Dr. Laura Ingall
A pair of weed-loving, free lance video journalists find themselves targeted by a mark they slandered in one of their exposes.
(Long Synopsis) "In this laugh-out-loud, satirical comedy, Tripp Bailey (Marc Evan Johnson, Transformers) is a washed-up journalist who longs to be a high-profile, hard-hitting investigative reporter. But he has a plan … a plot to infiltrate and debunk Pyrasphere, Hollywood’s fastest-growing, new-age religion! Armed with only “The Truth”, he drafts his brother-in-law (Matt Price, TV’s Men of a Certain Age, Evan Almighty, Man on the Moon), a wedding/bar mitzvah videographer, and sets out to make his name. Under the leadership of glamorous, fame-seeking guru Gossamyrhh (Maggie Rowe, Ocean’s Thirteen, Fun With Dick and Jane), the duo encounters a wildly colorful collection of cultists, including his ex-wife (Amy Stiller, Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, The Cable Guy). But is Gossamyrhh’s philosophy actually genuine? Can Tripp really have it all through enlightenment … or is it a sham and part of a not-so-divine plan?
(Long Synopsis) "In this laugh-out-loud, satirical comedy, Tripp Bailey (Marc Evan Johnson, Transformers) is a washed-up journalist who longs to be a high-profile, hard-hitting investigative reporter. But he has a plan … a plot to infiltrate and debunk Pyrasphere, Hollywood’s fastest-growing, new-age religion! Armed with only “The Truth”, he drafts his brother-in-law (Matt Price, TV’s Men of a Certain Age, Evan Almighty, Man on the Moon), a wedding/bar mitzvah videographer, and sets out to make his name. Under the leadership of glamorous, fame-seeking guru Gossamyrhh (Maggie Rowe, Ocean’s Thirteen, Fun With Dick and Jane), the duo encounters a wildly colorful collection of cultists, including his ex-wife (Amy Stiller, Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, The Cable Guy). But is Gossamyrhh’s philosophy actually genuine? Can Tripp really have it all through enlightenment … or is it a sham and part of a not-so-divine plan?
(Long Synopsis) "In this laugh-out-loud, satirical comedy, Tripp Bailey (Marc Evan Johnson, Transformers) is a washed-up journalist who longs to be a high-profile, hard-hitting investigative reporter. But he has a plan … a plot to infiltrate and debunk Pyrasphere, Hollywood’s fastest-growing, new-age religion! Armed with only “The Truth”, he drafts his brother-in-law (Matt Price, TV’s Men of a Certain Age, Evan Almighty, Man on the Moon), a wedding/bar mitzvah videographer, and sets out to make his name. Under the leadership of glamorous, fame-seeking guru Gossamyrhh (Maggie Rowe, Ocean’s Thirteen, Fun With Dick and Jane), the duo encounters a wildly colorful collection of cultists, including his ex-wife (Amy Stiller, Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, The Cable Guy). But is Gossamyrhh’s philosophy actually genuine? Can Tripp really have it all through enlightenment … or is it a sham and part of a not-so-divine plan?
A writer from Los Angeles, who doesn't believe that relationships can last for him, struggles to mend his most recent failed relationship.
Когда безжалостный владелец казино Уилли Бэнк подставляет одного из некогда одиннадцати друзей Оушена, — а именно Рубена Тишкоффа, — Дэнни и его верным соратникам ничего не остается, как вновь объединиться, чтобы проверить, по силам ли им все еще сорвать «банк».
Karen Williams
Дик Харпер и его молодая жена Джейн привыкли жить красиво. Но в тот момент, когда они затевают строительство бассейна, Дика неожиданно увольняют, оставив его с непогашенной задолжностью за дом в $70 тыс.Понимая, что долго скрывать от соседей бедственность своего положения им не удастся, парочка начинает промышлять мелким грабежом, постепенно входя во вкус.
Молодому оболтусу Билли выпап редкий шанс попасть в престижную Академию сноубординга и он не намерен его упускать. Тем более, что соблазнительная дочка тренера, Уинтер, в этом сезоне особенно хороша. Но после одной сумасшедшей вечеринки в горячей ванне со знойными красотками и морем выпивки Билли улетает из Академии прямо в мусорный бак! Теперь только показав всё свое мастерство на самом непреступном горном склоне, Билли сумеет завоевать доверие команды и очаровательных поклонниц. И может быть, ему даже удастся выиграть главный приз — настоящую любовь!