Vili Tzankov

Vili Tzankov

Рождение : 1924-06-07, Sofia, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2007-10-20


Vili Tzankov


1876. The Turks murder the parents of the 14-year-old Rali. His only relative is sentenced to life imprisonment in the Asian fortress. Rali walks after the condemned men. After a long and painful road, he reaches the fortress. He finds help from the old man and his daughter. With their assistance, he organizes the escape of the condemned. After numerous adventures the fugitives reaches the motherland. They enlist in a Bulgarian rebel army together with the Russian soldiers of the Russian-Turkish War for the freedom of Bulgaria.
1920's. A young girl - teacher comes from the city to a small, poor village to teach the children. There is a medic in the village. Without being a doctor, he has taken up the noble deed to help people. The "miracle" of the village is two twins - brother and sister, Lefter and Leftera. Both of them resell village land. Everyone is feeling the pressure from the twins. This causes the eruption of a violent and bloody riot.
The Weddings of Ioan Assen
The film takes us back into the times of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom - 13th century. The Bulgarian Emperor - Tsar Ioan Assen - is trying through several marriages to enlarge the State and to support the peace in it.
The Bulgarian intelligence service has information that the top agent Peron is to arrive in Bulgaria. The higher official of the counter intelligence Ivan with an alias Y 17 is to investigate. Peron has to meet his local contact, the former ship captain Rudnev. The young Mina is accommodated in Rudnev's home. Rudnev figures that she is counterintelligence and agrees to cooperate with the task force. Soon after, Peron meets Mina and an eccentric engineer, fired from the job. The young man is the deep undercover agent Y 117. Peron tests the man. He tells him that Mina is an agent of the Bulgarian counterintelligence, and gives him a gun to kill her. Y 117 shoots Mina but the bullet was a blank. After that Y 117 should leave the country with Peron.
Между рельсами
Когда в 1940 году немецкий сапог ступил на землю Бельгии и страна была оккупирована, маленькая девочка-болгарка уехала к себе на родину в Софию. Её звали Элица. Отец Элицы, который был участником сопротивления и сражался с фашистами, остался в Бельгии. В Софии Элица живёт со своей бабушкой и дядей Христо, который, так же как её отец, борется с фашистами. Элица всё время думает об отце, ждёт писем, надеется на его возвращение в Болгарию. Но гестапо захватило смелого патриота, и Элица получает извещение о его казни. Схвачен и дядя Христо...