Joelle Sellner


Dial S for Santa
A Christmas mystery with Lana, who comes back to her hometown to visit her mom for the holidays only to encounter Nick, a new police detective, with whom she teams up to discover who is behind a string of unusual burglaries in their town.
Спасая дух рождества
Ученая-археолог отправляется в Шотландию и заново открывает для себя важность веры в чудо, находя скрытые сокровища не только под землей, но и в окружающих ее людях.
Love on Trend
When Allie Ederling left her small town to move to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer, little did she imagine that the city had big plans for her… and for her heart!
Париж, вино и романтика
Изабелла, владелица семейной винодельни в Орегоне, отправляется на престижный конкурс вин в Париже. Там она сталкивается со своим главным соперником Жаком, очаровательным французом. Изабелла боится начать новые отношения, но город вечной любви не оставляет ей выбора.
Однажды на свидании
Джош — сын главы успешной компании по недвижимости. Для того, чтобы взять на себя новый проект, ему нужно уговорить владельца театра продать свою собственность, но это оказывается непосильной задачей, ведь Джош влюбляется в его дочь.
Любовь на винограднике
When overworked lawyer Diana’s (Margo Harshman) uncle, Hugh, passes away she’s called back to his vineyard to settle his estate. Hugh has left half of his Golden Range Winery & Vineyard to Diana and half to Seth (Steve Talley), his right hand man and Diana’s ex-boyfriend. Hugh’s final request is that the two work the next harvest together, set to begin in a few weeks. Neither is happy at the arrangement but they begrudgingly agree. Furthermore, neighboring competitor Grant Garritson (Jack Wagner) threatens to drive a wedge into Diana and Seth’s already shaky relationship. They have a short window to figure it all out so that they both get what they ultimately want.
Любовь на винограднике
When overworked lawyer Diana’s (Margo Harshman) uncle, Hugh, passes away she’s called back to his vineyard to settle his estate. Hugh has left half of his Golden Range Winery & Vineyard to Diana and half to Seth (Steve Talley), his right hand man and Diana’s ex-boyfriend. Hugh’s final request is that the two work the next harvest together, set to begin in a few weeks. Neither is happy at the arrangement but they begrudgingly agree. Furthermore, neighboring competitor Grant Garritson (Jack Wagner) threatens to drive a wedge into Diana and Seth’s already shaky relationship. They have a short window to figure it all out so that they both get what they ultimately want.
It Had to Be You
When her ad agency is absorbed by a much larger, more powerful firm, Darby's rivalry with new partner Derrick could blossom into something else.
Win, Lose or Love
As young and recently single parents, Clara and Alex have two completely different styles of parenting. While helicopter mom Clara hovers over her son Oliver, Alex's daughter Emma feels out of touch with her father's life. Their two worlds collide when Alex proposes that his marketing company shoot a commercial at the kids' school and Clara, up for election as the parent group president, objects the idea. The commercial is Alex's last hope for keeping the company afloat, so in a moment of desperation, he nominates himself for parent group president. In a surprising turn of events, Clara and Alex tie for president and must work together to run the group until the mandated re-vote. The bitter rivals struggle for power, outfoxing each other any chance they get, until the matter of raising their children puts things into perspective. Clara and Alex come to a mutual understanding and even ignite a spark of romance.
The Reluctant Nanny
IT guru Libby gets more than she bargained for when, after losing her job, she reluctantly agrees to help a cop with fostering two abandoned kids.