher Jean Harper misses her tour bus, all of a sudden Jimmy is in for much more than he bargained for.
Дочь обмана
Production Manager
В данной драме, отец, твердо веря, что дочь родилась не от него, оставляет ее на пороге дома нищего пьяницы. Пройдёт много лет, прожитые им с огромным чувством вины, разрушающей и съедающей его изнутри, прежде чем он отправится на её поиски…
Production Manager
История юного Педро, который растет в трущобах Мехико. Там мальчик каждый день сталкивается с криминальным миром, подвергающим испытанию его только формирующиеся жизненные ценности.
The Great Madcap
Production Manager
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!
Gran Casino
Production Manager
After the mysterious disappearance of an oil well owner, one of his workers, Gerardo assumes the business management. Soon, the owner's sister arrives from Argentina, and, believing that Gerardo killed her brother to keep the wells for himself, she starts working as a singer under a false name in the same casino her brother disappeared, in order to find out what exactly happened.
Production Manager
В небольшой рыбацкой деревушке живет бедный рыбак Кино с женой Хуаной. Однажды их жизнь переворачивается из-за двух происшествий: их маленького сына кусает скорпион, а Кино находит на дне моря крупную и очень дорогую жемчужину.